Трансформація ринку бізнес-послуг в умовах кризи: трендовий аналіз
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СумДПУ імені А. С. Макаренка
Дослідження присвячено вивченню сучасних тенденцій трансформації ринку бізнес-послуг, зокрема зосередивши увагу на найбільш вразливих секторах економіки – туризмі, готельному та ресторанному бізнесі, а також сфері гостинності. Мета дослідження полягає у розробці пропозицій щодо управління ефективністю діяльності в умовах постійного обмеження соціальної взаємодії та стабілізації ринкових процесів після кризи. У статті детально проаналізовано загальні тенденції та практичний механізм функціонування ринку комерційних послуг, рівень ефективності функціонування окремих його секторів, їх інфраструктурного забезпечення, а також динаміку розвитку ринкових процесів на етапах загострення пандемії та поступового виходу з кризи. На основі проведеного аналізу виокремлено не лише проблемні аспекти і напрямки, а й методи оптимізації функціонування ринкового простору, що є важливим для створення сприятливих умов для подальшого розвитку глобального ринку комерційних послуг. Визначено вплив пандемії Covid-19 на його динаміку, проведено дослідження змін у кількісній та якісній структурі ринку, зумовлених значними бізнес-трансформаціями та діджиталізацією бізнес-сектору в кризових умовах.
As the economy recovers from the Covid-19 pandemic, the business services market is actively transforming. The hospitality sector and modern tourist destinations will no longer resemble those that existed before the pandemic; the interests, priorities, needs, and behavior of service consumers have also changed. Therefore, the study is devoted to the current trends in the transformation of the business services market, focusing in particular on the most vulnerable sectors of the economy – tourism, hotel and restaurant business, and hospitality. In addition, the study aims to develop proposals for performance management in the context of constant restrictions on social interaction and stabilization of market processes after the crisis. To achieve this goal, the article uses the statistical and analytical method, the comparative method, analysis and generalization, as well as tabular and graphical modeling. Since the current global trends have led to a transformation of the views of modern scholars on the prospects for resumption of activity in the commercial services market, the article analyzes in detail the general trends and practical mechanism of functioning of the commercial services market, the level of efficiency of its individual sectors, their infrastructure support, and the dynamics of market processes at the stages of exacerbation of the pandemic and gradual recovery from the crisis. Based on the analysis, the author identifies not only problematic aspects and directions, but also methods for optimizing the functioning of the market space, which is important for creating favorable conditions for the further development of the global commercial services market. In particular, it is determined that the conceptual provisions and regulatory mechanisms should help stimulate effective demand and expand the supply of services after a prolonged socio-economic crisis. To determine the stability of the development of regional markets for commercial services, modern approaches of complex analysis, in particular the XYZ analysis method, were used. The analysis showed that the European region and North American markets had a stable structure of services exports before the pandemic. Consequently, the recovery of business activity in these markets will be faster than in the markets of Asia, the Middle East, Africa, South and Central America, where supply is volatile or seasonal. The dynamics of development of business services markets in the regional context, trends in interstate trade in services, and the efficiency of the commercial services market are analyzed. The impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on its dynamics is determined, and a study of changes in the quantitative and qualitative structure of the market caused by significant business transformations and digitalization of the business sector in crisis conditions is conducted.
As the economy recovers from the Covid-19 pandemic, the business services market is actively transforming. The hospitality sector and modern tourist destinations will no longer resemble those that existed before the pandemic; the interests, priorities, needs, and behavior of service consumers have also changed. Therefore, the study is devoted to the current trends in the transformation of the business services market, focusing in particular on the most vulnerable sectors of the economy – tourism, hotel and restaurant business, and hospitality. In addition, the study aims to develop proposals for performance management in the context of constant restrictions on social interaction and stabilization of market processes after the crisis. To achieve this goal, the article uses the statistical and analytical method, the comparative method, analysis and generalization, as well as tabular and graphical modeling. Since the current global trends have led to a transformation of the views of modern scholars on the prospects for resumption of activity in the commercial services market, the article analyzes in detail the general trends and practical mechanism of functioning of the commercial services market, the level of efficiency of its individual sectors, their infrastructure support, and the dynamics of market processes at the stages of exacerbation of the pandemic and gradual recovery from the crisis. Based on the analysis, the author identifies not only problematic aspects and directions, but also methods for optimizing the functioning of the market space, which is important for creating favorable conditions for the further development of the global commercial services market. In particular, it is determined that the conceptual provisions and regulatory mechanisms should help stimulate effective demand and expand the supply of services after a prolonged socio-economic crisis. To determine the stability of the development of regional markets for commercial services, modern approaches of complex analysis, in particular the XYZ analysis method, were used. The analysis showed that the European region and North American markets had a stable structure of services exports before the pandemic. Consequently, the recovery of business activity in these markets will be faster than in the markets of Asia, the Middle East, Africa, South and Central America, where supply is volatile or seasonal. The dynamics of development of business services markets in the regional context, trends in interstate trade in services, and the efficiency of the commercial services market are analyzed. The impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on its dynamics is determined, and a study of changes in the quantitative and qualitative structure of the market caused by significant business transformations and digitalization of the business sector in crisis conditions is conducted.
Ключові слова
бізнес-послуги, ринок послуг, інвестиційна привабливість бізнесу, ефективність бізнес-послуг, трансформація бізнесу, кризові умови, туризм, гостинність, готельноресторанний бізнес, business services, services market, investment attractiveness of business, efficiency of business services, business transformation, crisis conditions, tourism, hospitality, hotel and restaurant business
Бібліографічний опис
Гончар, Л. Трансформація ринку бізнес-послуг в умовах кризи: трендовий аналіз [Текст] / Л. Гончар // Цифрова економіка та економічна безпека : науково-практичний журнал / Причорноморський науково-дослідний інститут економіки та інновацій, Сумський державний педагогічний університет імені А. С. Макаренка ; [гол. ред. О. Ю. Кудріна, редкол.: В. В. Божкова, В. І. Борщ, Н. М. Вдовенко та ін.]. – 2023. – №8 (08). – С. 74–82. – DOI: https://doi.org/10.32782/dees.8-13