Зміст підготовки експертів з освіти в німецькомовних країнах Європейського Союзу
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У статті розглядається зміст магістерських курсів «Розвиток школи та забезпечення якості» (Вільний університет м. Берлін) та «Розвиток школи» (Педагогічні вищі школи м. Вейнгартен, Форарльберг, Санкт-Галлен, Шаффхаузен, Тургау). З’ясовано, що зміст вищезазначених курсів охоплює такі аспекти: основні принципи, форми та методи управління освітніми організаціями; основи розвитку освітньої установи та персоналу (моделі забезпечення якості, поняття розвитку персоналу); основи педагогічної експертизи (стандарти, шанси та ризики, а також планування експертизи); основи консультування.
The article covers the content of training experts on education in German speaking countries of the European Union (Germany, Austria and Switzerland). It also analyses the Master’s courses such as «Developing School and Ensuring Quality» (Free University of Berlin) and «School Development» (Pedagogical higher schools of Weingarten, Vorarlberg, Sankt-Gallen, Schaffhausen, Thurgau). It has been found that the Master’s degree course «Developing School and Ensuring Quality» at the Free University of Berlin covers 60 credits (1800 hours) and includes the following modules: «School and personnel development», «Expert assessment and quality control», «Educational process development», «Expert assessment project» and «Personnel management project». The Master’s degree course of «School Development» at Pedagogical higher schools of Weingarten, Vorarlberg, Sankt-Gallen, Schaffhausen, Thurgau covers 90 credits (2700 hours) and includes the following modules: «School development», «Educational management», «Empirical methods», «Expert assessment», «Educational process development», «Consulting», «Project». At the end of the course students write their Master's research paper. Therefore, the content of the courses listed above covers such aspects as: the key concepts, principles, forms and methods of managing educational institutions; the basis of educational institution development and its personnel (the model of school and its programme, the model of quality control and improvement, the notion of personnel development, the concept of teachers’ professional development); the basis of pedagogical expert assessment (its types, functions, criteria and standards, as well as risks, opportunities and planning); the basis of consulting. It is concluded that content of master courses of training experts on education in German-speaking countries of the European Union (Germany, Austria and Switzerland) covers the following aspects: basic concepts, principles, forms and methods of management of education institutions; the basis for the development of educational institutions and personnel (the model and the program of the school, models of welfare and development of quality, the concept of staff development, the concept of teacher training); fundamentals of educational assessment (types, functions, criteria and standards, chances and risks and planning expertise); basics of counseling.
The article covers the content of training experts on education in German speaking countries of the European Union (Germany, Austria and Switzerland). It also analyses the Master’s courses such as «Developing School and Ensuring Quality» (Free University of Berlin) and «School Development» (Pedagogical higher schools of Weingarten, Vorarlberg, Sankt-Gallen, Schaffhausen, Thurgau). It has been found that the Master’s degree course «Developing School and Ensuring Quality» at the Free University of Berlin covers 60 credits (1800 hours) and includes the following modules: «School and personnel development», «Expert assessment and quality control», «Educational process development», «Expert assessment project» and «Personnel management project». The Master’s degree course of «School Development» at Pedagogical higher schools of Weingarten, Vorarlberg, Sankt-Gallen, Schaffhausen, Thurgau covers 90 credits (2700 hours) and includes the following modules: «School development», «Educational management», «Empirical methods», «Expert assessment», «Educational process development», «Consulting», «Project». At the end of the course students write their Master's research paper. Therefore, the content of the courses listed above covers such aspects as: the key concepts, principles, forms and methods of managing educational institutions; the basis of educational institution development and its personnel (the model of school and its programme, the model of quality control and improvement, the notion of personnel development, the concept of teachers’ professional development); the basis of pedagogical expert assessment (its types, functions, criteria and standards, as well as risks, opportunities and planning); the basis of consulting. It is concluded that content of master courses of training experts on education in German-speaking countries of the European Union (Germany, Austria and Switzerland) covers the following aspects: basic concepts, principles, forms and methods of management of education institutions; the basis for the development of educational institutions and personnel (the model and the program of the school, models of welfare and development of quality, the concept of staff development, the concept of teacher training); fundamentals of educational assessment (types, functions, criteria and standards, chances and risks and planning expertise); basics of counseling.
Ключові слова
експертиза, експерт з освіти, емпіричні методи, консультування, магістерський курс, магістерська робота, освітній менеджмент, проект, розвиток освітнього процесу, розвиток школи, consulting, Master’s degree course, Master’s research paper, educational management, project, educational process development, school development, educational expert, expert assessment, empirical methods
Бібліографічний опис
Пономаренко, Н. Г. Зміст підготовки експертів з освіти в німецькомовних країнах Європейського Союзу [Текст] / Н. Г. Пономаренко // Педагогічні науки: теорія, історія, інноваційні технології : науковий журнал / МОН України, Сумський держ. пед. ун-т ім. А. С. Макаренка ; [редкол.: А. А. Сбруєва, О. Є. Антонова, Дж. Бішоп та ін.]. – Суми : СумДПУ ім. А. С. Макаренка, 2015. – № 6 (50). – С. 442–448.