Управління діяльністю європейської мережі шкіл сприяння здоров’ю в Україні
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У статті висвітлено питання управління діяльністю та мережева взаємодія Європейської мережі шкіл сприяння здоров’ю. Виявлено такі рівні управління мережею: міжнародний, національний та регіональний. Міжнародний рівень управління діяльністю держав-учасниць Європейської мережі шкіл сприяння здоров’ю (ЄМШСЗ) керується відкритим методом координації, який полягає в обмеженні ролі наднаціональних органів влади ЄМШСЗ, контролю та узгодженні діяльності з міжнародними організаціями – Радою Європи, Європейським комітетом, Регіональним Бюро ВООЗ.На національному рівні – це національна координаційна рада, представлена міністерствами освіти та охорони здоров’я, та національний координатор. Регіональний рівень управління мережею розглядаємо в контексті діяльності шкіл сприяння здоров’ю, які діють на добровільних засадах, на основі ідеї співпраці та співробітництва.
The article reveals the issues of management and network interactions of the European Network of Health Promoting Schools (ENHPS) in Ukraine. The ENHPS is a strategic programme for the European Region, supported by the Council of Europe, the European Commission and the WHO Regional Office for Europe. It has been developed in more than 40 European countries, reaching several thousand schools and hundreds of thousands of pupils. In the ENHPS, each country has been encouraged to develop the health-promoting school idea in a way that seemed most appropriate for their needs and specific context. The challenge for any school starting on this path is to see how the concepts and ideas can best be developed to suit their specific needs and circumstances. Current issues of heath sustaining activities in health promoting schools in Ukraine are the question of study of T. Berezhna, T. Bojchenko, G. Danilenko, О. Yezhova, S. Kirilenko, V. Movchanyuk, V. Orzhehovska, A. Pylypenko, W. Shapovalova and others. The system-structural analysis revealed the essence of the organizational principles of the network, the peculiarities of network as organizational structure, administrative and managerial basics of its operation. It is revealed the following levels of network management, namely international, national and regional. The ENHPS programme depends on a partnership and collaboration between three major European agencies. The international level of management is guided by the open method of coordination, which is to limit the role of supranational authorities, the control and coordination of activities with international organizations – the Council of Europe, the European Committee, the Regional Office. The open method of coordination made mutual understanding and cooperation between EU countries sharing experiences and new ideas to solve problems that are common to the countries. The national level – National Coordination Council is represented by the Ministries of Education and Health, and the National Coordinator in the country. Nationally, the program’s success had also depended on effective partnerships between the health and education sector. Regional level network management is viewed in the context of health-promoting schools that operate on a voluntary basis, based on the idea of collaboration and cooperation.
The article reveals the issues of management and network interactions of the European Network of Health Promoting Schools (ENHPS) in Ukraine. The ENHPS is a strategic programme for the European Region, supported by the Council of Europe, the European Commission and the WHO Regional Office for Europe. It has been developed in more than 40 European countries, reaching several thousand schools and hundreds of thousands of pupils. In the ENHPS, each country has been encouraged to develop the health-promoting school idea in a way that seemed most appropriate for their needs and specific context. The challenge for any school starting on this path is to see how the concepts and ideas can best be developed to suit their specific needs and circumstances. Current issues of heath sustaining activities in health promoting schools in Ukraine are the question of study of T. Berezhna, T. Bojchenko, G. Danilenko, О. Yezhova, S. Kirilenko, V. Movchanyuk, V. Orzhehovska, A. Pylypenko, W. Shapovalova and others. The system-structural analysis revealed the essence of the organizational principles of the network, the peculiarities of network as organizational structure, administrative and managerial basics of its operation. It is revealed the following levels of network management, namely international, national and regional. The ENHPS programme depends on a partnership and collaboration between three major European agencies. The international level of management is guided by the open method of coordination, which is to limit the role of supranational authorities, the control and coordination of activities with international organizations – the Council of Europe, the European Committee, the Regional Office. The open method of coordination made mutual understanding and cooperation between EU countries sharing experiences and new ideas to solve problems that are common to the countries. The national level – National Coordination Council is represented by the Ministries of Education and Health, and the National Coordinator in the country. Nationally, the program’s success had also depended on effective partnerships between the health and education sector. Regional level network management is viewed in the context of health-promoting schools that operate on a voluntary basis, based on the idea of collaboration and cooperation.
Ключові слова
мережа, мережева взаємодія, відкритий метод координації, школи сприяння здоров’ю, Національна мережа шкіл сприяння здоров’ю, Європейська мережа шкіл сприяння здоров’ю, network, network interaction, open method of coordination, health promoting schools, National Network of Health Promoting Schools, European Network of Health Promoting Schools
Бібліографічний опис
Бєсєдіна, А. А. Управління діяльністю європейської мережі шкіл сприяння здоров’ю в Україні [Текст] / А. А. Бєсєдіна // Педагогічні науки: теорія, історія, інноваційні технології : науковий журнал / МОН України, Сумський держ. пед. ун-т ім. А. С. Макаренка ; [редкол.: А. А. Сбруєва, О. Є. Антонова, Дж. Бішоп та ін.]. – Суми : СумДПУ ім. А. С. Макаренка, 2015. – № 6 (50). – С. 371–380.