Мовне питання в діяльності пролеткульту в Україні
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У статті висвітлено суспільно-політичні умови діяльності пролетарських освітньо-просвітницьких організацій у 20-ті рр. ХХ ст., зокрема в розрізі національного питання, а саме дослідження політичних засад щодо статусу української мови й культури. Це питання стало визначальним у діяльності Пролеткульту в Україні – культурно-просвітницької та літературно-художньої організації пролетарської самодіяльності при Наркомосі, яка мала за мету широкий і всебічний розвиток пролетарської культури самим пролетаріатом. На відміну від Росії, пролеткультівські організації в Україні не набули значного поширення та припинили своє існування з огляду на неврахування національної мови й культури, а також обмеженим доступом селян, як корінного населення, але непролетарського походження.
Modern social changes require a detailed, critical rethinking of the experience of previous generations. Special attention needs an objective study of the history of Russian-Ukrainian relations that will determine the cause’s confusion in the historical context to establish the relationship and ensuring peace in the geopolitical space. The 20-30-s of the XX-th century were of great interest because this was the period of intense cultural development with the trend to democracy, creativity, diversity, while it remains tendentious shown from the standpoint of the official Soviet pedagogy as a complex and ambiguous process of artificial increase of the result beforehand. The article highlights the social and political conditions of proletarian educational organizations in the 20-s of the XX-th century especially in the context of the national question, namely the research of the political principles on the status of the Ukrainian language and culture. This question was crucial in the activity of Proletcult in Ukraine – a cultural and literary and artistic performance in the proletarian organization of Commissariat, which had the goal of broad and comprehensive development of proletarian culture by the proletariat. Unlike Russia Proletcult organizations in Ukraine have not received a significant distribution and ceased to exist due to the neglect of the national language and culture as well as restricted farmers, as indigenous people, but the non-proletarian origin. Thus, the question of the Ukrainian language was crucial in establishing Proletcult in Ukraine. Guided by the platform and the All-Russian conference of cultural and educational organizations, focusing on the creation of proletarian culture as a non-national-international phenomenon Proletcult was opposition against the rise of the national liberation movement, the surge of national consciousness. Along with the official policy of the Soviet government and the Communist Party on the Ukrainian issue Proletcult organizations did not stand the pressure of the existing conditions of the national liberation struggle, didn’t find the supporters among local scientists, artists and public figures. Attention should be taken to the fact that in the Presidency and the Ukrainian Council of Proletcult there were mostly Russian officials who determined the content of the Ukrainian organization.
Modern social changes require a detailed, critical rethinking of the experience of previous generations. Special attention needs an objective study of the history of Russian-Ukrainian relations that will determine the cause’s confusion in the historical context to establish the relationship and ensuring peace in the geopolitical space. The 20-30-s of the XX-th century were of great interest because this was the period of intense cultural development with the trend to democracy, creativity, diversity, while it remains tendentious shown from the standpoint of the official Soviet pedagogy as a complex and ambiguous process of artificial increase of the result beforehand. The article highlights the social and political conditions of proletarian educational organizations in the 20-s of the XX-th century especially in the context of the national question, namely the research of the political principles on the status of the Ukrainian language and culture. This question was crucial in the activity of Proletcult in Ukraine – a cultural and literary and artistic performance in the proletarian organization of Commissariat, which had the goal of broad and comprehensive development of proletarian culture by the proletariat. Unlike Russia Proletcult organizations in Ukraine have not received a significant distribution and ceased to exist due to the neglect of the national language and culture as well as restricted farmers, as indigenous people, but the non-proletarian origin. Thus, the question of the Ukrainian language was crucial in establishing Proletcult in Ukraine. Guided by the platform and the All-Russian conference of cultural and educational organizations, focusing on the creation of proletarian culture as a non-national-international phenomenon Proletcult was opposition against the rise of the national liberation movement, the surge of national consciousness. Along with the official policy of the Soviet government and the Communist Party on the Ukrainian issue Proletcult organizations did not stand the pressure of the existing conditions of the national liberation struggle, didn’t find the supporters among local scientists, artists and public figures. Attention should be taken to the fact that in the Presidency and the Ukrainian Council of Proletcult there were mostly Russian officials who determined the content of the Ukrainian organization.
Ключові слова
пролеткульт, proletсult, робітник, worker, культура, culture, мова, language, політика, politics, організація, organization
Бібліографічний опис
Гоменюк, О. Мовне питання в діяльності пролеткульту в Україні [Текст] / О. Гоменюк // Педагогічні науки: теорія, історія, інноваційні технології : науковий журнал / МОН України, Сумський держ. пед. ун-т ім. А. С. Макаренка ; [редкол.: А. А. Сбруєва, О. Є. Антонова, Дж. Бішоп та ін.]. – Суми : СумДПУ ім. А. С. Макаренка, 2016. – № 3 (57). – С. 16–27.