Теоретична модель розвитку лідерської компетентності офіцерів Десантно-штурмових військ у системі післядипломної освіти
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У статті зосереджено увагу на актуальності розвитку офіцерів-лідерів Десантно-штурмових військ на етапі професіоналізації як вагомий фактор трансформації системи військової освіти. На основі попередніх досліджень обґрунтовано й розроблено теоретичну модель розвитку лідерської компетентності офіцерів Десантно-штурмових військ у системі післядипломної освіти. Упровадивши теоретичну модель розвитку в систему професійної військової освіти у ВВНЗ України на етапі професіоналізації офіцерів дасть змогу забезпечити розвиток лідерської компетентності офіцерів Десантно-штурмових військ Збройних сил України. Практична функція моделі дозволить представити модель як інструмент і засіб наукового експерименту.
The article focuses on the relevance of the development of officers-leaders of the Assault troops at the stage of professionalization as an important factor in the transformation of the military education system. On the basis of previous research, the theoretical model of development of leadership competence of officers of Airborne Assault troops in the system of postgraduate education is substantiated and developed. Introducing a theoretical model of development into the system of professional military education in Ukrainian universities at the stage of professionalization of officers will ensure the development of leadership competence of officers of the Assault Troops of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. In the context of the reform of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, the introduction of a system of training military specialists according to NATO standards, the problem of career development of officers-leaders is becoming a priority. Our aim in the article is to substantiate and develop a theoretical model for the development of leadership competence of assault officers in the system of postgraduate education for further introduction into the system of professional military education in Ukrainian universities at the stage of professionalization of officers. Based on the analysis of scientific publications, it is found that the main emphasis of modern researchers is on the disclosure of general typological features of the military leader. The problem of professionalization of the officer-leader is ignored, the development of his leadership competence has not been fully resolved. Thus, it is relevant for modern military- pedagogical science to substantiate and develop a model for the development of leadership competence of officers, taking into account the specifics of their management and militaryprofessional activities, in particular officers of the Assault Troops. In our opinion, the theoretical foundations of modeling the pedagogical process were determined in order to approach the ideal image of an officer-leader of Assault troops. Which allowed us to increase the effectiveness of the development of professional and personal leadership competence of Assault troops officers in the system of postgraduate education. Development of a training program for officers-leaders of the Assault troops and introduction into the system of professional military education in Ukrainian universities at the stage of professionalization of officers will help develop the leadership competence of the officers of Assault troops in the system of postgraduate education. The results of the research presented in the article gave us the opportunity to develop a theoretical model of the process of development of leadership competence of Assault troops officers in the system of postgraduate education. The practical function of the model will allow to present the model as a tool and a means of scientific experiment.
The article focuses on the relevance of the development of officers-leaders of the Assault troops at the stage of professionalization as an important factor in the transformation of the military education system. On the basis of previous research, the theoretical model of development of leadership competence of officers of Airborne Assault troops in the system of postgraduate education is substantiated and developed. Introducing a theoretical model of development into the system of professional military education in Ukrainian universities at the stage of professionalization of officers will ensure the development of leadership competence of officers of the Assault Troops of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. In the context of the reform of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, the introduction of a system of training military specialists according to NATO standards, the problem of career development of officers-leaders is becoming a priority. Our aim in the article is to substantiate and develop a theoretical model for the development of leadership competence of assault officers in the system of postgraduate education for further introduction into the system of professional military education in Ukrainian universities at the stage of professionalization of officers. Based on the analysis of scientific publications, it is found that the main emphasis of modern researchers is on the disclosure of general typological features of the military leader. The problem of professionalization of the officer-leader is ignored, the development of his leadership competence has not been fully resolved. Thus, it is relevant for modern military- pedagogical science to substantiate and develop a model for the development of leadership competence of officers, taking into account the specifics of their management and militaryprofessional activities, in particular officers of the Assault Troops. In our opinion, the theoretical foundations of modeling the pedagogical process were determined in order to approach the ideal image of an officer-leader of Assault troops. Which allowed us to increase the effectiveness of the development of professional and personal leadership competence of Assault troops officers in the system of postgraduate education. Development of a training program for officers-leaders of the Assault troops and introduction into the system of professional military education in Ukrainian universities at the stage of professionalization of officers will help develop the leadership competence of the officers of Assault troops in the system of postgraduate education. The results of the research presented in the article gave us the opportunity to develop a theoretical model of the process of development of leadership competence of Assault troops officers in the system of postgraduate education. The practical function of the model will allow to present the model as a tool and a means of scientific experiment.
Ключові слова
військова освіта, лідерство, лідерські якості, офіцер Десантно- штурмових військ, підготовка офіцерів, післядипломна освіта, професіоналізація офіцерів, розвиток лідерської компетентності, теоретична модель, military education, leadership, leadership qualities, officer of the Assault t1roops, training of officers, postgraduate education,, professionalization of officers, development of leadership competence, theoretical model.
Бібліографічний опис
Карпенко В. Теоретична модель розвитку лідерської компетентності офіцерів десантно-штурмових військ у системі післядипломної освіти [Текст] / В. Карпенко // Педагогічні науки: теорія, історія, інноваційні технології : науковий журнал / МОН України, Сумський державний педагогічний ун-т ім. А. С. Макаренка ; [редкол.: А. А. Сбруєва, М. А. Бойченко, О. А. Біда та ін.]. – Суми : СумДПУ ім. А. С. Макаренка, 2021. – № 8 (112). – С. 126–137. – DOI: 10.24139/2312-5993/2021.08/126-137