Культурологічний підхід до навчання української мови майбутніх молодших спеціалістів з журналістики
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У статті на основі аналізу наукових джерел наведено способи типізації поняття культура. Окреслено науково-методичні засади культурологічного підходу до навчання української мови студентів спеціальності 061 «Журналістика» в умовах освітнього процесу ВНЗ І–ІІ р.а. Увагу акцентовано на шляхах його реалізації в контексті вивчення курсу «Українська мова за професійним спрямуванням». Наведено зразки проблемних завдань з української мови за професійним спрямуванням для майбутніх журналістів. Запропоновано схему орієнтованого культурологічного аналізу тексту.
Based on the analysis of scientific sources there are ways of typing the concept of culture in the article. It outlines the scientific and methodological foundations of cultural approach to teaching of Ukrainian language students of the specialty 061 “Journalism” in the conditions of educational process of universities of the I–II levels of accreditation and ways of its realization in the context of the course “Ukrainian language for professional direction”. There are examples of tasks for practical classes with Ukrainian language of the professional direction for future journalists. It provides a scheme oriented cultural analysis of the text. The study used: methods of theoretical analysis of scientific sources; study and generalization of the advanced experience in the introduction of innovative changes within the educational process of higher education institutions of the I–II levels of accreditation. Advanced technologies for the realization of culturological approach to teaching Ukrainian language students of the specialty 061 “Journalism” in the conditions of educational process of universities of the I–II levels of accreditation of Ukraine are defined as: creation of cultural studies clubs; methodological support of the discipline “Ukrainian language (for professional purposes)” on the basis of linguistic and cross-cultural, ethno-linguistic material; creation of centers of multicultural development; development of a system of laboratories of international cultural cooperation; development of copyright design technology, which will be based on specific subjects, such as “Ukrainian language in dialogue of cultures”; “Foundations of regional geography”; “Multicultural environment”. The methodological foundation of cultural technologies, of course, must be presented through innovative techniques, tools, methods, forms of educational activities and cooperation with students: theatre, discussion, debate, electives, design technology, games, presentations, case-system, communication discourse training and so on. The choice of methods, receptions, means of training depends on the methodological competence of the teacher of Ukrainian language and literature, understanding the importance of problems of development of cultural personality of the future journalist, their attitude to the linguistic and cultural heritage of the nation and the desire of students to develop the skills of personal and intercultural communication.
Based on the analysis of scientific sources there are ways of typing the concept of culture in the article. It outlines the scientific and methodological foundations of cultural approach to teaching of Ukrainian language students of the specialty 061 “Journalism” in the conditions of educational process of universities of the I–II levels of accreditation and ways of its realization in the context of the course “Ukrainian language for professional direction”. There are examples of tasks for practical classes with Ukrainian language of the professional direction for future journalists. It provides a scheme oriented cultural analysis of the text. The study used: methods of theoretical analysis of scientific sources; study and generalization of the advanced experience in the introduction of innovative changes within the educational process of higher education institutions of the I–II levels of accreditation. Advanced technologies for the realization of culturological approach to teaching Ukrainian language students of the specialty 061 “Journalism” in the conditions of educational process of universities of the I–II levels of accreditation of Ukraine are defined as: creation of cultural studies clubs; methodological support of the discipline “Ukrainian language (for professional purposes)” on the basis of linguistic and cross-cultural, ethno-linguistic material; creation of centers of multicultural development; development of a system of laboratories of international cultural cooperation; development of copyright design technology, which will be based on specific subjects, such as “Ukrainian language in dialogue of cultures”; “Foundations of regional geography”; “Multicultural environment”. The methodological foundation of cultural technologies, of course, must be presented through innovative techniques, tools, methods, forms of educational activities and cooperation with students: theatre, discussion, debate, electives, design technology, games, presentations, case-system, communication discourse training and so on. The choice of methods, receptions, means of training depends on the methodological competence of the teacher of Ukrainian language and literature, understanding the importance of problems of development of cultural personality of the future journalist, their attitude to the linguistic and cultural heritage of the nation and the desire of students to develop the skills of personal and intercultural communication.
Ключові слова
молодший спеціаліст, майбутній журналіст, культура, освіта, культурологічний підхід, мовленнєва діяльність, культурологічний аналіз, українська мова за професійним спрямуванням, junior specialist, journalist, culture, education, culturological approach, cultural memory, speech activity, cultural analysis, Ukrainian language for professional purpose
Бібліографічний опис
Пономаренко, Н. Культурологічний підхід до навчання української мови майбутніх молодших спеціалістів з журналістики [Текст] / Н. Пономаренко // Педагогічні науки: теорія, історія, інноваційні технології : науковий журнал / МОН України, Сумський держ. пед. ун-т ім. А. С. Макаренка ; [редкол.: А. А. Сбруєва, М. А. Бойченко, О. Є. Антонова та ін.]. – Суми : СумДПУ ім. А. С. Макаренка, 2017. – № 2 (66). – С. 103–113.