Порівняльний аналіз особливостей управління якістю освітніх послуг в Україні та Великій Британії
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У статті здійснено аналіз сучасних підходів до управління якістю освітніх послуг у системі середньої освіти України та Великої Британії. Виокремлено національні освітні стандарти в освітній системі Великої Британії, які впливають на процес становлення та розвиток освіти відповідно до законів ринкової економіки, що відбуваються в системі середньої освіти. Охарактеризовано та конкретизовано дії централізаційно-децентралізаційних механізмів управління, визначено їх роль у підвищенні якості освіти. Узагальнено основні наукові підходи до проблеми моніторингу якості освітніх послуг як об’єкта управління.
The author of the article analyzes the contemporary approaches to quality management of educational services in secondary education of Ukraine and Great Britain. The national educational standards in the secondary educational system of Great Britain that affect the process of formation and development of education in accordance with the laws of market economy are determined. The centralized and decentralized management mechanisms are characterized and specified, their role in enhancing the quality of education is defined. The main scientific approaches to monitoring the quality of educational services are overviewed. In general, the main tasks of the management of the general secondary education, declared by the Law of Ukraine «On General Secondary Education» are: creating the conditions for citizens to complete secondary education; forecasting the development of secondary education network of schools according to the educational needs of the citizens; certification of schools of general secondary education, publication of the results of certification through the media; licensing of secondary schools based on private property; control over compliance with the State standard of secondary education, educational guidance and public inspection of secondary schools; social protection; promoting self-government in secondary schools; acquisition of general secondary education teaching staff, including executive staff. It is noted that in Ukraine State standard of secondary education is a «construction norms and regulations that determine the state education requirements for the students and graduates of schools in primary, basic and secondary education and state guarantees to its achievement». Unlike our country, in the UK national educational standards define the requirements for the education of the pupils at key stages of education (key stages). In addition, the UK national standards are differentiated, including the explicit level set minimum national standards of educational achievement (minimum national standards of achievement) and standards of academic performance average (the so-called «floorstandards»), which evaluated the state primary and secondary school. Thus, the article has revealed common characteristics in quality management of educational services in secondary education Ukraine and Great Britain in the regulatory aspects of security, procedural principles of quality management.
The author of the article analyzes the contemporary approaches to quality management of educational services in secondary education of Ukraine and Great Britain. The national educational standards in the secondary educational system of Great Britain that affect the process of formation and development of education in accordance with the laws of market economy are determined. The centralized and decentralized management mechanisms are characterized and specified, their role in enhancing the quality of education is defined. The main scientific approaches to monitoring the quality of educational services are overviewed. In general, the main tasks of the management of the general secondary education, declared by the Law of Ukraine «On General Secondary Education» are: creating the conditions for citizens to complete secondary education; forecasting the development of secondary education network of schools according to the educational needs of the citizens; certification of schools of general secondary education, publication of the results of certification through the media; licensing of secondary schools based on private property; control over compliance with the State standard of secondary education, educational guidance and public inspection of secondary schools; social protection; promoting self-government in secondary schools; acquisition of general secondary education teaching staff, including executive staff. It is noted that in Ukraine State standard of secondary education is a «construction norms and regulations that determine the state education requirements for the students and graduates of schools in primary, basic and secondary education and state guarantees to its achievement». Unlike our country, in the UK national educational standards define the requirements for the education of the pupils at key stages of education (key stages). In addition, the UK national standards are differentiated, including the explicit level set minimum national standards of educational achievement (minimum national standards of achievement) and standards of academic performance average (the so-called «floorstandards»), which evaluated the state primary and secondary school. Thus, the article has revealed common characteristics in quality management of educational services in secondary education Ukraine and Great Britain in the regulatory aspects of security, procedural principles of quality management.
Ключові слова
якість освіти, quality of education, курикулум, curriculum, індикатори рівня досягнень успіху, indicators of achievement of success, моніторинг управління освітою, monitoring of education management, централізаційно-децентралізаційні механізми управління, centralized and decentralized control mechanisms
Бібліографічний опис
Шаповалова, О. В. Порівняльний аналіз особливостей управління якістю освітніх послуг в Україні та Великій Британії [Текст] / О. В. Шаповалова // Педагогічні науки: теорія, історія, інноваційні технології : науковий журнал / МОН України, Сумський держ. пед. ун-т ім. А. С. Макаренка ; [редкол.: А. А. Сбруєва, О. Є. Антонова, Дж. Бішоп та ін.]. – Суми : СумДПУ ім. А. С. Макаренка, 2015. – № 9 (53). – С. 120–128.