Історіографічні аспекти ґенези менеджменту в освіті
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СумДПУ імені А. С. Макаренка
У статті зазначено, що результатом дослідження історії менеджменту освіти стане не тільки формування нової філософії мислення сучасного керівника, а й набуття ним знань і вмінь з використання кращого вітчизняного управлінського досвіду та уникнення ризиків і помилок під час управлінської діяльності. Мета статті полягала у здійсненні аналізу становлення теорії та практики управління закладами загальної середньої освіти в контексті їх подальшого розвитку. Використано такі методи дослідження: aнaлiз наукової літератури, нормативних документів з питань управління в освіті; метод контент-аналізу; порівняльно-історичний метод. Дійшли висновку про потребу проведення досліджень із історіографії менеджменту в освіті, які сприятимуть прогнозуванню розвитку теорії та практики управління закладами загальної середньої освіти, визначення перспективних напрямів.
The article points out that development of the national education system in Ukraine, taking into account cardinal changes in all spheres of the state and public life, historical challenges of the 21st century, requires critical understanding of achievements and focus of efforts and resources on solving the most current problems that prevent development of the educational sphere and opportunities to provide new education quality. The result of the study of the history of educational management will be not only formation of a new thinking philosophy of the modern manager (leader), but also acquisition of knowledge and skills by him based on the best national managerial experience and avoid risks and mistakes during management activities. The aim of present article is to analyze formation of theory and practice of managing general secondary education institutions in the context of their further development. The following research methods were used: analysis of scientific literature, normative documents on management issues in education; method of content analysis; comparative-historical method. It has been found out that the main factors that determine development of theory and practice of management in education are: a) external factors: changes in socio-economic and political situation in the country; the character and features of country’s governing and society in different historical states of the country’s development; changes in the attitude and requirements of the state and society for education; scientific and technological progress; development of management, psychology, pedagogy and other related sciences; the global context for the development of education and increasing of international activity, business relations; the tendency of the heads of education institutions to integration to the general management structure, etc.; b) internal factors: development of the institution as a social-pedagogical system; tendencies in modeling education institutions, expanding the network of institutions of different types and forms of ownership; increasing demands of educational process participants to the institution heads’ personality, and to the level of their managerial competence; updating of education content and technologies, innovative and experimental activities in the institution, etc. It has been concluded that there is a need for research on the historiography of management in education, which will contribute to prediction of development of theory and practice of management of institutions of general secondary education, and to identify promising areas.
The article points out that development of the national education system in Ukraine, taking into account cardinal changes in all spheres of the state and public life, historical challenges of the 21st century, requires critical understanding of achievements and focus of efforts and resources on solving the most current problems that prevent development of the educational sphere and opportunities to provide new education quality. The result of the study of the history of educational management will be not only formation of a new thinking philosophy of the modern manager (leader), but also acquisition of knowledge and skills by him based on the best national managerial experience and avoid risks and mistakes during management activities. The aim of present article is to analyze formation of theory and practice of managing general secondary education institutions in the context of their further development. The following research methods were used: analysis of scientific literature, normative documents on management issues in education; method of content analysis; comparative-historical method. It has been found out that the main factors that determine development of theory and practice of management in education are: a) external factors: changes in socio-economic and political situation in the country; the character and features of country’s governing and society in different historical states of the country’s development; changes in the attitude and requirements of the state and society for education; scientific and technological progress; development of management, psychology, pedagogy and other related sciences; the global context for the development of education and increasing of international activity, business relations; the tendency of the heads of education institutions to integration to the general management structure, etc.; b) internal factors: development of the institution as a social-pedagogical system; tendencies in modeling education institutions, expanding the network of institutions of different types and forms of ownership; increasing demands of educational process participants to the institution heads’ personality, and to the level of their managerial competence; updating of education content and technologies, innovative and experimental activities in the institution, etc. It has been concluded that there is a need for research on the historiography of management in education, which will contribute to prediction of development of theory and practice of management of institutions of general secondary education, and to identify promising areas.
Ключові слова
заклад загальної середньої освіти, менеджмент в освіті, управління закладом освіти, розвиток теорії та практики управління, функції управління, general secondary education institution, management in education, management of education institution, development of management theory and practice, management functions
Бібліографічний опис
Мармаза, О. І. Історіографічні аспекти ґенези менеджменту в освіті [Текст] / О. І. Мармаза // Педагогічні науки: теорія, історія, інноваційні технології : науковий журнал / МОН України, Сумський держ. пед. ун-т ім. А. С. Макаренка ; [редкол.: А. А. Сбруєва, М. А. Бойченко, О. Є. Антонова та ін.]. – Суми : СумДПУ ім. А. С. Макаренка, 2019. – № 9 (93). – С. 87–97. – DOI: 10.24139/2312-5993/2019.09/087-097.