Опікунсько-виховна діяльність Варшавського благодійного товариства (1814–1914)

dc.contributor.authorДзюбинська Х. А.
dc.contributor.authorDziubynska Kh. A.
dc.description.abstractУ статті розкрито внесок Варшавського благодійного товариства в становлення та діяльність перших захоронок і ясел для малих дітей у Польщі, у розвиток і популяризацію професійної освіти для дітей-сиріт і найбідніших дітей, які не мали інших можливостей її отримання. Розкрито специфіку їх діяльності, проведення занять, де діти могли навчитися культури щоденного життя, добрих манер, гігієнічних звичок тощо. Ці установи намагалися створити для дітей-сиріт умови, наближені до сімейних. Товариство надавало допомогу дітям у вигляді стипендій на оплату за навчання і купівлю книжок. Значним досягненням товариства була організація медичної опіки дітей-сиріт.uk_UA
dc.description.abstractIn the history of tutorial pedagogic in Poland significant role plays the upbringing activity of Warsaw charitable society, theoretical and methodological bases in work with orphan-children. The society was an initiator for creating of the first boarding houses and public nurseries in Poland. Despite the constant inspection and supervision over the boarding houses, society influenced to a great extent moral and mental development of children and youth. Boarding houses remained often the only institutions which protected children against the negative influence of the society. They were the first pre-school upbringing establishments in Poland which offered a great effort in tutorial activity to make out of youngest orphans and the poorest children honest men and citizen. Extend methods and means for upbringing were prayer, drill, play, and narration about God, parables of the Holy Writ, historical narratives and drawing. Tutors used demonstratives. Youngest children used to learn orally without schoolbooks. Drill and play were carried out on the high methodological and content level. Important was teaching for ethical rules and physical development of children. Children in age of six years got acquainted with the World during play where they developed their mentality and observation in particular. After they reached six years began planned and systematic studying which was aimed at care of intellectual, moral and physical development of disciples. Reading and writing learned mostly children elder than seven years. The society tried to overcome difficult social situation dominating in that time in Warsaw, to enlarge and get adopted own tutorial forms over the orphan-children to the new needs. The society organized public nursery as a new tutorial form over the smallest children in Warsaw. This idea was supported in relation with growing amount of infants left at hospital and that it was the only way out for women. The society founded sewing workshops for girls and a work room for boys with aim to prepare them for adult life. Children got free of charge vocational training, nourishment (breakfast and dinner), lodging for the night. Girls were taught to mend, knit, embroider, launder, cook, to do shopping and housekeeping. Teachers controlled hygienic condition of children, keeping order and cleanness in rooms, had to teach children to keep up discipline, try to avoid punishment for pupils. The society took Polish and Jewish children. School program was unified. During practical school hours boys learned to weave baskets, to make articles of straw, brushes, to carve and work up the wood, to master tailor, shoemaker and metalworker. The disciples were inoculated with habits like honesty, painstaking, assiduity and aesthetic taste. These establishments tried to create conditions for orphan-children close to that in the family. The institution granted for children studying and books. Significant progress for society was medical treatment of orphan-children.uk_UA
dc.identifier.citationДзюбинська, Х. А. Опікунсько-виховна діяльність Варшавського благодійного товариства (1814–1914) [Текст] / Х. А. Дзюбинська // Педагогічні науки: теорія, історія, інноваційні технології : науковий журнал / Міністерство освіти і науки України, Сумський державний університет імені А. С. Макаренка ; редкол.: А. А. Сбруєва, Дж. Бішоп, О. В. Єременко та ін. – Суми : СумДПУ імені А. С. Макаренка, 2013. – №6 (32). – С. 44–53.uk_UA
dc.subjectВаршавське благодійне товариствоuk_UA
dc.subjectWarsaw charitable societyuk_UA
dc.subjectboarding schoolsuk_UA
dc.subjectpublic nurseryuk_UA
dc.titleОпікунсько-виховна діяльність Варшавського благодійного товариства (1814–1914)uk_UA
dc.title.alternativeThe Tutorial and Upbringing Activity of the Warsaw Charitable Society in 19th Centuryuk_UA
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