Аналіз розвитку закордонної та вітчизняної систем вищої професійної освіти вчителя
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Метою даної статті є аналіз етапів розвитку науки дидактики та педагогіки як компонентів системи вищої професійної освіти вчителя. Методологія дослідження базується на вичерпному огляді джерел вітчизняних та закордонних авторів, які в різні часи обіймалися питанням створення ідеальних та доречних умов розвитку професії вчителя як вихованця нових поколінь людства. Практичне значення дослідження полягає в тому, що автором статті було виявлено особливі педагогічні умови формування професіоналізму майбутнього вчителя, такі, як логічна організація сучасних дидактичних теорій, опанування оперативними схемами педагогічного аналізу й актуалізація особистісного смислу у сфері вивчення і проектування інновацій, які є найважливішими детермінуючими умовами формування професіоналізму майбутнього педагога.
The purpose of this article is to analyze the stages of development of didactics and pedagogy as a component of higher professional teacher education. The research methodology is based on an exhaustive study of the materials of native and foreign researchers of different times, who were interested in the creation of ideal conditions for the formation and development of teachers as a profession, which is essential in the education of new generations. The importance of considering the given background is caused by the necessity of conservation, reproduction and development of the cultural and historical experience of society gained in vocational and educational sphere. Nowadays, theoretical basis of various aspects of professional pedagogical education is becoming one of the most important tasks of modern university didactics. Thus, studying the theoretical foundations of the given problem is a convincing proof that the experience of many of the reforms in the system of the higher pedagogical education, both abroad and in our country, does not lead to high effectiveness of planned changes until the time they affect specific mechanisms and patterns of development of the teacher professional activities. We proceeded from the assumption that the pedagogical conditions are the most important determining circumstances of the learning environment in which the formation of the structure of methodological activity of the future teachers should provide not only an awakening as a full display of each of the components of the phenomenon of professional consciousness but also to promote their development in its integrity. The teacher should become the organizer of the cognitive activity of the student, and the student should switch from passive reception to the active production. The practical significance of this study lies in the fact that the author came to the conclusion that the special pedagogical conditions of formation of professionalism of the future teacher such as logical organization of modern teaching theories, mastering operational schemes of pedagogical analysis and actualization of personal meaning in the studying system innovations are the most important conditions of formation of the future teacher’s professionalism.
The purpose of this article is to analyze the stages of development of didactics and pedagogy as a component of higher professional teacher education. The research methodology is based on an exhaustive study of the materials of native and foreign researchers of different times, who were interested in the creation of ideal conditions for the formation and development of teachers as a profession, which is essential in the education of new generations. The importance of considering the given background is caused by the necessity of conservation, reproduction and development of the cultural and historical experience of society gained in vocational and educational sphere. Nowadays, theoretical basis of various aspects of professional pedagogical education is becoming one of the most important tasks of modern university didactics. Thus, studying the theoretical foundations of the given problem is a convincing proof that the experience of many of the reforms in the system of the higher pedagogical education, both abroad and in our country, does not lead to high effectiveness of planned changes until the time they affect specific mechanisms and patterns of development of the teacher professional activities. We proceeded from the assumption that the pedagogical conditions are the most important determining circumstances of the learning environment in which the formation of the structure of methodological activity of the future teachers should provide not only an awakening as a full display of each of the components of the phenomenon of professional consciousness but also to promote their development in its integrity. The teacher should become the organizer of the cognitive activity of the student, and the student should switch from passive reception to the active production. The practical significance of this study lies in the fact that the author came to the conclusion that the special pedagogical conditions of formation of professionalism of the future teacher such as logical organization of modern teaching theories, mastering operational schemes of pedagogical analysis and actualization of personal meaning in the studying system innovations are the most important conditions of formation of the future teacher’s professionalism.
Ключові слова
професійна освіта, майбутній учитель, педагогічні умови, дидактика, педагогіка, інновації, professional education, future teacher, pedagogical conditions, didactics, pedagogics, innovations
Бібліографічний опис
Таланова, Л. Аналіз розвитку закордонної та вітчизняної систем вищої професійної освіти вчителя [Текст] / Л. Таланова // Педагогічні науки: теорія, історія, інноваційні технології : науковий журнал / МОН України, Сумський держ. пед. ун-т ім. А. С. Макаренка ; [редкол.: А. А. Сбруєва, О. Є. Антонова, Дж. Бішоп та ін.]. – Суми : СумДПУ ім. А. С. Макаренка, 2016. – № 4 (58). – С. 69–77.