Оптимизация психофизического состояния женщин в процессе занятий оздоровительным шейпингом на основе учета их гендерной идентичности
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Мета статті – розробити й експериментально обґрунтувати методику оздоровчих занять шейпінгом для жінок зрілого віку з урахуванням їх гендерної ідентичності. Методи: аналіз науково-методичної літератури, педагогічні спостереження, педагогічний експеримент, антропометричні вимірювання, методи математичної статистики. Результати дослідження: сприятлива динаміка фізичного розвитку та психологічного стану жінок. Практичне значення одержаних результатів: застосування та впровадження в тренувальний процес жінок, які займаються шейпінгом. Висновки: оптимізація психофізичного стану жінок. Перспективи подальших досліджень: вивчення методики гендерної диференціації на функціональні системи організму жінок у процесі занять шейпінгом.
The objective of the research was to work out and experimentally substantiate the methodology of health-improving shaping activity for mature age women taking into account their gender identity. Methods: the analysis of methodological literature, pedagogical observations, pedagogical experiment, anthropometric measurements, methods of mathematical statistics. The results of the research give grounds for the statement that the application of shaping programs, based on the load differentiable distribution depending on gender types of women has a favorable effect on the women's physical development. The analysis of the data of girth sizes of the bodies derived in the end of the experiment revealed statistically reliable changes in the next indexes: chest, waistline, buttock girth, thigh and shoulder girths. Statistically reliable diminution is observed in the folds of fat indexes: at the top of belly, at the bottom of belly, at the top of back, at the bottom of back, on one side of a trunk, at back side of a hip, on one side of a hip, inside a hip and at front of a hip. Also, the valid decrease of general amount of fat and mass of body of the subjects is revealed. In the result of the research of women's psychological state positive changes are observed in all explored figures: psychical activation, interest, emotional tone, effort and comfort. The practical importance of the research consists in significant pedagogical and health-improving effectiveness of introduction and adaptation in the practice process women, doing shaping exercises as well as account of gender identity to improve and optimize the process of body correction and physical state normalization. The results can be applied in the work of shaping instructors at the stage of shaping groups formation, during planning and working out training shaping programs, for success and comfort in achievement of health-improving targets of mature age women. The resume is that the use of health-improving shaping methodology made it possible to optimize psychophysical state of mature age women. The possibility of working out training programs for women doing shaping exercises taking into account their gender identity is detected. Prospective of further inquiries consists in the study of the methodology of gender differentiation of the functional systems of women’s organism in the process of shaping activity.
The objective of the research was to work out and experimentally substantiate the methodology of health-improving shaping activity for mature age women taking into account their gender identity. Methods: the analysis of methodological literature, pedagogical observations, pedagogical experiment, anthropometric measurements, methods of mathematical statistics. The results of the research give grounds for the statement that the application of shaping programs, based on the load differentiable distribution depending on gender types of women has a favorable effect on the women's physical development. The analysis of the data of girth sizes of the bodies derived in the end of the experiment revealed statistically reliable changes in the next indexes: chest, waistline, buttock girth, thigh and shoulder girths. Statistically reliable diminution is observed in the folds of fat indexes: at the top of belly, at the bottom of belly, at the top of back, at the bottom of back, on one side of a trunk, at back side of a hip, on one side of a hip, inside a hip and at front of a hip. Also, the valid decrease of general amount of fat and mass of body of the subjects is revealed. In the result of the research of women's psychological state positive changes are observed in all explored figures: psychical activation, interest, emotional tone, effort and comfort. The practical importance of the research consists in significant pedagogical and health-improving effectiveness of introduction and adaptation in the practice process women, doing shaping exercises as well as account of gender identity to improve and optimize the process of body correction and physical state normalization. The results can be applied in the work of shaping instructors at the stage of shaping groups formation, during planning and working out training shaping programs, for success and comfort in achievement of health-improving targets of mature age women. The resume is that the use of health-improving shaping methodology made it possible to optimize psychophysical state of mature age women. The possibility of working out training programs for women doing shaping exercises taking into account their gender identity is detected. Prospective of further inquiries consists in the study of the methodology of gender differentiation of the functional systems of women’s organism in the process of shaping activity.
Ключові слова
гендерна ідентичність, gender identity, жінки, women, зрілий вік, mature age, шейпінг, shaping, шейпінг-програми, shaping programs, оздоровчі заняття, health-improving activity, фізичний розвиток, physical development, психологічний стан, psychological state
Бібліографічний опис
Врублевский, Е. Оптимизация психофизического состояния женщин в процессе занятий оздоровительным шейпингом на основе учета их гендерной идентичности [Текст] / Е. Врублевский, А. Скидан // Педагогічні науки: теорія, історія, інноваційні технології : науковий журнал / МОН України, Сумський держ. пед. ун-т ім. А. С. Макаренка ; [редкол.: А. А. Сбруєва, О. Є. Антонова, Дж. Бішоп та ін.]. – Суми : СумДПУ ім. А. С. Макаренка, 2016. – № 3 (57). – С. 82–93.