Педагогічна система виховання милосердного ставлення майбутніх медичних сестер до пацієнта
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Метою статті є обґрунтування педагогічної системи виховання милосердного ставлення медичної сестри до пацієнта. Використано комплекс теоретичних та емпіричних методів дослідження. Виокремлено концептуальні засади конструювання відповідної системи та педагогічні умови її ефективного функціонування (формування переконання в цілісності живої природи, її системності; орієнтація навчально-виховного процесу на формування милосердя як професійно значущої якості; виховання емоційно-ціннісного ставлення до об’єктів живої природи і суб’єктів професійної діяльності). Практичне значення полягає в розробці діагностичного інструментарію сформованості милосердя як професійної цінності.
The article is a study of the pedagogical system of upbringing merciful attitude of nurses to the patient during training. The complex of the theoretical (analysis, synthesis, design) and empirical (questionnaire, psychodiagnostic testing) methods of pedagogical research is used. The conceptual provisions for designing pedagogical system of ubringing merciful attitude of nurses to the patient, pedagogical conditions for its effective functioning (formation of belief in the integrity of wildlife (functional aspect), its systematic and hierarchical character (structural aspect), orientation of the educational process of preparing nurses for bringing up charity as a professionally significant quality of a competent professional, upringing of emotional and value attitude to the objects of nature and subjects of professional activity) are determined. Two ways of creating meaningful charity of a professionally competent expert – direct and indirect – are proposed. The essence of the first way is to create a special educational environment in medical colleges, which encourages the development and formation of human qualities of the future specialists, provides special purposeful activity of the training compassionate attitude to patients, in which the structure of values is a special subject of learning. The second way involves the formation of mercy us a professionally significant quality (value) means of bioethical education of students in the classroom and outside the classroom in the process of teaching and learning activities. Its essence is to create a sense of responsibility for all life on Earth and the capacity for compassion to all living creatures: animals, wildlife and the environment, finally, man. The tool for studying the discipline «Basics of Bioethics» is described, the purpose of which is to bring up the students conscious moral attitude towards all living beings and action- reverence for human life and formation skills to apply bioethical knowledge in their future careers. Education system includes purpose; principles; route (direct and indirect); educational facilities; stages; educational influence factors (endogenous and exogenous ); forms of organization; diagnostic tools. The practical significance of the publication is to develop diagnostic tools for charity formation of professional values and stages (cognitive-axiological, empirical-procedure, communicative and reflective, creative-activity) of upbringing merciful attitude of nurses to the patient. The expediency of inclusion in the curriculum of the nurses’ training the educational qualification level «Junior Specialist» the discipline «Basics of Bioethics» is proved.
The article is a study of the pedagogical system of upbringing merciful attitude of nurses to the patient during training. The complex of the theoretical (analysis, synthesis, design) and empirical (questionnaire, psychodiagnostic testing) methods of pedagogical research is used. The conceptual provisions for designing pedagogical system of ubringing merciful attitude of nurses to the patient, pedagogical conditions for its effective functioning (formation of belief in the integrity of wildlife (functional aspect), its systematic and hierarchical character (structural aspect), orientation of the educational process of preparing nurses for bringing up charity as a professionally significant quality of a competent professional, upringing of emotional and value attitude to the objects of nature and subjects of professional activity) are determined. Two ways of creating meaningful charity of a professionally competent expert – direct and indirect – are proposed. The essence of the first way is to create a special educational environment in medical colleges, which encourages the development and formation of human qualities of the future specialists, provides special purposeful activity of the training compassionate attitude to patients, in which the structure of values is a special subject of learning. The second way involves the formation of mercy us a professionally significant quality (value) means of bioethical education of students in the classroom and outside the classroom in the process of teaching and learning activities. Its essence is to create a sense of responsibility for all life on Earth and the capacity for compassion to all living creatures: animals, wildlife and the environment, finally, man. The tool for studying the discipline «Basics of Bioethics» is described, the purpose of which is to bring up the students conscious moral attitude towards all living beings and action- reverence for human life and formation skills to apply bioethical knowledge in their future careers. Education system includes purpose; principles; route (direct and indirect); educational facilities; stages; educational influence factors (endogenous and exogenous ); forms of organization; diagnostic tools. The practical significance of the publication is to develop diagnostic tools for charity formation of professional values and stages (cognitive-axiological, empirical-procedure, communicative and reflective, creative-activity) of upbringing merciful attitude of nurses to the patient. The expediency of inclusion in the curriculum of the nurses’ training the educational qualification level «Junior Specialist» the discipline «Basics of Bioethics» is proved.
Ключові слова
виховання, education, цінності, values, якості, quality, милосердя, mercy, медична сестра, nurse, педагогічні умови, pedagogical conditions, система, system, біоетика, bioethics
Бібліографічний опис
Данюк, М. І. Педагогічна система виховання милосердного ставлення майбутніх медичних сестер до пацієнта [Текст] / М. І. Данюк // Педагогічні науки: теорія, історія, інноваційні технології : науковий журнал / МОН України, Сумський держ. пед. ун-т ім. А. С. Макаренка ; [редкол.: А. А. Сбруєва, О. Є. Антонова, Дж. Бішоп та ін.]. – Суми : СумДПУ ім. А. С. Макаренка, 2016. – № 2 (56). – С. 245–253.