Методичні аспекти використання фотографій на уроках географії в світлі останніх освітніх трендів
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Сумський державний педагогічний університет імені А. С. Макаренка, Сумський відділ Українського географічного товариства
Фотографія як реалістична і точна візуалізація дійсності є одним з традиційних інструментів навчання географії. Проте стрімке проникнення інформаційно-комунікаційних технологіїй у життя людей потребує перегляду та удосконалення методичних підходів щодо застосування в освітньому процесі фотографії, яка тепер стала цифровою. У статті розглянуто теоретичне підґрунтя та потенціал використання фотографії як інструменту формування просторового мислення учнів на уроках географії з акцентом на інформаційно-комунікаційні технології навчання. Обґрунтовано деякі сучасні педагогічні прийоми та різноманітні техніки для інтеграції інструменту фотографії в освітній процес на засадах компетентнісного та діяльнісного підходів. Наведено графічну таксономію прийомів роботи з фотографією в географічному класі в діапазоні від нижчого до вищого рівня складності.
Photographs are a type of visualization traditionally used in teaching geography. Unlike other types of images, photography is characterized by its realism and accuracy in depicting reality, with specific dates and locations. With the development of technology, photography has become digital, interactive, and accessible, easily created by students themselves. This coincides with changes in educational trends that focus not on memorizing information, but on active participation in the educational process based on partnership between teacher and class. Geography is an extremely visual subject, and in the process of learning it, photography helps create geographical images in a non-textual way, evoke emotions, set the stage for discussion and debate, and promote creativity. The proper use of this tool allows for the achievement of many didactic goals. However, the potential of photography as an educational resource and tool is not yet fully utilized. In the article, the author aims to explore the didactic potential of digital photography as a modern tool for developing key and subject competencies of students during geography lessons, to substantiate the appropriateness of the teacher using certain techniques for working with photographs with an emphasis on information and communication technologies of learning. In our time, photography can serve not only as a variety of visualization but also as a multifunctional means for in-depth learning and development of spatial thinking, acquisition of many practical skills, which the author seeks to prove. A graphic taxonomy in the form of a pyramid is presented, in which various techniques for working with photography in a geography class are arranged in a range from lower to higher levels of complexity. Examples of tasks and ideas for implementing photography for in-depth learning of geography at school are proposed, including the use of modern digital technologies. Some technical aspects of working with visualizations of this type in a geography lesson are noted. Thus, in our time, photography is a universal, accessible, economical resource, and a tool for achieving a wide range of didactic goals at any stage of the geography lesson.
Photographs are a type of visualization traditionally used in teaching geography. Unlike other types of images, photography is characterized by its realism and accuracy in depicting reality, with specific dates and locations. With the development of technology, photography has become digital, interactive, and accessible, easily created by students themselves. This coincides with changes in educational trends that focus not on memorizing information, but on active participation in the educational process based on partnership between teacher and class. Geography is an extremely visual subject, and in the process of learning it, photography helps create geographical images in a non-textual way, evoke emotions, set the stage for discussion and debate, and promote creativity. The proper use of this tool allows for the achievement of many didactic goals. However, the potential of photography as an educational resource and tool is not yet fully utilized. In the article, the author aims to explore the didactic potential of digital photography as a modern tool for developing key and subject competencies of students during geography lessons, to substantiate the appropriateness of the teacher using certain techniques for working with photographs with an emphasis on information and communication technologies of learning. In our time, photography can serve not only as a variety of visualization but also as a multifunctional means for in-depth learning and development of spatial thinking, acquisition of many practical skills, which the author seeks to prove. A graphic taxonomy in the form of a pyramid is presented, in which various techniques for working with photography in a geography class are arranged in a range from lower to higher levels of complexity. Examples of tasks and ideas for implementing photography for in-depth learning of geography at school are proposed, including the use of modern digital technologies. Some technical aspects of working with visualizations of this type in a geography lesson are noted. Thus, in our time, photography is a universal, accessible, economical resource, and a tool for achieving a wide range of didactic goals at any stage of the geography lesson.
Ключові слова
цифрова фотографія, просторове мислення, компетентнісний підхід, діяльнісний підхід, методика навчання географії, digital photography, spatial thinking, competence approach, active approach, methodology of teaching geography
Бібліографічний опис
Мельник, І. Г. Методичні аспекти використання фотографій на уроках географії в світлі останніх освітніх трендів [Текст] / І. Г. Мельник // Наукові записки Сумського державного педагогічного університету імені А. С. Макаренка. Географічні науки. – Суми, 2024. – Том 2, вип. 5. – С. 48–59. – DOI: https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.11050711