Валеолого-гігієнічна освіта та гімнастика для очей як засоби профілактики захворювань органів зору
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Основною метою наукової статті є вивчення особливостей валеолого-гігієнічної освіти та застосування гімнастичних вправ для очей як основ профілактики захворювань органів зору у школярів. Фактичний матеріал дослідження був отриманий із застосуванням методу анкетування, методу офтальмологічного обстеження гостроти зору. Встановлено, що застосування заходів валеолого-гігієнічної освіти підвищило рівень знань із гігієни зору учнів гімназії. Застосування гімнастичних вправ для очей позитивно сприяє нормалізації гостроти зору учнів. Отримані результати можуть найти своє застосування в навчально-виховному процесі школярів.
The main purpose of the article is to study the physiological features and hygiene education and the use of gymnastic exercises for the eyes as a means of prevention of eye diseases of schoolchildren. The prevalence of eye diseases is a relevant complex problem that needs to be addressed in order to ensure a healthy existence and efficiency of today’s and future generations. Total computerization of education and free time of children and adolescents leads to severe impairment of corrections. The use of prevention measures should be aimed at reducing the prevalence of ophthalmic diseases and this problem requires a national and personal approach to its solution. The actual study material was obtained using the method of survey, the method of ophthalmologic examination acuity. During the second survey after the implementation of valeological and hygienic education there is increasing awareness of health issues at schools. During the period between the two surveys it is found that the students had the deterioration of visual acuity at 4-10%. These results may be related to changes in the physical development of the students with holding a great amount of time in front of TV and a computer, as well as a significant surge eyes being in school or doing homework. But despite the deterioration some students also improve their eyesight. 10% of the total number of the students have no significant improvement within 0,05-0,3 D. In the experimental group of the students in which visual acuity improvement was reduced the visual acuity after systematic use of gymnastic exercises for eyes significantly differed from similar indicators of the students in the control group. The systematic use of gymnastic exercises for the eyes can reduce the dynamics of deterioration of visual acuity of the students whose parents suffer from myopia. The results can find their application in the educational process in schools. On the basis of Kherson multi-gymnasium №20 named after B. Lavrenov the prevention of diseases of schoolchildren introduced a number of measures, including the clarification campaign, themed quizzes and trainings. In class with younger students, the teacher, as well as for secondary and senior classes used 2-3 minute exercises for the eyes by Bates with video support. The promotional video «Save Eyesight» has been demonstrated and the functional site «perfectvision.esy.es.» was designed.
The main purpose of the article is to study the physiological features and hygiene education and the use of gymnastic exercises for the eyes as a means of prevention of eye diseases of schoolchildren. The prevalence of eye diseases is a relevant complex problem that needs to be addressed in order to ensure a healthy existence and efficiency of today’s and future generations. Total computerization of education and free time of children and adolescents leads to severe impairment of corrections. The use of prevention measures should be aimed at reducing the prevalence of ophthalmic diseases and this problem requires a national and personal approach to its solution. The actual study material was obtained using the method of survey, the method of ophthalmologic examination acuity. During the second survey after the implementation of valeological and hygienic education there is increasing awareness of health issues at schools. During the period between the two surveys it is found that the students had the deterioration of visual acuity at 4-10%. These results may be related to changes in the physical development of the students with holding a great amount of time in front of TV and a computer, as well as a significant surge eyes being in school or doing homework. But despite the deterioration some students also improve their eyesight. 10% of the total number of the students have no significant improvement within 0,05-0,3 D. In the experimental group of the students in which visual acuity improvement was reduced the visual acuity after systematic use of gymnastic exercises for eyes significantly differed from similar indicators of the students in the control group. The systematic use of gymnastic exercises for the eyes can reduce the dynamics of deterioration of visual acuity of the students whose parents suffer from myopia. The results can find their application in the educational process in schools. On the basis of Kherson multi-gymnasium №20 named after B. Lavrenov the prevention of diseases of schoolchildren introduced a number of measures, including the clarification campaign, themed quizzes and trainings. In class with younger students, the teacher, as well as for secondary and senior classes used 2-3 minute exercises for the eyes by Bates with video support. The promotional video «Save Eyesight» has been demonstrated and the functional site «perfectvision.esy.es.» was designed.
Ключові слова
валеолого-гігієнічна освіта, гострота зору, гімнастика для очей, короткозорість, учні, valeological and hygienic education, visual acuity, exercises for eyes, myopia, students
Бібліографічний опис
Голяка, С. Валеолого-гігієнічна освіта та гімнастика для очей як засоби профілактики захворювань органів зору [Текст] / С. Голяка, С. Ласька // Педагогічні науки: теорія, історія, інноваційні технології : науковий журнал / МОН України, Сумський держ. пед. ун-т ім. А. С. Макаренка ; [редкол.: А. А. Сбруєва, О. Є. Антонова, Дж. Бішоп та ін.]. – Суми : СумДПУ ім. А. С. Макаренка, 2016. – № 3 (57). – С. 115–122.