Розвиток позитивного мислення вчителів у системі післядипломної освіти
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У статті розкриваються різні параметри розвитку позитивного мислення вчителів у системі післядипломної освіти. Підкреслюється актуальність проблеми. Даються тлумачення понять «мислення», «позитивне мислення», «Я-концепція», «особистість», «успішна особистість» та ін. Звертається увага на теоретичні засади розвитку позитивного мислення (філософські, психологічні, педагогічні). Висвітлюється цікавий матеріал із досвіду роботи, зокрема, Херсонської академії неперервної освіти (тематика спецкурса, використання інноваційних освітніх технологій, зміст і форми роботи в міжкурсовий період, особливості організації самостійної роботи вчителів із зазначеної проблеми. Зроблено висновки та окреслено перспективи дослідження.
The article is devoted to the features of development of positive thinking of teachers in the system of postgraduate education. Emphasizes is made on the urgency of this problem. A brief analysis of its development at the modern stage is made: positive thinking is an important means of ensuring the life of an individual, ways of building positive thinking, overcoming stress in teaching; pedagogy of success and optimism; psychology of self-knowledge, or how to find the formula of life; development of self-concept and education; success in life; questions of happiness on their own; confidence in themselves; technology of formation of positive thinking; the positive thinking of pupils and students. The theoretical foundations of the formation of positive thinking – philosophical, pedagogical, psychological are described. Special attention is paid to practical types and forms of work with the purpose of formation of positive self-concept of teachers in the period of enhancing their skills (courses and seminars, workshops, trainings, scientific-methodological conferences, round tables, research, development projects, etc.). In this regard the experience of Kherson Academy of continuing education is used: lectures in various types of program, library classes, individual consultations, visiting and analyzing lessons, extra-curricular activities under the appropriate angle, the mutual acquaintance with composed portfolios of materials suitable for developing the positive mindset of educators and students. Modern educational technology – presentations, commercials, work with sites, blogs are discussed with interest. The development of positive thinking of the teacher in the system of postgraduate education is further reflected in the work with students. Using progressive experience, teachers create their projects, programs, media technologies, pedagogical models for the formation of a successful learner that is always focused on the success of the designs in itself, the desire of self-improvement, self-education, to think about the different profiles of the person – I am a man, I am a member of the family, I am a pupil of my school, I am a resident of my native land, I am a citizen of Ukraine, etc. In the article the findings and prospects for further study of the problem are outlined.
The article is devoted to the features of development of positive thinking of teachers in the system of postgraduate education. Emphasizes is made on the urgency of this problem. A brief analysis of its development at the modern stage is made: positive thinking is an important means of ensuring the life of an individual, ways of building positive thinking, overcoming stress in teaching; pedagogy of success and optimism; psychology of self-knowledge, or how to find the formula of life; development of self-concept and education; success in life; questions of happiness on their own; confidence in themselves; technology of formation of positive thinking; the positive thinking of pupils and students. The theoretical foundations of the formation of positive thinking – philosophical, pedagogical, psychological are described. Special attention is paid to practical types and forms of work with the purpose of formation of positive self-concept of teachers in the period of enhancing their skills (courses and seminars, workshops, trainings, scientific-methodological conferences, round tables, research, development projects, etc.). In this regard the experience of Kherson Academy of continuing education is used: lectures in various types of program, library classes, individual consultations, visiting and analyzing lessons, extra-curricular activities under the appropriate angle, the mutual acquaintance with composed portfolios of materials suitable for developing the positive mindset of educators and students. Modern educational technology – presentations, commercials, work with sites, blogs are discussed with interest. The development of positive thinking of the teacher in the system of postgraduate education is further reflected in the work with students. Using progressive experience, teachers create their projects, programs, media technologies, pedagogical models for the formation of a successful learner that is always focused on the success of the designs in itself, the desire of self-improvement, self-education, to think about the different profiles of the person – I am a man, I am a member of the family, I am a pupil of my school, I am a resident of my native land, I am a citizen of Ukraine, etc. In the article the findings and prospects for further study of the problem are outlined.
Ключові слова
позитивне мислення, розвиток позитивного мислення вчителів, система підслядипломної освіти, Я-Концепція, успішна особистість, аспекти розвитку позитивного мислення, концептуальні положення, практичні підходи, розмаїття видів робіт, спільна діяльність із розвитку позитивного мислення педагогів, учнів, батьків, громадськості, thinking, positive thinking, developing positive thinking among teachers, system of pedagogical postgraduate education, self-concept, theoretical bases, practical approaches, types of work and modern educational technologies, successful person, joint operation
Бібліографічний опис
Голобородько, Є. Розвиток позитивного мислення вчителів у системі післядипломної освіти [Текст] / Є. Голобородько // Педагогічні науки: теорія, історія, інноваційні технології : науковий журнал / МОН України, Сумський держ. пед. ун-т ім. А. С. Макаренка ; [редкол.: А. А. Сбруєва, О. Є. Антонова, Дж. Бішоп та ін.]. – Суми : СумДПУ ім. А. С. Макаренка, 2016. – № 6 (60). – С. 14–22.