Проблеми підготовки магістрів гуманітарних спеціальностей до інноваційної діяльності в умовах ступеневої освіти
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У статті розглянуто та проаналізовано актуальні проблеми професійної підготовки магістрів гуманітарних спеціальностей в умовах ступеневої освіти. Зазначено, що визначальним у підготовці магістрів до інноваційної діяльності є високий рівень їх професійної підготовки та володіння іноземною мовою. Для досягнення поставленої мети необхідне вдосконалення освітньо-кваліфікаційних програм підготовки магістрів, зорієнтованих на досягнення сучасних освітніх стандартів, запровадження нових педагогічних технологій викладання
у вищих навчальних закладах. Базуючись на досвіді передових університетів
світу, система підготовки фахівців в Україні потребує реорганізації для переведення їх на якісно новий рівень.
The actual problems of Masters’ humanities training to innovative activity under multilevel education are reviewed and analyzed in the article. It is emphasized that the determining factor in Masters’ training to innovative activity is their high level of professional training and knowledge of foreign language. To achieve this goal it is important the improvement of educational qualification programs of Masters’ training, which is oriented towards the achievement of modern educational standards and introducing new pedagogical techniques of teaching in Higher Education. In accordance with the Law of Ukraine «About Education» (1996) The Master’s degree is introduced on the level with the Specialist degree. These levels were determined as the same at a new High School. K. Ostrovsky claims about the simplification of educational system. Indetermination of terms «Specialist» and «Master» at the national level in most universities, the same terms of learning, the identical curriculum does not allow turning to multilevel education. According to S. Sysoyeva and N. Batechko and we fully agree with this position, the difference between master training program is to focus on deep fundamental knowledge, on innovational activity, including the scientific field. We can say that the Magistracy takes one of the main places in higher education, which aimes to provide facilities for training scientific-pedagogical staff of High School for professional scientific and pedagogical innovations. The clear understanding and awareness of specific performance ensures adequacy and performance of its components: forms, methods and means. Based on the experience of leading universities of the world, the system of training in Ukraine requires reorganization to transfer them to a new level. Our future reseach prospects are: to distinguish organizational and pedagogic conditions which ensure high efficiency of Masters’ training process to innovative activity; to develop and to implement the structural and functional model, which is the program for organizing and conducting the experimental stage of our reseach.
The actual problems of Masters’ humanities training to innovative activity under multilevel education are reviewed and analyzed in the article. It is emphasized that the determining factor in Masters’ training to innovative activity is their high level of professional training and knowledge of foreign language. To achieve this goal it is important the improvement of educational qualification programs of Masters’ training, which is oriented towards the achievement of modern educational standards and introducing new pedagogical techniques of teaching in Higher Education. In accordance with the Law of Ukraine «About Education» (1996) The Master’s degree is introduced on the level with the Specialist degree. These levels were determined as the same at a new High School. K. Ostrovsky claims about the simplification of educational system. Indetermination of terms «Specialist» and «Master» at the national level in most universities, the same terms of learning, the identical curriculum does not allow turning to multilevel education. According to S. Sysoyeva and N. Batechko and we fully agree with this position, the difference between master training program is to focus on deep fundamental knowledge, on innovational activity, including the scientific field. We can say that the Magistracy takes one of the main places in higher education, which aimes to provide facilities for training scientific-pedagogical staff of High School for professional scientific and pedagogical innovations. The clear understanding and awareness of specific performance ensures adequacy and performance of its components: forms, methods and means. Based on the experience of leading universities of the world, the system of training in Ukraine requires reorganization to transfer them to a new level. Our future reseach prospects are: to distinguish organizational and pedagogic conditions which ensure high efficiency of Masters’ training process to innovative activity; to develop and to implement the structural and functional model, which is the program for organizing and conducting the experimental stage of our reseach.
Ключові слова
магістр, магістратура, підготовка магістрів, інноваційна діяльність, інноваційний процес, ступенева освіта, master, magisrtracy, masters’ training, innovational activity, innovational process, multilevel education
Бібліографічний опис
Ковальчук, О. М. Проблеми підготовки магістрів гуманітарних спеціальностей до інноваційної діяльності в умовах ступеневої освіти [Текст] / О. М. Ковальчук // Педагогічні науки: теорія, історія, інноваційні технології : науковий журнал / Міністерство освіти і науки України, Сумський державний університет імені А. С. Макаренка ; редкол.: А. А. Сбруєва, Дж. Бішоп, О. В. Єременко та ін. – Суми : СумДПУ імені А. С. Макаренка, 2013. – №6 (32). – С. 201–207.