Правова освіта в соціокультурному просторі громади
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У статті актуалізовано значення правової освіти для сталого розвитку громади як первинного осередку соціалізації особистості й основи розвитку правової, соціальної держави. Вивчення тематичних джерел інформації, досліджуваної проблематики, їх аналіз, синтез, абстрагування, конкретизація дозволили розтлумачити поняття «громада», «правова освіта», відтворити систему правової освіти населення та форми, методи, засоби її здійснення на місцях. З’ясовано, що сталий розвиток громади залежить від рівня правової обізнаності та правової культури особи, що забезпечується правовою освітою. Перспективою подальших досліджень визначено реформування змісту правової освіти, з метою забезпечення її практичного значення.
The article mentioned legal education for sustainable community development, as the primary focus of socialization and the basics of legal, social state. Learning content sources, study issues, analysis, synthesis, abstraction, concretization allowed to interpret the concept of “community”, “legal education” play the system of public education and legal forms, methods, means of implementation in the field. Community is a territorial-administrative category. So we often meet in scientific discourse the definition of “local community”, which refers to the administrative unit of the state, which is a union of people within a specific territorial identity and has its own structure, system values with strong and sustainable relationships, which ensure its integrity in terms of transformation of the political, social and legal reality and integration. Legal education is a structural component of a comprehensive education in Ukraine that is: the activities of government, justice and education aimed at the development and implementation of destinations, programs, guidelines, mechanisms and methodological information on providing legal education of the population; Complex measures of educational, training and informational nature, aimed at creating appropriate conditions for entry into public legal knowledge and skills; the process of assimilation of legal knowledge and skills in order to create legal awareness and legal culture of the personality for the implementation of the legal existence of the social behavior of the heterogeneous society. Structural system of education today is a combination of training and educational institutions, which according to law execute unprofessional legal and professional legal education. Legal education of the population of the community is carried out according to the National Program of Legal Education of Ukraine’s population, based on the basic principles of Ukrainian society, underpinning national legislation provided by government and local authorities and education institutions. Sustainable community development depends on a high level of legal culture and legal education of its inhabitants that properly can ensure only legal education.
The article mentioned legal education for sustainable community development, as the primary focus of socialization and the basics of legal, social state. Learning content sources, study issues, analysis, synthesis, abstraction, concretization allowed to interpret the concept of “community”, “legal education” play the system of public education and legal forms, methods, means of implementation in the field. Community is a territorial-administrative category. So we often meet in scientific discourse the definition of “local community”, which refers to the administrative unit of the state, which is a union of people within a specific territorial identity and has its own structure, system values with strong and sustainable relationships, which ensure its integrity in terms of transformation of the political, social and legal reality and integration. Legal education is a structural component of a comprehensive education in Ukraine that is: the activities of government, justice and education aimed at the development and implementation of destinations, programs, guidelines, mechanisms and methodological information on providing legal education of the population; Complex measures of educational, training and informational nature, aimed at creating appropriate conditions for entry into public legal knowledge and skills; the process of assimilation of legal knowledge and skills in order to create legal awareness and legal culture of the personality for the implementation of the legal existence of the social behavior of the heterogeneous society. Structural system of education today is a combination of training and educational institutions, which according to law execute unprofessional legal and professional legal education. Legal education of the population of the community is carried out according to the National Program of Legal Education of Ukraine’s population, based on the basic principles of Ukrainian society, underpinning national legislation provided by government and local authorities and education institutions. Sustainable community development depends on a high level of legal culture and legal education of its inhabitants that properly can ensure only legal education.
Ключові слова
правова освіта, територіальна громада, legal education, local community
Бібліографічний опис
Висоцька, Л. В. Правова освіта в соціокультурному просторі громади [Текст] / Л. В. Висоцька // Педагогічні науки: теорія, історія, інноваційні технології : науковий журнал / МОН України, Сумський держ. пед. ун-т ім. А. С. Макаренка ; [редкол.: А. А. Сбруєва, О. Є. Антонова, Дж. Бішоп та ін.]. – Суми : СумДПУ ім. А. С. Макаренка, 2015. – № 8 (52). – С. 273–283.