О формировании деятельностного компонента лингвосоциокультурной компетентности китайских студентов-филологов
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Целью статьи является определение лингвометодических основ формирования деятельностного компонента лингвосоциокультурной компетентности китайских студентов-русистов. Основой построения методической системы служит компетентностный подход к формированию умений опознания культурных смыслов единиц разных уровней языка: слова, словосочетания, предложения, текста на основе функционирования психолингвистических механизмов восприятия, усвоения, интерпретации. Для определения структуры деятельностного компонента осуществлен анализ межкультурных умений и навыков, выделены инвариантные и вариативные профессионально-ориентированные умения и навыки, составляющие анализируемую компетентность.
The article is dedicated to the issues of the formation of the activity component of the Chinese students – future Russian language teachers’ linguosociocultural competence. Formation of the communicative skills in the socio-cultural sphere and professional interpretation of language units with the national-cultural component of meaning is one of the most challenging components of teaching the future specialists in Russian philology. The base of the methodological system creation is in competence-based approach for formation of the ability to recognize cultural meanings of the different language level’s units, which are distinguished by the modern linguistics and linguocultural studies: the word, the word combination, the sentence and the text, on the basis of functioning of the psycholinguistic perception, assimilation and interpretation mechanisms. Assimilation is one of the key components of the teaching process and the human individual experience formation mechanism performed through the gain and obtaining the sociocultural and socio-historical experience as the body of knowledge, meanings, general codes of action (knowledge and skills), the moral code and ethical rules of conduct. Linguosociocultural competence it is the complex cognitive-active construct, cognitive and activity parts of which are inextricably intertwined. The system analysis of the cross-cultural knowledge and skills sets, performed for the linguosociocultural competence activity component analysis, had shown that it is possible to divide them into knowledge and skills, essential for the varied occupation specializations (invariant) and professional-orientation (variative) for the Chinese students-philologists, the future Russian language teachers. The units of different language levels are the signals, which activate mental cognitive processes of perception or remembering/recognition, according to the ultimacy or repeatability of representation. The future specialists in Russian philology should develop the skills of words, phraseological units and aphorism interpretation, as well as interpretation of lexical, phraseological and aphorismic cultural background. And these skills have to be coordinated with the level of language competence.
The article is dedicated to the issues of the formation of the activity component of the Chinese students – future Russian language teachers’ linguosociocultural competence. Formation of the communicative skills in the socio-cultural sphere and professional interpretation of language units with the national-cultural component of meaning is one of the most challenging components of teaching the future specialists in Russian philology. The base of the methodological system creation is in competence-based approach for formation of the ability to recognize cultural meanings of the different language level’s units, which are distinguished by the modern linguistics and linguocultural studies: the word, the word combination, the sentence and the text, on the basis of functioning of the psycholinguistic perception, assimilation and interpretation mechanisms. Assimilation is one of the key components of the teaching process and the human individual experience formation mechanism performed through the gain and obtaining the sociocultural and socio-historical experience as the body of knowledge, meanings, general codes of action (knowledge and skills), the moral code and ethical rules of conduct. Linguosociocultural competence it is the complex cognitive-active construct, cognitive and activity parts of which are inextricably intertwined. The system analysis of the cross-cultural knowledge and skills sets, performed for the linguosociocultural competence activity component analysis, had shown that it is possible to divide them into knowledge and skills, essential for the varied occupation specializations (invariant) and professional-orientation (variative) for the Chinese students-philologists, the future Russian language teachers. The units of different language levels are the signals, which activate mental cognitive processes of perception or remembering/recognition, according to the ultimacy or repeatability of representation. The future specialists in Russian philology should develop the skills of words, phraseological units and aphorism interpretation, as well as interpretation of lexical, phraseological and aphorismic cultural background. And these skills have to be coordinated with the level of language competence.
Ключові слова
деятельностный компонент, единицы языка, китайские студенты-филологи, лингвосоциокультурная компетентность, activity component, Chinese students-philologists, language units, linguosociocultural competence
Бібліографічний опис
Чунься, Чень О формировании деятельностного компонента лингвосоциокультурной компетентности китайских студентов-филологов [Текст] / Чень Чунься // Педагогічні науки: теорія, історія, інноваційні технології : науковий журнал / МОН України, Сумський держ. пед. ун-т ім. А. С. Макаренка ; [редкол.: А. А. Сбруєва, О. Є. Антонова, Дж. Бішоп та ін.]. – Суми : СумДПУ ім. А. С. Макаренка, 2016. – № 3 (57). – С. 470–479.