Актуальність виховання аксіологічного компоненту інформаційної культури студентів
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СумДПУ імені А. С. Макаренка
У статті розглядається проблема формування інформаційної культури, значущість її складової – ціннісного компоненту, для студентів, які навчаються у вищих навчальних закладах І–ІІ рівнів акредитації. Доведено актуальність поставленої проблеми, важливість її вирішення. Розкрито сутність головних цінностей людини, трансформація їх у інформаційному суспільстві. За допомогою комплексно-комбінованого методу досліджено ціннісні орієнтації студентів-першокурсників Сумського кооперативного технікуму. Визначено поверхневе ставлення до таких цінностей, як цінність творчості, цінність знань, цінність інформації. Намічено шляхи виховання аксіологічного аспекту в межах формування інформаційної культури.
Informational development of the society cannot but provoke the formation of the new value orientations. In this regard, the identification of specific value orientations of the students is certainly relevant. With the help of complex combined method the value orientation of the first-year students of Sumy Cooperative College was investigated. Thus, the results of social and cultural studies of value orientations of the youth in the information society have showed changing values towards entertainment. It has been revealed that both are prone to rapid renewal. The powerful information and communication technologies respond quickly and, on the volume, and the quality of the evolving information, at the same time, they accumulate and become not only an essential social resource, but also the mechanism of forming a new hierarchy of values in the information society. This paper deals with the problem of the formation of information culture of the students, in particular, the importance of values component. The urgency of the problem, the importance of its solution is defined. The essence of the main human values, transformation them in the information society is given. The value of information and knowledge as the new value categories is determined. The analysis of value orientations of the students, the ways education axiological aspect within the formation of information culture is presented. The stages of education values are the following: - definition of the basic values of the information society and the inclusion of content information culture education students; - allocation of the specific features values for the students with different professional orientation; - diagnosis and analysis of existing values (knowledge, awareness, emotional acceptance, belief) and the strategy of education; - search tools and techniques to attract the students to socially relevant information culture values with regard to their future profession. The role of higher education institutions to form the moral values of the individual information is extremely high. It is in high school with its educational potential, with its capability to provide a wide range of the students’ activities to a higher level of personal development a person is becoming truly educated.
Informational development of the society cannot but provoke the formation of the new value orientations. In this regard, the identification of specific value orientations of the students is certainly relevant. With the help of complex combined method the value orientation of the first-year students of Sumy Cooperative College was investigated. Thus, the results of social and cultural studies of value orientations of the youth in the information society have showed changing values towards entertainment. It has been revealed that both are prone to rapid renewal. The powerful information and communication technologies respond quickly and, on the volume, and the quality of the evolving information, at the same time, they accumulate and become not only an essential social resource, but also the mechanism of forming a new hierarchy of values in the information society. This paper deals with the problem of the formation of information culture of the students, in particular, the importance of values component. The urgency of the problem, the importance of its solution is defined. The essence of the main human values, transformation them in the information society is given. The value of information and knowledge as the new value categories is determined. The analysis of value orientations of the students, the ways education axiological aspect within the formation of information culture is presented. The stages of education values are the following: - definition of the basic values of the information society and the inclusion of content information culture education students; - allocation of the specific features values for the students with different professional orientation; - diagnosis and analysis of existing values (knowledge, awareness, emotional acceptance, belief) and the strategy of education; - search tools and techniques to attract the students to socially relevant information culture values with regard to their future profession. The role of higher education institutions to form the moral values of the individual information is extremely high. It is in high school with its educational potential, with its capability to provide a wide range of the students’ activities to a higher level of personal development a person is becoming truly educated.
Ключові слова
інформаційна культура, інформаційне суспільство, цінності, цінність інформації, ціннісні орієнтації, information culture, information society, values, value of information
Бібліографічний опис
Руденко, Ю. О. Актуальність виховання аксіологічного компоненту інформаційної культури студентів [Текст] / Ю. О. Руденко // Педагогічні науки: теорія, історія, інноваційні технології : науковий журнал / МОН України, Сумський держ. пед. ун-т ім. А. С. Макаренка ; [редкол.: А. А. Сбруєва, О. Є. Антонова, Дж. Бішоп та ін.]. – Суми : СумДПУ ім. А. С. Макаренка, 2014. – № 8 (42). – С. 241–247.