Правова підготовка як умова високого професіоналізму вчителів
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У статті доведено необхідність здійснення підготовки майбутніх учителів у педагогічному вищому навчальному закладі як фахівців, які володіють правовою компетентністю. Учитель будь-якого фаху зі сформованою правовою компетентністю здатний на високому рівні організовувати власну професійну діяльність крізь призму норм права, будувати цілісну систему узагальнених знань правових теорій, цінностей, ідеалів, які розкривають правові аспекти педагогічної діяльності, надають можливість визначати адекватні моделі поведінки й приймати рішення в типових і нестандартних правових ситуаціях, керуватися в своїй професійній діяльності принципами законності, поваги до прав і свобод інших осіб.
In a large-scale development of the rule of law in modern Ukrainian legal education is of particular importance for the formation of legal culture and legal consciousness of personality, her skills to legitimate legal means to act in different situations. Therefore, the legal training of teachers is a necessary component of their professional competence, allows the characterization of the teacher as the subject of a successful teaching activities and as a manager of educational services. The professional competence of the teacher integrates a range of professional competencies: psychological, methodological, substantive, informational, research, legal and others. A comparison of different approaches to the interpretation of the notion of scientists’ professional competence of the teacher (L. Karpova, O. Kozireva, M. Lukyanova and others) are gave rise to the conclusion that, regardless of the personal understanding of component membership of professional competence, all the scientists in its composition include legal competence. The article analyzes the pedagogical possibilities of legal training in enhancing professionalism of future teachers and presented the legal competence of the teacher as a necessary condition for his willingness to perform professional functions and achieve high performance in professional activities. Considering the competence-based approach to the formation of teachers – based on professional analysis of the main categories of competence paradigm presented in the concept of professionalism, we came to the conclusion that the competence (knowledge, providing the basic functions of a teacher) is a generalized characteristic of professionalism of the teacher, that is independent of his personal qualities and competence is personified competence – «the man in the profession». The presence of competence determines the ability and capacity to carry out professional activities, and the qualification to do so by law. So, teacher’s qualification, ideally, means and competence. Competence is an objective form of professionalism. The legal competence of students formed on the basis of the study of the subjects «Foundations of Constitutional Law of Ukraine» (2nd year of study), «Law» (4th year of study), and also increased the administration of 5-year student learning copyright modular special course «Legal Culture and teacher’s competence» which includes 5 modules, 54 hours. The process of forming a legal competence of future teachers requires the inclusion of the individual in the continuous expansion of the professional relationship, forming a complete system of generalized knowledge of legal theories, values, and ideals that reveal the legal aspects of educational activities, provide the ability to identify appropriate behaviors and make decisions in standard and non-standard legal situations, be guided in their professional principles by the rule of law, respect for the rights and freedoms of others. It focuses on the formation of the legal «self-concept» professional teacher.
In a large-scale development of the rule of law in modern Ukrainian legal education is of particular importance for the formation of legal culture and legal consciousness of personality, her skills to legitimate legal means to act in different situations. Therefore, the legal training of teachers is a necessary component of their professional competence, allows the characterization of the teacher as the subject of a successful teaching activities and as a manager of educational services. The professional competence of the teacher integrates a range of professional competencies: psychological, methodological, substantive, informational, research, legal and others. A comparison of different approaches to the interpretation of the notion of scientists’ professional competence of the teacher (L. Karpova, O. Kozireva, M. Lukyanova and others) are gave rise to the conclusion that, regardless of the personal understanding of component membership of professional competence, all the scientists in its composition include legal competence. The article analyzes the pedagogical possibilities of legal training in enhancing professionalism of future teachers and presented the legal competence of the teacher as a necessary condition for his willingness to perform professional functions and achieve high performance in professional activities. Considering the competence-based approach to the formation of teachers – based on professional analysis of the main categories of competence paradigm presented in the concept of professionalism, we came to the conclusion that the competence (knowledge, providing the basic functions of a teacher) is a generalized characteristic of professionalism of the teacher, that is independent of his personal qualities and competence is personified competence – «the man in the profession». The presence of competence determines the ability and capacity to carry out professional activities, and the qualification to do so by law. So, teacher’s qualification, ideally, means and competence. Competence is an objective form of professionalism. The legal competence of students formed on the basis of the study of the subjects «Foundations of Constitutional Law of Ukraine» (2nd year of study), «Law» (4th year of study), and also increased the administration of 5-year student learning copyright modular special course «Legal Culture and teacher’s competence» which includes 5 modules, 54 hours. The process of forming a legal competence of future teachers requires the inclusion of the individual in the continuous expansion of the professional relationship, forming a complete system of generalized knowledge of legal theories, values, and ideals that reveal the legal aspects of educational activities, provide the ability to identify appropriate behaviors and make decisions in standard and non-standard legal situations, be guided in their professional principles by the rule of law, respect for the rights and freedoms of others. It focuses on the formation of the legal «self-concept» professional teacher.
Ключові слова
компетентнісний підхід, майбутній учитель, правова підготовка, правова компетентність, професіоналізм, професійно-правова діяльність учителя, освітні правовідносини, competence approach, future teacher, legal training, legal competence, professionalism, professional and legal teacher’s activities, educational relationships
Бібліографічний опис
Іваній, О. М. Правова підготовка як умова високого професіоналізму вчителів [Текст] / О. М. Іваній // Педагогічні науки: теорія, історія, інноваційні технології : науковий журнал / МОН України, Сумський держ. пед. ун-т ім. А. С. Макаренка ; [редкол.: А. А. Сбруєва, О. Є. Антонова, Дж. Бішоп та ін.]. – Суми : СумДПУ ім. А. С. Макаренка, 2014. – № 1 (35). – С. 326–333.