Самооцінка рівня рухової активності міських підлітків
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СумДПУ імені А. С. Макаренка
Стаття присвячена проблемі формування рухової активності дітей середнього шкільного віку. Фактичний рівень рухової активності, її енергетичну складову, питання щодо самооцінки, зацікавленості у фізичній діяльності, самопочуття до і після тренування вивчали за допомогою адаптованого нами опитувальника 0.АРАСЕ (415 анкет). Установлено співвідношення суб'єктивних оцінок із фактичною фізичною активністю та енерговитратами дітей. Результати суб'єктивної та об'єктивної оцінки співпали у 36,8±2,4 % учнів. З 68,4 % підлітків, які оцінюють свою рухову активність як достатню, 49,9 % веде малорухливий спосіб життя. Перспективними науковими дослідженнями є встановлення оптимального рівня рухової активності підлітків.
In the article the issues of self-rating, motivation and attitude to the physical activity (PA) of urban adolescents have been examined. Our previous studies, as well as studies of other scientists, have determined a decrease of the routine PA in adolescents with increase in the static load. Therefore, this category of population is one of the most important target groups for the implementation of measures for increasing physical activity. The aim of this publication is to compare self-rating of the physical activity level with its actual level in urban adolescents. The actual level PA for students of secondary school-age and its energy component, the issue of self-rating of RA, the interest in PA, well-being before and after sport training were studied using the QAPACE questionnaire adapted by us. In order to determine the rate of energy consumption, the metabolic equivalent was used. In the study the results of survey of 415 children (163 boys, 252 girls) from 11 to 15 years from three Ukrainian cities have been included. We have established that 68.4 % of urban adolescents consider their physical activity as sufficient, 3.7 % - as excessive, 17.0 % - as insufficient. The ratio of subjective assessments to actual physical activity level and energy consumption was established. In group which evaluate their RA as sufficient (68,4 %), 49.9 % of urban adolescents have a sedentary lifestyle and only 18.5 % have a moderately and a highly active lifestyle. The results of the subjective and the objective evaluation are the same for 36,8±2,4 % of the students. Among adolescents which consider that their PA is not enough, more than a third of children (37,7±4,7 %) reported a hard school load as the main reason. If children have chosen sports sections by themselves, their PA was more in energy by 24,8 % and time - by 12,7 % (p <0,001) and the duration of the static component in them is less by 5,7 % (p < 0.001) in comparison with group of the forced choice. The probability of the physical activity level 60 min/daily in a group of children who have chosen sports sections by themselves was increased in 3,4 times (p <0.001). The probability of a sedentary lifestyle in the group of the forced choice is by 25,5 % higher (p <0,001).
In the article the issues of self-rating, motivation and attitude to the physical activity (PA) of urban adolescents have been examined. Our previous studies, as well as studies of other scientists, have determined a decrease of the routine PA in adolescents with increase in the static load. Therefore, this category of population is one of the most important target groups for the implementation of measures for increasing physical activity. The aim of this publication is to compare self-rating of the physical activity level with its actual level in urban adolescents. The actual level PA for students of secondary school-age and its energy component, the issue of self-rating of RA, the interest in PA, well-being before and after sport training were studied using the QAPACE questionnaire adapted by us. In order to determine the rate of energy consumption, the metabolic equivalent was used. In the study the results of survey of 415 children (163 boys, 252 girls) from 11 to 15 years from three Ukrainian cities have been included. We have established that 68.4 % of urban adolescents consider their physical activity as sufficient, 3.7 % - as excessive, 17.0 % - as insufficient. The ratio of subjective assessments to actual physical activity level and energy consumption was established. In group which evaluate their RA as sufficient (68,4 %), 49.9 % of urban adolescents have a sedentary lifestyle and only 18.5 % have a moderately and a highly active lifestyle. The results of the subjective and the objective evaluation are the same for 36,8±2,4 % of the students. Among adolescents which consider that their PA is not enough, more than a third of children (37,7±4,7 %) reported a hard school load as the main reason. If children have chosen sports sections by themselves, their PA was more in energy by 24,8 % and time - by 12,7 % (p <0,001) and the duration of the static component in them is less by 5,7 % (p < 0.001) in comparison with group of the forced choice. The probability of the physical activity level 60 min/daily in a group of children who have chosen sports sections by themselves was increased in 3,4 times (p <0.001). The probability of a sedentary lifestyle in the group of the forced choice is by 25,5 % higher (p <0,001).
Ключові слова
рухова активність, підлітки, самооцінка, ставлення, емоційний стан, енерговитрати, physical activity, adolescences, self-rating, attitude, well-being, energy, consumption, metabolic equivalent
Бібліографічний опис
Гозак, С. Самооцінка рівня рухової активності міських підлітків [Текст] / С. Гозак, О. Єлізарова, А. Парац [та ін.]. // Педагогічні науки: теорія, історія, інноваційні технології : науковий журнал / Міністерство освіти і науки України, Сумський державний педагогічний університет імені А. С. Макаренка ; редкол.: А. А. Сбруєва, М. А. Бойченко, О. Є. Антонова [та ін.]. – Суми : Вид-во СумДПУ імені А. С. Макаренка, 2018 – № 3 (77). – С. 49–57.