Адміністративно-правові аспекти забезпечення управлінських процесів у сфері правового регулювання спортивних правовідносин
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адміністративноправових аспектів регулювання спортивних правовідносин із тих об’єктивних причин, що думки правників із приводу порушеного питання мають звужений характер, адже пов’язані з обґрунтуванням того чи іншого підходу, що свідчить про відсутність комплексності юридичного погляду.
Відомо, що з об’єктивних причин сформувалися правові механізми та конструкції регулювання суспільних відносин особливими видами правових норм – нормами адміністративного права. Як наслідок, склалася практика використання та застосування адміністративно-правових норм у різних сферах життєдіяльності суспільства. Не є виключенням з указаного правила і галузь спортивних суспільних відносин, де різнофункціональні управлінські процеси набувають своїх особливостей унаслідок специфіки перебігу та розвитку спортивних процесів. Відповідно, в роботі розглянуті загальні правові тенденції означеного питання. Зокрема, обгрунтовано розуміння адміністративно-правового регулювання та управління спортивними відносинами як адміністративно-управлінського характеру діяльності у сфері спорту, що здійснюється державними, муніципальними, приватними та іншими уповноваженими на це органами й установами у формі різних правових, організаційних та фінансово-економічних регулюючих та управлінських заходів із метою оптимального узгодження між собою різногалузевих інтересів, забезпечення їх охорони та захисту, а також із метою вирішення різних оперативних спортивних питань. Також розглянуто питання, що стосуються змісту державної спортивної політики та окремих правових засобів та механізмів адміністративно-правового характеру, у т.ч. такі форми адміністративно-правового управління у сфері спорту, як регулювання сфери спорту, управління поточними справами у сфері спорту та господарський нагляд (контроль) у сфері спорту.
This work substantively reflects the attempt to conduct a legal analysis of key administrative and legal aspects of the regulation of sports relations for the objective reasons that the opinions of lawyers on the issue are narrow, because they are related to the justification of a particular approach, indicating the lack of complexity of the legal view. It is known that for objective reasons, they were formed legal mechanisms and structures for regulating public relations by special types of legal norms – the rules of administrative law. As a result, there is a practice of using and applying administrative and legal norms in various spheres of society. Is no exception to this rule is the branch of sports relations, where multifunctional management processes acquire their features due to the specifics of the course and development of sports processes. Ccordingly, the work considers the general legal trends of this issue. In particular, the understanding of administrative and legal regulation and management of sports relations as an administrative and managerial activity in the field of sports out by state, municipal and other authorized bodies and institutions in the form of various legal, organizational and financial-economic regulatory and administrative measures in order to optimally reconcile public and private interests, ensure their protection and defense, as well as to address various operational sports issues. The article also considers issues related to the content of state sports policy and certain legal means and mechanisms of administrative and legal nature, including such forms of administrative and legal management in the field of sports as regulation of sphere of sports, management of current affairs in the field of sports and supervision (control) in the field of sports. Management of current affairs in the field of sports is reduced to the implementation of internal organizational and administrative processes in the subjects of sports relations, which are legal entities, on the basis of ownership of the subjects of current affairs in relation to relevant sports entities or on the basis of corporate rights relevant actors in the management of current affairs in order to address operational issues of various kinds, which ultimately aims to achieve the goals of sports activities. The essence of supervision (control) in the field of sports is to supervise (observation, monitoring, etc.) in the field of sports in general and the behavior and activities of sports subjects, in particular to ensure legality and established in the field of sports legal sports order and appropriate level of discipline behavior of its subjects by determining the level of compliance of the behavior of the subjects of sports relations with the established requirements of the legislation, detection of offenses and application in this regard legal and other responsibilities. The general legal tendencies of the specified questions are considered in the work. However, they also need further research.
This work substantively reflects the attempt to conduct a legal analysis of key administrative and legal aspects of the regulation of sports relations for the objective reasons that the opinions of lawyers on the issue are narrow, because they are related to the justification of a particular approach, indicating the lack of complexity of the legal view. It is known that for objective reasons, they were formed legal mechanisms and structures for regulating public relations by special types of legal norms – the rules of administrative law. As a result, there is a practice of using and applying administrative and legal norms in various spheres of society. Is no exception to this rule is the branch of sports relations, where multifunctional management processes acquire their features due to the specifics of the course and development of sports processes. Ccordingly, the work considers the general legal trends of this issue. In particular, the understanding of administrative and legal regulation and management of sports relations as an administrative and managerial activity in the field of sports out by state, municipal and other authorized bodies and institutions in the form of various legal, organizational and financial-economic regulatory and administrative measures in order to optimally reconcile public and private interests, ensure their protection and defense, as well as to address various operational sports issues. The article also considers issues related to the content of state sports policy and certain legal means and mechanisms of administrative and legal nature, including such forms of administrative and legal management in the field of sports as regulation of sphere of sports, management of current affairs in the field of sports and supervision (control) in the field of sports. Management of current affairs in the field of sports is reduced to the implementation of internal organizational and administrative processes in the subjects of sports relations, which are legal entities, on the basis of ownership of the subjects of current affairs in relation to relevant sports entities or on the basis of corporate rights relevant actors in the management of current affairs in order to address operational issues of various kinds, which ultimately aims to achieve the goals of sports activities. The essence of supervision (control) in the field of sports is to supervise (observation, monitoring, etc.) in the field of sports in general and the behavior and activities of sports subjects, in particular to ensure legality and established in the field of sports legal sports order and appropriate level of discipline behavior of its subjects by determining the level of compliance of the behavior of the subjects of sports relations with the established requirements of the legislation, detection of offenses and application in this regard legal and other responsibilities. The general legal tendencies of the specified questions are considered in the work. However, they also need further research.
Ключові слова
адміністративне право, administrative law, регулювання, regulation, спортивні відносини, sports relations, управління, management, контроль, control, нагляд, supervision
Бібліографічний опис
Апаров, А. М. Адміністративно-правові аспекти забезпечення управлінських процесів у сфері правового регулювання спортивних правовідносин [Текст] / А. М. Апаров // Приватне та публічне право. – 2020. – № 2. – С. 57–61.