Дистанційне навчання вищої математики: досвід Донецького національного університету (м. Вінниця)
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Стаття присвячена вельми актуальному питанню сьогодення – проблемі ефективної організації навчання математичних дисциплін студентів університету в дистанційній формі. Автором проаналізовано основні нормативно-правові документи щодо впровадження дистанційного навчання в Україні. Автор висвітлює досвід Донецького національного університету з розробки та впровадження дистанційних навчальних курсів. Певні елементи дистанційного навчання в університеті реалізуються з 2008 року і керівництво відділу дистанційного навчання та веб-технологій та деякі викладачі кафедри вищої математики і методики викладання математики мають успішний досвід роботи в міжнародних проектах. Наводяться приклади фрагментів дистанційних курсів з різних математичних дисциплін кафедри.
The paper is devoted to a very topical issue of today – the efficient organization of teaching mathematical disciplines of university students in the distance form. The author analyzes the main normative legal documents on the implementation of distance learning in Ukraine. Some minimum requirements for organizational, personnel, scientific and methodological, material and technical bases, information and hardware support of the university for implementing the technology of distance learning in educational practice are given in the paper. Last academic year due to the complex socio-political situation in the east of the country Donetsk National University had to evacuate to Vinnytsya. There was no doubt that in these new conditions an effective teaching just would be really impossible. If it were not for distance learning technologies provided. The distance learning in Donetsk National University was the only practical delivery format to train our students in our educational environment because distance education is that educational mode whereby a student can learn “at a distance”. The instructor and students interact at a distance without having to be physically present in the same location. The author presents own experience of Donetsk National University in designing and implementing of e-learning courses. Certain elements of distance learning at the University have been implemented since 2008. Leaders of Department of distance learning and web technologies and some teachers of the Department of Higher Mathematics and Methodology of teaching mathematics have been successfully involved in some international projects. The examples of some distance learning courses on various mathematical disciplines at the Department of Higher Mathematics and Methodology of teaching mathematics: "Foundations of Higher Mathematics" and "Mathematical Principles of Information activity" are also given. These courses include information about tutors of this course with a link to personal website of the lecturer; schedule; curriculum; e-lectures with links for downloading; slide lectures (programmed in Notebook for SmartBoard); recommended books with links for downloading; online quizzes; online consultation, forum and chat modules; topics of creative tasks and library of scientific projects (the best works of previous students) etc.
The paper is devoted to a very topical issue of today – the efficient organization of teaching mathematical disciplines of university students in the distance form. The author analyzes the main normative legal documents on the implementation of distance learning in Ukraine. Some minimum requirements for organizational, personnel, scientific and methodological, material and technical bases, information and hardware support of the university for implementing the technology of distance learning in educational practice are given in the paper. Last academic year due to the complex socio-political situation in the east of the country Donetsk National University had to evacuate to Vinnytsya. There was no doubt that in these new conditions an effective teaching just would be really impossible. If it were not for distance learning technologies provided. The distance learning in Donetsk National University was the only practical delivery format to train our students in our educational environment because distance education is that educational mode whereby a student can learn “at a distance”. The instructor and students interact at a distance without having to be physically present in the same location. The author presents own experience of Donetsk National University in designing and implementing of e-learning courses. Certain elements of distance learning at the University have been implemented since 2008. Leaders of Department of distance learning and web technologies and some teachers of the Department of Higher Mathematics and Methodology of teaching mathematics have been successfully involved in some international projects. The examples of some distance learning courses on various mathematical disciplines at the Department of Higher Mathematics and Methodology of teaching mathematics: "Foundations of Higher Mathematics" and "Mathematical Principles of Information activity" are also given. These courses include information about tutors of this course with a link to personal website of the lecturer; schedule; curriculum; e-lectures with links for downloading; slide lectures (programmed in Notebook for SmartBoard); recommended books with links for downloading; online quizzes; online consultation, forum and chat modules; topics of creative tasks and library of scientific projects (the best works of previous students) etc.
Ключові слова
дистанційне навчання, хмарні технології, навчання вищої математики, вимоги до організації навчання в дистанційній формі, distance learning, cloud computing, teaching of higher mathematics, requirements for the organization of teaching in the distance form
Бібліографічний опис
Пузирьов, В. Є. Дистанційне навчання вищої математики: досвід донецького національного університету (м. Вінниця) [Текст] / В. Є. Пузирьов // Педагогічні науки: теорія, історія, інноваційні технології : науковий журнал / МОН України, Сумський держ. пед. ун-т ім. А. С. Макаренка ; [редкол.: А. А. Сбруєва, О. Є. Антонова, Дж. Бішоп та ін.]. – Суми : СумДПУ ім. А. С. Макаренка, 2015. – № 6 (50). – С. 283–290.