Методика стимулювання реабілітації особистості
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СумДПУ імені А. С. Макаренка
У статті пропонується евристично-синергетична медико-психолого-педагогічна методика стимулювання реабілітації особистості. У даній методиці застосовуються синергетичні методи реабілітації особистості. Методика складається з шести етапів – підготовчого та п’яти основних. Протягом пропедевтичного етапу відбувається встановлення системи взаємозв’язків між активними підсистемами першої сигнальної системи учасників реабілітаційного процесу. Методика здійсняє зовнішнє та забезпечує внутрішнє управління процесом реабілітації особистості, сприяючи досягненню системи реабілітаційних цілей. Дану методику можна застосовувати для роботи з людьми з порушенням роботи аналізаторних систем, людьми з легкою розумовою відсталістю, затримкою психічного розвитку, дитячими церебральним паралічем. У подальшому необхідно модифікувати методику для використання її в освітньому процесі осіб зі складними дефектами, порушеннями мовлення та іншими психофізичними порушеннями.
The article deals with heuristic-synergetic medical-psychological-pedagogical methodology of personality rehabilitation stimulation. This methodology is a system of questions. Synergetic methods of rehabilitation of personality are used in this methodology. The sequence of methods placing in methodology depends on their purposes. Synergetic methods of personality rehabilitation stimulation are the stages rehabilitation process fulfillment. Fulfillment of the next stage can be started only after achievement of previous stage purpose. This fact allows to trace unplanned deviations from the primary objective of rehabilitation process and warn undesirable delays in work. This methodology has six stages: preliminary stage and five basic stages. At the preliminary stage system of interconnections between active subsystems of the first signal system of participants of rehabilitation process is formed. At the first stage of work one finds out the most problematic subsystem A of “defect” system. At the second stage one finds a subsystem A of “personality” system, which correlates with subsystem A of the “defect” system; according to available elements of subsystem A of “defect” systems one finds out previously available elements of subsystem A of “personality” system, which must be added to it. At the third stage of work a person remembers synsense image of himself with the lower level of development of subsystem A of “defect” system and with the higher level of development of subsystem A of “personality” system. At the fourth and fifth stages level of development of subsystem A of “defect” system gradually decreases and level of development of subsystem A of “personality” system gradually increases. Methodology of personality rehabilitation stimulation oppresses self-organization and stimulates self-destroying of biological, psychological and social subsystems of the “defect” system, oppresses self-destroying and stimulates self-organization of biological, psychological and social subsystems of the “personality“ system, providing external and internal management of personality rehabilitation process, assisting in strengthening of new emergent qualities of biological, psychological, social subsystems of the “personality” and “defect” systems and in the achievement of rehabilitation. This can be used for healthy persons, persons with bad eyesight and low hearing, persons with mild mental retardation and intellectual disorders, persons with child’s cerebral paralysis; in the modified state methodology can be used in the educational process for persons with other psychophysical disorders.
The article deals with heuristic-synergetic medical-psychological-pedagogical methodology of personality rehabilitation stimulation. This methodology is a system of questions. Synergetic methods of rehabilitation of personality are used in this methodology. The sequence of methods placing in methodology depends on their purposes. Synergetic methods of personality rehabilitation stimulation are the stages rehabilitation process fulfillment. Fulfillment of the next stage can be started only after achievement of previous stage purpose. This fact allows to trace unplanned deviations from the primary objective of rehabilitation process and warn undesirable delays in work. This methodology has six stages: preliminary stage and five basic stages. At the preliminary stage system of interconnections between active subsystems of the first signal system of participants of rehabilitation process is formed. At the first stage of work one finds out the most problematic subsystem A of “defect” system. At the second stage one finds a subsystem A of “personality” system, which correlates with subsystem A of the “defect” system; according to available elements of subsystem A of “defect” systems one finds out previously available elements of subsystem A of “personality” system, which must be added to it. At the third stage of work a person remembers synsense image of himself with the lower level of development of subsystem A of “defect” system and with the higher level of development of subsystem A of “personality” system. At the fourth and fifth stages level of development of subsystem A of “defect” system gradually decreases and level of development of subsystem A of “personality” system gradually increases. Methodology of personality rehabilitation stimulation oppresses self-organization and stimulates self-destroying of biological, psychological and social subsystems of the “defect” system, oppresses self-destroying and stimulates self-organization of biological, psychological and social subsystems of the “personality“ system, providing external and internal management of personality rehabilitation process, assisting in strengthening of new emergent qualities of biological, psychological, social subsystems of the “personality” and “defect” systems and in the achievement of rehabilitation. This can be used for healthy persons, persons with bad eyesight and low hearing, persons with mild mental retardation and intellectual disorders, persons with child’s cerebral paralysis; in the modified state methodology can be used in the educational process for persons with other psychophysical disorders.
Ключові слова
синергетика, евристика, реабілітація, система «дефект», система «особистість», synergetic, heuristic, rehabilitation, “defect” system, “personality” system
Бібліографічний опис
Золотарьова, Т. В. Методика стимулювання реабілітації особистості [Текст] / Т. В. Золотарьова // Педагогічні науки: теорія, історія, інноваційні технології : науковий журнал / МОН України, Сумський держ. пед. ун-т ім. А. С. Макаренка ; [редкол.: А. А. Сбруєва, О. А. Біда, Ю. А. Бондаренко та ін.]. – Суми : СумДПУ ім. А. С. Макаренка, 2019. – № 10 (94). – С. 346–365. – DOI: 10.24139/2312-5993/2019.10/346-365.