Модальна логіка у математичній підготовці майбутніх учителів початкової школи
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У статті обґрунтовано значення удосконалення логіко‐математичної підготовки майбутніх фахівців початкової освіти у закладах вищої освіти (ЗВО).Зазначено, що система математичної підготовки майбутніх учителів початкової школи має широкі можливості для логічного розвитку особистості, логіко‐математичної грамотності. Особливу увагу в дослідженні приділено питанням удосконалення змісту математичної підготовки майбутніх учителів початкової школи шляхом включення розгляду сучасного розділу логіки − модальної логіки.Вмотивовується, що розгляд модальної логіки в курсі «Математика» для студентів спеціальності «Початкова освіта» сприяє повноцінній реалізації освітньої галузі «Математика», розвиває їх логічну грамотність.
The article substantiates the importance of improving the logical and mathematical training of future primary education specialists in higher education institutions (HEIs). It is noted that the system of mathematical training of future primary school teachers has ample opportunities for the logical development of the individual, logical and mathematical literacy. Particular attention in the study is paid to the issues of improving the content of mathematical training of future primary school teachers by including consideration of the modern section of logic − modal logic. It is noted that the consideration of modal logic in the course "Mathematics" for students majoring in "Primary Education" contributes to the full realization of the educational field "Mathematics", develops their logical literacy. Teaching the basics of mathematical logic has always been an integral part of the national general mathematics education of primary school teachers. Knowledge of the basics of mathematical logic is essential for future teachers, since knowledge of mathematics without its logic would be incomplete, and mathematics itself is a set of separate and unrelated concepts. Mathematical logic is important in the professional training of future teachers, the formation of their integral skills (defining the essence and content of concepts, building statements and inferences, analysis, distinguishing the main and secondary, establishing cause and effect relationships, building inductive and deductive reasoning, comparison, establishing relationships between different kinds of theorems, proof), as well as logical thinking and algorithmic culture. Modal logic is a direction of modern logical research; a modal system created on the basis of a certain type of modality. Modality (Latin modus ‐ way) is a property of a statement that determines the nature of objective relations between objects and phenomena referred to in the statement; the type of connection between the subject and the predicate in the structure of the statement and the clarification of its logical status. These are additional words that are included in the structure of statements and give them a new meaning. These words include: "necessary", "possible", "in fact", "accidental", "permitted", "prohibited", "proved", "disproved", "knows", "believes", etc. The inclusion of the study of modal logic in the logical and mathematical training of future primary school teachers contributes to the improvement of logical training and logical culture of the future teacher, significantly enhances the logical component of the mathematics course. The purpose. The study of the organization of logical and mathematical training of future primary school teachers, substantiation of the role of studying modal logic, which strengthens the connection with the content of the educational field of «Mathematics». The methods analysis and synthesis of scientific, pedagogical, methodological sources in order to identify the state of development of the problem; generalization of pedagogical experience in methods of teaching mathematics; systematization and systematization and generalization to formulate conclusions. Results. The inclusion of modal logic in the logical and mathematical training of future primary school teachers contributes to the improvement of logical training and logical culture of the future teacher, significantly enhances the logical component of the mathematics course. Modern logical and mathematical training of future primary school teachers cannot be imagined without knowledge of the basics of logic, including modal logic. It is the study of the basics of modal logic that directly affects the formation and development of logical thinking of primary school students. Originality. The relevance of the study of logical and mathematical training of future primary school teachers is due to the following factors: a decrease in the level of logical thinking of primary school students and a certain discrepancy between the content of the course «Mathematics» in higher education institutions (HEIs) and the logical content of the educational field «Mathematics». Conclusion. Improving the content of mathematical training of future primary school teachers by strengthening the study of the logical component will significantly increase the level of students' logical culture
The article substantiates the importance of improving the logical and mathematical training of future primary education specialists in higher education institutions (HEIs). It is noted that the system of mathematical training of future primary school teachers has ample opportunities for the logical development of the individual, logical and mathematical literacy. Particular attention in the study is paid to the issues of improving the content of mathematical training of future primary school teachers by including consideration of the modern section of logic − modal logic. It is noted that the consideration of modal logic in the course "Mathematics" for students majoring in "Primary Education" contributes to the full realization of the educational field "Mathematics", develops their logical literacy. Teaching the basics of mathematical logic has always been an integral part of the national general mathematics education of primary school teachers. Knowledge of the basics of mathematical logic is essential for future teachers, since knowledge of mathematics without its logic would be incomplete, and mathematics itself is a set of separate and unrelated concepts. Mathematical logic is important in the professional training of future teachers, the formation of their integral skills (defining the essence and content of concepts, building statements and inferences, analysis, distinguishing the main and secondary, establishing cause and effect relationships, building inductive and deductive reasoning, comparison, establishing relationships between different kinds of theorems, proof), as well as logical thinking and algorithmic culture. Modal logic is a direction of modern logical research; a modal system created on the basis of a certain type of modality. Modality (Latin modus ‐ way) is a property of a statement that determines the nature of objective relations between objects and phenomena referred to in the statement; the type of connection between the subject and the predicate in the structure of the statement and the clarification of its logical status. These are additional words that are included in the structure of statements and give them a new meaning. These words include: "necessary", "possible", "in fact", "accidental", "permitted", "prohibited", "proved", "disproved", "knows", "believes", etc. The inclusion of the study of modal logic in the logical and mathematical training of future primary school teachers contributes to the improvement of logical training and logical culture of the future teacher, significantly enhances the logical component of the mathematics course. The purpose. The study of the organization of logical and mathematical training of future primary school teachers, substantiation of the role of studying modal logic, which strengthens the connection with the content of the educational field of «Mathematics». The methods analysis and synthesis of scientific, pedagogical, methodological sources in order to identify the state of development of the problem; generalization of pedagogical experience in methods of teaching mathematics; systematization and systematization and generalization to formulate conclusions. Results. The inclusion of modal logic in the logical and mathematical training of future primary school teachers contributes to the improvement of logical training and logical culture of the future teacher, significantly enhances the logical component of the mathematics course. Modern logical and mathematical training of future primary school teachers cannot be imagined without knowledge of the basics of logic, including modal logic. It is the study of the basics of modal logic that directly affects the formation and development of logical thinking of primary school students. Originality. The relevance of the study of logical and mathematical training of future primary school teachers is due to the following factors: a decrease in the level of logical thinking of primary school students and a certain discrepancy between the content of the course «Mathematics» in higher education institutions (HEIs) and the logical content of the educational field «Mathematics». Conclusion. Improving the content of mathematical training of future primary school teachers by strengthening the study of the logical component will significantly increase the level of students' logical culture
Ключові слова
логіка, модальна логіка, логіко‐математична підготовка, вчитель початкової школи, logic, modal logic, logical and mathematical training, primary school teacher
Бібліографічний опис
Зорочкіна Т. Модальна логіка у математичній підготовці майбутніх учителів початкової школи [Текст] / Т. Зорочкіна, І. Катерина // Педагогічні науки: теорія, історія, інноваційні технології : науковий журнал / МОН України, Сумський державний педагогічний ун-т ім. А. С. Макаренка ; [редкол.: А. А. Сбруєва, М. А. Бойченко, О. А. Біда та ін.]. – Суми : СумДПУ ім. А. С. Макаренка, 2023. – № 7 (131). – С. 99–108. – DOI: 10.24139/2312‐5993/2023.07/206‐215