Вікові особливості підлітків у контексті формування інформаційної культури в мережевому спілкуванні
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У статті розглядаються вікові особливості підлітків, які є учасниками мережевого спілкування. Висвітлено проблеми, які визначають поведінку дитини шкільного віку (5–8 класи) в мережевому спілкуванні.
Показано, які методологічні підходи використано в якості методологічної орієнтації щодо використання певної характерної сукупності взаємозалежних ідей, понять, принципів і способів розкриття феномену дослідження. Виділено основні протиріччя розвитку підліткового віку, які визначаються тенденціями розвитку індивідуалізації та соціалізації особистості. Запропоновано орієнтовну класифікацію агресивної поведінки підлітків в мережевому спілкуванні. Розкрито основні напрями педагогічного формування інформаційної культури в учнів у мережевому спілкуванні.
This article deals with the age peculiarities of teenagers who are the participants in network communication. The methodological basis of this study is conceptual provisions of philosophy, pedagogy, psychology about the functional role in formation of students’ information culture in networking. This paper presents function as a specific form of human activity and interaction with the environment, it is considered as a major phenomenon that determines the theoretical and methodological basis in formation of informational students’ culture in network communication. It is shown that considering the problem of features of students’ adolescent age that participate in network communication, must pay attention to the fact that this age is not only a biological but also a social category. It is established that school should teach person to communicate, study, work as well as it should teach network communication. There are basic age peculiarities of teenagers of the 5–8 form who are participants of network communication. The indicative classification of adolescents’ aggressive behavior in network communication and recommendations for forming students’ informational culture in network communication are suggested. It is stressed that a necessary condition for the formation of information culture of students in the communication network is collaboration between parents, students and teachers. In this case, the teacher in the process of formation of information culture should become a center of learning situations and help parents and students to learn new skills and to improve skills to identify the threat in online communication. The teacher should give preference to the personality-oriented pedagogical technologies of teaching. It is shown that the prospects for further studies should consist in establishing the conditions of successful immunity formation against aggression in adolescents’ network communication. It is necessary to establish what knowledge and skills should be formed in students so that they can detect aggression and oppose it in network communications.
This article deals with the age peculiarities of teenagers who are the participants in network communication. The methodological basis of this study is conceptual provisions of philosophy, pedagogy, psychology about the functional role in formation of students’ information culture in networking. This paper presents function as a specific form of human activity and interaction with the environment, it is considered as a major phenomenon that determines the theoretical and methodological basis in formation of informational students’ culture in network communication. It is shown that considering the problem of features of students’ adolescent age that participate in network communication, must pay attention to the fact that this age is not only a biological but also a social category. It is established that school should teach person to communicate, study, work as well as it should teach network communication. There are basic age peculiarities of teenagers of the 5–8 form who are participants of network communication. The indicative classification of adolescents’ aggressive behavior in network communication and recommendations for forming students’ informational culture in network communication are suggested. It is stressed that a necessary condition for the formation of information culture of students in the communication network is collaboration between parents, students and teachers. In this case, the teacher in the process of formation of information culture should become a center of learning situations and help parents and students to learn new skills and to improve skills to identify the threat in online communication. The teacher should give preference to the personality-oriented pedagogical technologies of teaching. It is shown that the prospects for further studies should consist in establishing the conditions of successful immunity formation against aggression in adolescents’ network communication. It is necessary to establish what knowledge and skills should be formed in students so that they can detect aggression and oppose it in network communications.
Ключові слова
мережеве спілкування, network communication, кібербулінг, cyber bulling, вікові особливості, age peculiarities, формування, formation, інформаційна культура, information culture
Бібліографічний опис
Оранюк, Б. Ю. Вікові особливості підлітків у контексті формування інформаційної культури в мережевому спілкуванні [Текст] / Б. Ю. Оранюк // Педагогічні науки: теорія, історія, інноваційні технології : науковий журнал / МОН України, Сумський держ. пед. ун-т ім. А. С. Макаренка ; [редкол.: А. А. Сбруєва, О. Є. Антонова, Дж. Бішоп та ін.]. – Суми : СумДПУ ім. А. С. Макаренка, 2016. – № 1 (55). – С. 283–293.