Управлінська культура менеджера освіти
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СумДПУ імені А. С. Макаренка
У статті розкрито сутність управлінської культури менеджера освіти та її складових. Визначено, що управлінська діяльність керівника закладу освіти безпосередньо зумовлена специфікою його праці, а тому для повного розкриття її змісту виділено в ній культуру управлінського апарату, культуру самого процесу управління, культуру умов праці, культура управління і психологічний клімат закладу освіти, культуру управління як чинник соціального прогресу і культуру документації та розкрито ці поняття. Доведено, що в сучасних умовах управлінська культура набуваю нового статусу: вона перестає бути теоретичним поняттям, і переходить у статус реальної управлінської дії, яка забезпечується цими складниками, а ще – право управляти керівнику необхідно заслужити особистим прикладом спонукання підлеглих до досягнення цілей закладу освіти, високим професіоналізмом, високою мірою володінням всіма переліченими видами культури, чесною й самовідданою працею.
Education is the basis of human progress, so today there is no need to prove that the future of the country depends on the education of its people, their competence, professionalism, education and attitude to themselves and others, lifelong learning, because our whole life is a school and a personal school. Every employee dreams of an ideal manager who will provide him with conflict-free communication with them, which will be possible in a high universal and professional culture, the manager has the business qualities necessary to effectively perform their duties, both in the implementation of their management functions and in everyday communication. The essence of the education manager’s managerial culture and its components are revealed in the article. It is determined that the managerial activity of the manager of the education institution is directly conditioned by his work specifics, and therefore for full disclosure of its content of the administrative apparatus culture, the management process culture, culture of working conditions, management culture and psychological climate of the institution and the culture of documentation – these concepts are revealed. A set of complementary theoretical methods was used to achieve the goal. In particular, system-functional and analytical analysis of domestic and foreign sources, substantiation and generalizations that allowed the full disclosure of the essence of management activities of the educational manager. It is proved that in modern conditions management culture acquires a new status: it ceases to be a theoretical concept, and becomes a real management action, which is provided by these components, and – the right to manage and deserve a personal example of motivating subordinates achieving educational goals, high professionalism, a high mastery degree of all these culture types, honest and dedicated work.
Education is the basis of human progress, so today there is no need to prove that the future of the country depends on the education of its people, their competence, professionalism, education and attitude to themselves and others, lifelong learning, because our whole life is a school and a personal school. Every employee dreams of an ideal manager who will provide him with conflict-free communication with them, which will be possible in a high universal and professional culture, the manager has the business qualities necessary to effectively perform their duties, both in the implementation of their management functions and in everyday communication. The essence of the education manager’s managerial culture and its components are revealed in the article. It is determined that the managerial activity of the manager of the education institution is directly conditioned by his work specifics, and therefore for full disclosure of its content of the administrative apparatus culture, the management process culture, culture of working conditions, management culture and psychological climate of the institution and the culture of documentation – these concepts are revealed. A set of complementary theoretical methods was used to achieve the goal. In particular, system-functional and analytical analysis of domestic and foreign sources, substantiation and generalizations that allowed the full disclosure of the essence of management activities of the educational manager. It is proved that in modern conditions management culture acquires a new status: it ceases to be a theoretical concept, and becomes a real management action, which is provided by these components, and – the right to manage and deserve a personal example of motivating subordinates achieving educational goals, high professionalism, a high mastery degree of all these culture types, honest and dedicated work.
Ключові слова
керівник, менеджер, культура, професійна культура, управлінська культура, стилі керівництва, культура управлінського апарату, культура процесу управління, культура умов праці, культура документації, manager, culture, professional culture, managerial culture, leadership styles, culture of managerial apparatus, culture of management process, culture of working conditions, culture of documentation
Бібліографічний опис
Пшенична, Л. Управлінська культура менеджера освіти [Текст] / Л. Пшенична // Педагогічні науки: теорія, історія, інноваційні технології : науковий журнал / МОН України, Сумський державний педагогічний ун-т ім. А. С. Макаренка ; [редкол.: А. А. Сбруєва, М. А. Бойченко, О. А. Біда та ін.]. – Суми : СумДПУ ім. А. С. Макаренка, 2020. – № 8 (102). – С. 368–382. – DOI: 10.24139/2312-5993/2020.08/368-382.