Формування ключових і спеціально-предметних компетентностей учнів основної школи під час навчання алгебри із застосуванням проектних технологій
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У статті автор наводить приклад навчального проекту «Функція як математична модель реальних процесів». Цей проект учитель може організувати для учнів 7–9 класів під час вивчення змістової лінії «Функції». Автор описує види та характеристики ключових компетентностей учнів, задіяних у виконанні завдань навчального проекту: уміння вчитися, компетентність із інформаційно-комунікаційних технологій, соціальна, загальнокультурна, здоров’язбережувальна, громадянська та підприємницька компетентності. Автор пропонує спеціально-предметні компетентності розвивати відповідно до тем навчальної програми з алгебри за окремими напрямами. У статті подано таблицю, у якій детально проаналізовано проектні напрями й характеристики спеціально-предметних компетентностей.
Successful adaptation of a modern school graduate to public life makes demands on availability such personality traits as mobility, the ability to learn throughout life, availability of critical thinking, tolerance and so on. This involves extensive use of competency approach in the educational process. As the student’s competence is key quality indicator of the result of his schooling, the educational problem of forming life competencies of pupils is a priority in national educational policy. Traditional teaching methods do not allow to solve the problem fully efficiently. Therefore the use of design techniques in school practice in order to create key and special subject competencies of the secondary school pupils while studying algebra is appropriate, and conduct of relevant scientific-methodological research is an important task of scientists and methodologists. The article gives the example of the educational project “Function as a mathematical model of real processes”. The teacher can arrange this project for students of the grades 7–9 in the study of content line “Options”. The author describes the types and characteristics of key competencies of pupils involved in the tasks of the educational project: the ability to learn, competence with ICT, social, general cultural, school health, civic and entrepreneurial competences. The author offers a specially-developed substantive competence according to curriculum topics in algebra in certain areas. The article contains a table which analyzes in detail the project areas and features of special-subject competences. The article will be useful for researchers, methodologists and teachers. Analyzing the essence of the competence approach in education and the leading ideas of design technologies, the authors conclude that they have many common reference points (tasks), namely: not only to convey to students a certain amount of knowledge but to teach how to apply this knowledge if you want to use them for other tasks; to develop students’ communication skills, ability to work with different people, ability to listen to the views of other participants of the educational process, the ability to persuade in debate, to perform various social roles, overcome conflict; to develop the ability to collect the necessary information, put forward hypotheses, use research methods, do introspection and so on.
Successful adaptation of a modern school graduate to public life makes demands on availability such personality traits as mobility, the ability to learn throughout life, availability of critical thinking, tolerance and so on. This involves extensive use of competency approach in the educational process. As the student’s competence is key quality indicator of the result of his schooling, the educational problem of forming life competencies of pupils is a priority in national educational policy. Traditional teaching methods do not allow to solve the problem fully efficiently. Therefore the use of design techniques in school practice in order to create key and special subject competencies of the secondary school pupils while studying algebra is appropriate, and conduct of relevant scientific-methodological research is an important task of scientists and methodologists. The article gives the example of the educational project “Function as a mathematical model of real processes”. The teacher can arrange this project for students of the grades 7–9 in the study of content line “Options”. The author describes the types and characteristics of key competencies of pupils involved in the tasks of the educational project: the ability to learn, competence with ICT, social, general cultural, school health, civic and entrepreneurial competences. The author offers a specially-developed substantive competence according to curriculum topics in algebra in certain areas. The article contains a table which analyzes in detail the project areas and features of special-subject competences. The article will be useful for researchers, methodologists and teachers. Analyzing the essence of the competence approach in education and the leading ideas of design technologies, the authors conclude that they have many common reference points (tasks), namely: not only to convey to students a certain amount of knowledge but to teach how to apply this knowledge if you want to use them for other tasks; to develop students’ communication skills, ability to work with different people, ability to listen to the views of other participants of the educational process, the ability to persuade in debate, to perform various social roles, overcome conflict; to develop the ability to collect the necessary information, put forward hypotheses, use research methods, do introspection and so on.
Ключові слова
компетентнісний підхід, competence approach, ключові та спеціально-предметні компетентності, key and special-subject expertise, проектні технології, design technology, навчання алгебри в основній школі, learning algebra in elementary school
Бібліографічний опис
Лук’янова, C. М. Формування ключових і спеціально-предметних компетентностей учнів основної школи під час навчання алгебри із застосуванням проектних технологій [Текст] / С. М. Лук’янова, С. М. Мовчан // Педагогічні науки: теорія, історія, інноваційні технології : науковий журнал / МОН України, Сумський держ. пед. ун-т ім. А. С. Макаренка ; [редкол.: А. А. Сбруєва, О. Є. Антонова, Дж. Бішоп та ін.]. – Суми : СумДПУ ім. А. С. Макаренка, 2016. – № 2 (56). – С. 321–330.