Запровадження педагогічних інновацій у вищій школі
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У статті з’ясовується сутність поняття «педагогічні інновації», визначаються основні напрями дослідження з означеної проблеми. Розкривається новий підхід до проведення викладачами лекційних і практичних занять у вищих навчальних закладах. Педагогічні інновації у вищій школі дають можливість застосовувати індивідуальний підхід до кожного студента, при цьому враховувати його здібності та вподобання, формувати готовність майбутнього педагога до інноваційної діяльності. Перспективи подальшого дослідження вбачаємо в більш детальному вивченні питання запровадження інноваційних освітніх технологій викладачами при викладанні психолого-педагогічних курсів у ВНЗ.
In this article the essence of concept “pedagogical innovation” is found out and the main directions of exploration of this problem are defined. Also it is examined that innovative pedagogical technologies are directed at solving such pedagogical problems as: introduction into practice of the new methods, ways which take the whole studying process from defining it aim to waiting results. The new point of view to teach lectures and practice lessons in higher education institutions is exposed. The teachers in higher education institutions may introduce such innovative educational technologies as computer learning programs, electronic learning editions, audio and video learning materials, computer nets, internet, motivational and incentive methods (conversations, discussions), value and regulative methods (tests, doing individual research and creative tasks of different levels of difficulty, posters, photo and video presentations, catalogues). Major innovations in the learning process in the first place should relate to the structure of the education system; curricula and programs; learning technologies and educational equipment; organization of training using information systems, especially in specialized classrooms and laboratories using electronic didactic materials; evaluate the impact of training using the credit-modular system of training; interpersonal relations “teacher-student”. Also it is established that pedagogical institutions raise the level of learning interest of students, the level of knowledge and professional and research skills and improve all studying and scientific and methodological activities. Introduction of innovative technologies in the pedagogical institutions favors the creative development of students, gives an opportunity to reveal the gifted personality and helps them to conduct research work. It also gives an opportunity to use individual method to every student and take his abilities and interests and form readiness of the future specialist to innovative activity. Prospects for further research we see in a more detailed study of questions of introduction of innovative educational technologies by teachers in teaching psycho-pedagogical courses at the universities.
In this article the essence of concept “pedagogical innovation” is found out and the main directions of exploration of this problem are defined. Also it is examined that innovative pedagogical technologies are directed at solving such pedagogical problems as: introduction into practice of the new methods, ways which take the whole studying process from defining it aim to waiting results. The new point of view to teach lectures and practice lessons in higher education institutions is exposed. The teachers in higher education institutions may introduce such innovative educational technologies as computer learning programs, electronic learning editions, audio and video learning materials, computer nets, internet, motivational and incentive methods (conversations, discussions), value and regulative methods (tests, doing individual research and creative tasks of different levels of difficulty, posters, photo and video presentations, catalogues). Major innovations in the learning process in the first place should relate to the structure of the education system; curricula and programs; learning technologies and educational equipment; organization of training using information systems, especially in specialized classrooms and laboratories using electronic didactic materials; evaluate the impact of training using the credit-modular system of training; interpersonal relations “teacher-student”. Also it is established that pedagogical institutions raise the level of learning interest of students, the level of knowledge and professional and research skills and improve all studying and scientific and methodological activities. Introduction of innovative technologies in the pedagogical institutions favors the creative development of students, gives an opportunity to reveal the gifted personality and helps them to conduct research work. It also gives an opportunity to use individual method to every student and take his abilities and interests and form readiness of the future specialist to innovative activity. Prospects for further research we see in a more detailed study of questions of introduction of innovative educational technologies by teachers in teaching psycho-pedagogical courses at the universities.
Ключові слова
педагогічні інновації, інноваційні освітні технології, лекція, практичне заняття, pedagogical institutions, innovative educational technologies, lecture, practical lesson
Бібліографічний опис
Атаманчук, Н. Запровадження педагогічних інновацій у вищій школі [Текст] / Н. Атаманчук // Педагогічні науки: теорія, історія, інноваційні технології : науковий журнал / МОН України, Сумський держ. пед. ун-т ім. А. С. Макаренка ; [редкол.: А. А. Сбруєва, О. Є. Антонова, Дж. Бішоп та ін.]. – Суми : СумДПУ ім. А. С. Макаренка, 2016. – № 5 (59). – С. 50–57.