Демографічні тенденції та освітня інтеграція вимушено переміщених українських дітей та молоді в освітньому ландшафті Австрії
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У статті розглянуто демографічні зміни в Австрії викликані вимушеним переміщенням з України через війну, відображено відповідні зміни в контенгенті учнів у порівнянні з іншими мігрантами. Проаналізовано загальні підходи,інтеграційні моделі та практики в приймаючих країнах, створені на основі попереднього міграційного досвіду і спрямовані на комплексне забезпеченням трьох аспектів: навчальні потреби, соціальні потреби, емоційні потреби.Висвітлено особливості австрійської моделі інтеграції українських дітей до освітньої системи країни яка ґрунтується на загальноєвропейських підходах,інтеграційних моделях і досвіді міграційних процесів в Європейських країнах попередніх років та різниться відповідно до конкретної землі Австрії.
According to the Austrian National Statistical Institute (NSI), 67,353 people immigrated from Ukraine in 2022, and since the outbreak of the war in Ukraine, the number of students in all types of Austrian schools has increased by about 11,000. The purpose of the article is study of developing Austria educational policies for the integration of displaced children. The article analysed general approaches, integration models and practices based on the research methods used: analysis of statistical databases of the European Commission, OECD, UNHCR, UNICEF, National Statistical Institute (NSI); regulations of the Austrian Federal Ministry of Education, Science and Research; studies of adaptation models in different countries; and surveys of Austrian teachers. Research results and practical significance of the research. The article highlights the peculiarities of the Austrian policy of integrating Ukrainian children into the country's educational system: compulsory education; German language support lessons and courses, native/first language lessons; the policy of transfer to the next level of education; the possibility of organizing transition courses; the possibility of employment and placement of educators from Ukraine; other possibilities of use in schools (recreational educators, external experts in the lesson, accompaniment by persons to ensure the safety of students; providing Ukrainian students with textbooks for general education and for German correction courses, as well as the purchase of Ukrainian‐German dictionaries; educational initiatives to provide extracurricular education, work with parents, get a digital device for learning; platforms of educational materials; the possibility of creating separate classes; data collection in schools; consulting services of school psychologists ets. Conclusions and prospects for further research. According to the results of the study of the effectiveness of the proposed system of integration of almost 13,000 Ukrainian children conducted by the Austrian Federal Publishing House, in which 318 teachers from Austrian schools took part, only about half of the teachers consider the framework conditions for the integration of Ukrainian children in school to be effective, 74% of the respondents also believe that the Austrian education system has not yet coped with the problem of integration of Ukrainian children. In their opinion, personnel, teaching materials, language support courses, psychological support, financial resources and appropriate professional development of teachers need attention.
According to the Austrian National Statistical Institute (NSI), 67,353 people immigrated from Ukraine in 2022, and since the outbreak of the war in Ukraine, the number of students in all types of Austrian schools has increased by about 11,000. The purpose of the article is study of developing Austria educational policies for the integration of displaced children. The article analysed general approaches, integration models and practices based on the research methods used: analysis of statistical databases of the European Commission, OECD, UNHCR, UNICEF, National Statistical Institute (NSI); regulations of the Austrian Federal Ministry of Education, Science and Research; studies of adaptation models in different countries; and surveys of Austrian teachers. Research results and practical significance of the research. The article highlights the peculiarities of the Austrian policy of integrating Ukrainian children into the country's educational system: compulsory education; German language support lessons and courses, native/first language lessons; the policy of transfer to the next level of education; the possibility of organizing transition courses; the possibility of employment and placement of educators from Ukraine; other possibilities of use in schools (recreational educators, external experts in the lesson, accompaniment by persons to ensure the safety of students; providing Ukrainian students with textbooks for general education and for German correction courses, as well as the purchase of Ukrainian‐German dictionaries; educational initiatives to provide extracurricular education, work with parents, get a digital device for learning; platforms of educational materials; the possibility of creating separate classes; data collection in schools; consulting services of school psychologists ets. Conclusions and prospects for further research. According to the results of the study of the effectiveness of the proposed system of integration of almost 13,000 Ukrainian children conducted by the Austrian Federal Publishing House, in which 318 teachers from Austrian schools took part, only about half of the teachers consider the framework conditions for the integration of Ukrainian children in school to be effective, 74% of the respondents also believe that the Austrian education system has not yet coped with the problem of integration of Ukrainian children. In their opinion, personnel, teaching materials, language support courses, psychological support, financial resources and appropriate professional development of teachers need attention.
Ключові слова
вимушені переселенці, освітня політика інтеграції вимушених переселенців, інтеграційні моделі для біженців, адаптація біженців, демографічні тенденції, австрійська освітня система, освітня інтеграція українських дітей, російсько‐українська війна, forced migrants, educational policy of integration of forced migrants, integration models for refugees, adaptation of refugees, demographic trends, Austrian educational system, educational integration of Ukrainian children, Russian‐Ukrainian war
Бібліографічний опис
Коваленко Н. Демографічні тенденції та освітня інтеграція вимушено переміщених українських дітей та молоді в освітньому ландшафті Австрії [Текст] / Н. Коваленко // Педагогічні науки: теорія, історія, інноваційні технології : науковий журнал / МОН України, Сумський державний педагогічний ун-т ім. А. С. Макаренка ; [редкол.: А. А. Сбруєва, М. А. Бойченко, О. А. Біда та ін.]. – Суми : СумДПУ ім. А. С. Макаренка, 2023. – № 4 (128). – С. 23–35. – DOI: 10.24139/2312‐5993/2023.04/023‐035