Функціональний стан кардіореспіраторної системи студентів, що спеціалізуються в боксі, при виконанні різноспрямованих фізичних навантажень
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СумДПУ імені А. С. Макаренка
Результати проведених досліджень указують на те, що об’єм виконаної роботи напряму залежить від вагової категорії. У боксерів важких категорій двобій триває у відносно невисокому темпі з мінімальною «ціною» роботи, досягнення перемоги відбувається за рахунок серії ударів у незахищені зони супротивника в алактатному та гліколітичному режимах роботи. Для «легковаговиків» притаманним є ведення поєдинку у швидкому темпі при високій «ціні» роботи, виснажуючи супротивника за рахунок здійснення ударних прийомів помірної сили, що й забезпечує відповідний результат двобою.
The purpose of the research was to determine the functional state of the cardiopulmonary resection system of male students engaged in the group of sports and pedagogical improvement in boxing, while performing metered physical loads of different orientations. Methods: pulsometry, tonometry, photoplethysmography, spirography, ergometry, methods of mathematical statistics. The results of the conducted research indicate that the volume of work performed directly depends on the weight category. The dynamics of changes in intensity and impact strengths with increasing durability depending on the weight category is different, namely: “light weight” perform a much larger amount of work than “heavy weight”. The biggest differences in the relative strength of a single strike are observed in the left-hand side, which is sufficiently complex for protection and effective for the attack being realized in the melee battle at the most vulnerable place of the enemy-the head. Obviously, this pattern can be determined by the dominant style of duel inherent in “heavy weight”, and/or genetically determined factors, in particular the peculiarities of temperament. This assumption is confirmed by the possibility of heavyweighters to carry out a series of strikes with significant frequency and effort in the shortest possible time, namely: when performing alactatic work, heavy-duty boxers carry a greater number of strokes, indicating a relatively higher ability to generate excitation in the cerebral cortex which is a determinant of temperament, which, in turn, determines the genetic component of readiness for the realization of activity. In boxers of heavy categories, the duel continues at a relatively low pace with a minimum “price” of work; achievement of victory takes place due to a series of bumps in the unprotected areas of the enemy in the alactatious and glycolytic modes of work. For lightweight players, it is inherent in a duel at a fast pace with a correspondingly high “price” of work, exhausting the enemy through the implementation of shock techniques of moderate strength, which ensures the corresponding outcome of the duel. “Heavy weights” take active attacking actions not so often, realizing the potential of stroke with active protective actions. The final effort is carried out with active protection, which causes the victory in the fight.
The purpose of the research was to determine the functional state of the cardiopulmonary resection system of male students engaged in the group of sports and pedagogical improvement in boxing, while performing metered physical loads of different orientations. Methods: pulsometry, tonometry, photoplethysmography, spirography, ergometry, methods of mathematical statistics. The results of the conducted research indicate that the volume of work performed directly depends on the weight category. The dynamics of changes in intensity and impact strengths with increasing durability depending on the weight category is different, namely: “light weight” perform a much larger amount of work than “heavy weight”. The biggest differences in the relative strength of a single strike are observed in the left-hand side, which is sufficiently complex for protection and effective for the attack being realized in the melee battle at the most vulnerable place of the enemy-the head. Obviously, this pattern can be determined by the dominant style of duel inherent in “heavy weight”, and/or genetically determined factors, in particular the peculiarities of temperament. This assumption is confirmed by the possibility of heavyweighters to carry out a series of strikes with significant frequency and effort in the shortest possible time, namely: when performing alactatic work, heavy-duty boxers carry a greater number of strokes, indicating a relatively higher ability to generate excitation in the cerebral cortex which is a determinant of temperament, which, in turn, determines the genetic component of readiness for the realization of activity. In boxers of heavy categories, the duel continues at a relatively low pace with a minimum “price” of work; achievement of victory takes place due to a series of bumps in the unprotected areas of the enemy in the alactatious and glycolytic modes of work. For lightweight players, it is inherent in a duel at a fast pace with a correspondingly high “price” of work, exhausting the enemy through the implementation of shock techniques of moderate strength, which ensures the corresponding outcome of the duel. “Heavy weights” take active attacking actions not so often, realizing the potential of stroke with active protective actions. The final effort is carried out with active protection, which causes the victory in the fight.
Ключові слова
освітній процес, студенти, спеціальна фізична працездатність, Спудерг, бокс, educational process, students, physical working capacity, Spuderg, boxing
Бібліографічний опис
Приймак, С. Функціональний стан кардіореспіраторної системи студентів, що спеціалізуються в боксі, при виконанні різноспрямованих фізичних навантажень [Текст] / С. Приймак // Педагогічні науки: теорія, історія, інноваційні технології : науковий журнал / Міністерство освіти і науки України, Сумський державний педагогічний університет імені А. С. Макаренка ; редкол.: А. А. Сбруєва, М. А. Бойченко, О. Є. Антонова [та ін.]. – Суми : Вид-во СумДПУ імені А. С. Макаренка, 2017. – № 7 (71). – С. 103–116.