Наративне навчання у медіапросторі
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У статті йде мова про те, що динамічний розвиток інформаційного соціуму та нових технологій перетворення інформації зумовлює необхідність створення сприятливих умов для застосування наративного навчання як нового методологічного підходу в педагогічній практиці та комунікації. Наративний підхід створює можливість для пошуку й розуміння смислів у різних формах і проявах життя. За допомогою наративу людина може осмислити ширші, складніші й більш диференційованіші контексти власного досвіду. Охарактеризовано й дано визначення поняттям наративного навчання, мультимедійного наративу, медіа компетентності, обґрунтовано необхідність використання мультимедійних технологій учителями у процесі впровадження наративних методик у професійну діяльність.
The article refers to the fact that the dynamic development of the information society and new transforming information technologies necessitates the creation of favorable conditions for the use of narrative learning as a new methodological approach in teaching practice and communication. Narrative approach provides an opportunity to find meaning and understanding in various forms and manifestations of life. Using narrative approach person can comprehend the broader, more complex and more dyferent context of personal experience. The concept of narrative learning, multimedia narrative, media competence, the necessity of using multimedia technology by teachers in implementing narrative methods in their professional activities is characterized and defined. The multimedia narrative increases the values space using information and communication technologies that impact the strategies of design, understanding and learning of reality and identify it as part of human reality. It extends the information channels of influence, creating favorable conditions for cognitive activity, provides a new development of interactive learning in practice allows for the implementation of an individual approach. Effective factor of multimedia narrative is its interactivity, adaptability, based on the use of networked information technologies, including cloud technology resources, flexible learning modules, distance learning, providing interactivity, continuity, democracy, and personal orientation training. Narrative multimedia training is defined as a teacher interactions with students in which the rational and logical, emotional and sensory characteristics of information transferred to and absorbed not only through verbal, but also other information channels using information and communication technologies, making it possible to extend, enlarge, update a number of meanings and nuances that arise in the course of new knowledge. Narrative multimedia learning is characterized by a certain level of creativity that makes possible different ways of structuring, transmission and presentation of information. Therefore, a characteristic feature of teacher training to a multimedia narrative learning is fostering the skills of critical perception of information in the media space and enriching the experience of creative activity, formating of creating imaginative world skills using information and communication technologies. This approach is based on the magnitude of attracting students to the creation of information products as a necessarily step in the process of development of information and communication competency and media competency, which is of particular importance in the modern media space – an integral environment used for storage, transmission and presentation of information or data.
The article refers to the fact that the dynamic development of the information society and new transforming information technologies necessitates the creation of favorable conditions for the use of narrative learning as a new methodological approach in teaching practice and communication. Narrative approach provides an opportunity to find meaning and understanding in various forms and manifestations of life. Using narrative approach person can comprehend the broader, more complex and more dyferent context of personal experience. The concept of narrative learning, multimedia narrative, media competence, the necessity of using multimedia technology by teachers in implementing narrative methods in their professional activities is characterized and defined. The multimedia narrative increases the values space using information and communication technologies that impact the strategies of design, understanding and learning of reality and identify it as part of human reality. It extends the information channels of influence, creating favorable conditions for cognitive activity, provides a new development of interactive learning in practice allows for the implementation of an individual approach. Effective factor of multimedia narrative is its interactivity, adaptability, based on the use of networked information technologies, including cloud technology resources, flexible learning modules, distance learning, providing interactivity, continuity, democracy, and personal orientation training. Narrative multimedia training is defined as a teacher interactions with students in which the rational and logical, emotional and sensory characteristics of information transferred to and absorbed not only through verbal, but also other information channels using information and communication technologies, making it possible to extend, enlarge, update a number of meanings and nuances that arise in the course of new knowledge. Narrative multimedia learning is characterized by a certain level of creativity that makes possible different ways of structuring, transmission and presentation of information. Therefore, a characteristic feature of teacher training to a multimedia narrative learning is fostering the skills of critical perception of information in the media space and enriching the experience of creative activity, formating of creating imaginative world skills using information and communication technologies. This approach is based on the magnitude of attracting students to the creation of information products as a necessarily step in the process of development of information and communication competency and media competency, which is of particular importance in the modern media space – an integral environment used for storage, transmission and presentation of information or data.
Ключові слова
наративне навчання, мультимедійне наративне навчання, мультимедійний наратив, наративні методики, медіапростір, медіа компетентність, narrative study, multimedia narrative learning, multimedia narrative, narrative technique, media space, media competence
Бібліографічний опис
Тимчук, Л. І. Наративне навчання у медіапросторі [Текст] / Л. І. Тимчук // Педагогічні науки: теорія, історія, інноваційні технології : науковий журнал / Міністерство освіти і науки України, Сумський державний університет імені А. С. Макаренка ; редкол.: А. А. Сбруєва, О. Є. Антонова, Дж. Бішоп та ін. – Суми : СумДПУ імені А. С. Макаренка, 2014. – № 3 (37). – С. 355–368.