Управління освітою дорослого населення у Великій Британії
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СумДПУ імені А. С. Макаренка
У статті досліджено етапи управління освітою дорослого населення у Великій Британії. Зокрема з'ясовано, що до початку XX століття у Великій Британії зберігалася традиція децентралізації управління освітою дорослих. Закон «Про освіту» 1944 р. передбачав врегулювання освіти дорослих на 2 рівнях - у центральному через Департамент освіти і науки та місцевому через місцеві органи управління освітою, який переважав в урегулюванні освітою дорослих. У ХХ ст. система управління у Великій Британії характеризувалася трьома рівнями: національним (федеральним), регіональним та місцевим. До управління освітою залучалися представники громадськості, недержавних закладів. Для Великої Британії була характерною форма громадського-державного управління освітою.
The article examines the stages of adult education management in the UK. In particular, in was found out that, until the beginning of the 20th century, the tradition of decentralizing adult education management persisted in Great Britain. The Law "On Education" of 1944 provided for the regulation of adult education at 2 levels -central through the Department of Education and Science and local through the local education authorities, which prevailed in the regulation of adult education. In the twentieth century management system in the UK was characterized by three levels: national (federal), regional and local. Representatives of the public, non-state institutions were involved in the management of education. For Great Britain was a typical form of public education management. In the late 70's the mechanism of state regulation of the adult education system in England had undergone radical transformations in the context of scientific and technological progress of the general economic crisis in the background of the transition of the country to the system of free market relations. The ideological platform of the Conservative Party was led by Margaret Thatcher (1979-1992). Based in the laws of free market relations in the field of adult education, which means maintaining a healthy competition between providers of educational services and the increasing power of the central government in the management of education. The first step of the conservative government was to reduce the amount of funding in the social sphere, including education, which sees the only way out for England from a difficult economic situation. With regard to adult education, the proposed market model of education was oriented, first of all, on cost-effective forms of adult education, that is, increased professionalism of staff and vocational retraining caused by the rapid pace of scientific and technological revolution; general education of adults under such conditions passed into consideration secondary. Nowadays adult education in the UK is one of the priorities of the state policy and it is based on long historical tradition, high performance, in-depth scientific and pedagogical research, and practice implementation has proved its effectiveness and efficiency. In Great Britain considerable attention is paid to raising the level of professional qualifications of teachers who are paid by the state in this country. After analyzing the recently adopted laws, we can conclude that the law is a gradual move away from decentralization and transition to a "mixed" model of adult education management, i.e. the characteristic British decentralized centralism. Hence, the regulation of adult education takes place in two levels - central and local. The central level of regulation of adult education took place in accordance with the Law "On Education" (1944) through the Department of Education and Science, and local - through local education management bodies. But due to the fact that management was guided by the development of a local initiative, the English adult education system was traditionally characterized as "a national system that is regulated locally". Unlike other European states, education in Great Britain is carried out with considerable autonomy in each of the regions of the country - England, Wales, Scotland, Northern Ireland.
The article examines the stages of adult education management in the UK. In particular, in was found out that, until the beginning of the 20th century, the tradition of decentralizing adult education management persisted in Great Britain. The Law "On Education" of 1944 provided for the regulation of adult education at 2 levels -central through the Department of Education and Science and local through the local education authorities, which prevailed in the regulation of adult education. In the twentieth century management system in the UK was characterized by three levels: national (federal), regional and local. Representatives of the public, non-state institutions were involved in the management of education. For Great Britain was a typical form of public education management. In the late 70's the mechanism of state regulation of the adult education system in England had undergone radical transformations in the context of scientific and technological progress of the general economic crisis in the background of the transition of the country to the system of free market relations. The ideological platform of the Conservative Party was led by Margaret Thatcher (1979-1992). Based in the laws of free market relations in the field of adult education, which means maintaining a healthy competition between providers of educational services and the increasing power of the central government in the management of education. The first step of the conservative government was to reduce the amount of funding in the social sphere, including education, which sees the only way out for England from a difficult economic situation. With regard to adult education, the proposed market model of education was oriented, first of all, on cost-effective forms of adult education, that is, increased professionalism of staff and vocational retraining caused by the rapid pace of scientific and technological revolution; general education of adults under such conditions passed into consideration secondary. Nowadays adult education in the UK is one of the priorities of the state policy and it is based on long historical tradition, high performance, in-depth scientific and pedagogical research, and practice implementation has proved its effectiveness and efficiency. In Great Britain considerable attention is paid to raising the level of professional qualifications of teachers who are paid by the state in this country. After analyzing the recently adopted laws, we can conclude that the law is a gradual move away from decentralization and transition to a "mixed" model of adult education management, i.e. the characteristic British decentralized centralism. Hence, the regulation of adult education takes place in two levels - central and local. The central level of regulation of adult education took place in accordance with the Law "On Education" (1944) through the Department of Education and Science, and local - through local education management bodies. But due to the fact that management was guided by the development of a local initiative, the English adult education system was traditionally characterized as "a national system that is regulated locally". Unlike other European states, education in Great Britain is carried out with considerable autonomy in each of the regions of the country - England, Wales, Scotland, Northern Ireland.
Ключові слова
управління освітою, освіта дорослих, Велика Британія, децентралізований централізм, автономність, education management, adult education, Great Britain, decentralized centralism, autonomy
Бібліографічний опис
Орос, І. І. Управління освітою дорослого населення у Великій Британії [Текст] / І. І. Орос // Педагогічні науки: теорія, історія, інноваційні технології : науковий журнал / Міністерство освіти і науки України, Сумський державний педагогічний університет імені А. С. Макаренка ; [редкол.: А. А. Сбруєва, М. А. Бойченко, О. Є. Антонова та ін.]. – Суми : СумДПУ імені А. С. Макаренка, 2018. – № 7 (81). – С. 18–27.