Методологические подходы к организации рекреации, оздоровления и реабилитации детей школьного возраста
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В статье рассматриваются особенности организации рекреации, оздоровления и реабилитации школьников в зависимости от состояния их здоровья. Обоснованные методологические подходы позволили провести сравнительный анализ компонентов указанных разновидностей восстановления, выделить отличия, позволяющие повысить эффективность данного процесса. Целью работы явилось обоснование методологических подходов к организации рекреации, оздоровления и реабилитации детей школьного возраста с разным состоянием здоровья.
The article discusses the features of the organization of recreation, recovery and rehabilitation of the students depending on their health status. The sound methodological approaches allow a comparative analysis of these components species recovery, highlight differences that improve the efficiency of the process. Exactly the state of health stipulates the selection of the indicated higher forms realized for children. Physiotherapy supposes the application of the factors of environment in their natural or changed kind with a curative aim. In this connection its use in the process of recreation is practically absent. The basic requirement during organization of making healthy is a carefulness of the use, that it is related to the possible unfavourable action of some methodologies. Taking into account the necessity of an adaptation effect, a phytotherapy and reflexotherapy are shown. During a rehabilitation physiotherapy uses all known forms and methods. For practically healthy the recreation, is used and understood as rest, recreation, used up in the process of educational and labour activity of man. The application of work therapy allows to provide additional physical activity, assists development of skills and abilities. The main principles of its construction must be accordance of loading to functional possibilities of children and prohibition of the types of activity, potentially dangerous for health. For children being able before diseases, the necessary condition of renewal of health is making healthy, sent to the increase of potential of adaptation mechanisms, the correction of present, mostly heterospecific violations. At that time for schoolchildren, suffering from chronic diseases, the obligatory part of a curative process is a rehabilitation, allowing to compensate present violations of the organs and systems, strengthen the action of the curative factors, extend the phase of remission and provide the prophylaxis of intensifying. Along with a similarity of basic constituents, coincidence of vector of their orientation on the improvement of health, the substantial differences of the used forms and methods take place.
The article discusses the features of the organization of recreation, recovery and rehabilitation of the students depending on their health status. The sound methodological approaches allow a comparative analysis of these components species recovery, highlight differences that improve the efficiency of the process. Exactly the state of health stipulates the selection of the indicated higher forms realized for children. Physiotherapy supposes the application of the factors of environment in their natural or changed kind with a curative aim. In this connection its use in the process of recreation is practically absent. The basic requirement during organization of making healthy is a carefulness of the use, that it is related to the possible unfavourable action of some methodologies. Taking into account the necessity of an adaptation effect, a phytotherapy and reflexotherapy are shown. During a rehabilitation physiotherapy uses all known forms and methods. For practically healthy the recreation, is used and understood as rest, recreation, used up in the process of educational and labour activity of man. The application of work therapy allows to provide additional physical activity, assists development of skills and abilities. The main principles of its construction must be accordance of loading to functional possibilities of children and prohibition of the types of activity, potentially dangerous for health. For children being able before diseases, the necessary condition of renewal of health is making healthy, sent to the increase of potential of adaptation mechanisms, the correction of present, mostly heterospecific violations. At that time for schoolchildren, suffering from chronic diseases, the obligatory part of a curative process is a rehabilitation, allowing to compensate present violations of the organs and systems, strengthen the action of the curative factors, extend the phase of remission and provide the prophylaxis of intensifying. Along with a similarity of basic constituents, coincidence of vector of their orientation on the improvement of health, the substantial differences of the used forms and methods take place.
Ключові слова
рекреация, оздоровление, реабилитация, школьники, здоровье, recreation, recovery, rehabilitation, school children, health
Бібліографічний опис
Подригало, Л. В. Методологические подходы к организации рекреации, оздоровления и реабилитации детей школьного возраста [Текст] / Л. В. Подригало, А. Г. Платонова // Педагогічні науки: теорія, історія, інноваційні технології : науковий журнал / Міністерство освіти і науки України, Сумський державний університет імені А. С. Макаренка ; редкол.: А. А. Сбруєва, О. Є. Антонова, Дж. Бішоп та ін. – Суми : СумДПУ імені А. С. Макаренка, 2014. – № 2 (36). – С. 167–177.