Дидактичні основи музичної підготовки майбутніх фахівців з хореографії у вітчизняних ЗВО
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В статті розглянуто дидактичні умови музичної підготовки хореографів у закладах вищої освіти нашої держави. В даній роботі визначено структурно дидактичні особливості музичної компетентності хореографів такі, як: особливість планування професійної діяльності; способи і прийоми виконання професійної діяльності; прийоми спілкування; організаторські здібності фахівців-хореографів; особливості танцювально-рухової моторики. В статі також визначено, що ефективним методом музичної підготовки хореографів у ЗВО України автор вважає індивідуальний підхід, що враховує шляхи пристосування властивостей нервової системи студентів до вимог професійної діяльності.
The article considers the didactic conditions of musical training of choreographers in higher education institutions of our state. In this work the structural didactic features of musical competence of choreographers are defined, such as: feature of planning of professional activity; ways and methods of performing professional activities; communication techniques; organizational skills of choreographers; features of dance and motor motility. The article also states that the author considers an individual approach to take into account the ways of adapting the properties of students' nervous system to the requirements of professional activity as an effective method of musical training of choreographers in domestic higher education institutions. The article also deals with an individual approach, which takes into account the individual differences of students, the development of techniques, tools and methods of forming professional and musical skills of choreographers, due to the typological properties of the nervous system. At the heart of the individual approach considered in the study is the idea of understanding a developing student as a person with a unique set of individual qualities. This involves the recognition of different, but equivalent in effectiveness methods of educational and creative activities that meet the objective requirements of the professional activity of the teacher and the individual characteristics of the future specialist. Also in this paper it is noted that in pedagogical science didactics is connected with the methods of teaching courses. The method of teaching folk dance is somewhat different from other choreographic disciplines due to the specifics of national dance. All textbooks, programs and methodical materials on folk choreography are author's versions and naturally cannot be accepted by all experts identically.
The article considers the didactic conditions of musical training of choreographers in higher education institutions of our state. In this work the structural didactic features of musical competence of choreographers are defined, such as: feature of planning of professional activity; ways and methods of performing professional activities; communication techniques; organizational skills of choreographers; features of dance and motor motility. The article also states that the author considers an individual approach to take into account the ways of adapting the properties of students' nervous system to the requirements of professional activity as an effective method of musical training of choreographers in domestic higher education institutions. The article also deals with an individual approach, which takes into account the individual differences of students, the development of techniques, tools and methods of forming professional and musical skills of choreographers, due to the typological properties of the nervous system. At the heart of the individual approach considered in the study is the idea of understanding a developing student as a person with a unique set of individual qualities. This involves the recognition of different, but equivalent in effectiveness methods of educational and creative activities that meet the objective requirements of the professional activity of the teacher and the individual characteristics of the future specialist. Also in this paper it is noted that in pedagogical science didactics is connected with the methods of teaching courses. The method of teaching folk dance is somewhat different from other choreographic disciplines due to the specifics of national dance. All textbooks, programs and methodical materials on folk choreography are author's versions and naturally cannot be accepted by all experts identically.
Ключові слова
музична підготовка, теорія музики, хореограф, фахова підготовка, дидактика, дидактичні основи навчання, професійна майстерність, системний підхід до музичної підготовки, musical training, music theory, choreographer, professional training, didactics, didactic bases of training, professional skill, systematic approach to musical training
Бібліографічний опис
Коваленко, О. В. Дидактичні основи музичної підготовки майбутніх фахівців з хореографії у вітчизняних ЗВО [Текст] / О. В. Коваленко // Збірних наукових праць Уманського державного педагогічного університету. – Умань : Візаві, 2021. – Вип. 1. – С. 91–97.