Метод категоріального аналізу у студентському педагогічному дослідженні
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СумДПУ імені А. С. Макаренка
У статті проаналізовано сутність, структуру методу аналізу категоріально-понятійного апарату студентського педагогічного дослідження, подано методику опанування ним майбутніми вчителями в ході проведення наукового педагогічного пошуку. Ґрунтуючись на ретроспективному аналізі власної педагогічної практики, аналізі продуктів дослідницької діяльності студентів, наведено результати ефективності розробленого алгоритму. Розглянуті шляхи відображення сутності методу аналізу категоріально-понятійного апарату у змісті тренінг-консультацій із проведення педагогічного дослідження та реалізації основних положень в університетському педагогічному процесі.
The article analyzes the essence, structure of the method of analysis of the categorial- conceptual apparatus for student pedagogical research, and gives a method for mastering it by the future teachers during conducting of scientific pedagogical search. Based on a retrospective analysis of her own pedagogical practice, the analysis of research products of students the results of the effectiveness of the developed algorithm are presented. The way of reflection of the essence of the method of analysis of the categorial-conceptual apparatus in the content of the training-consultations on conducting pedagogical research and realization of the basic provisions in the university pedagogical process is considered The construction of the categorical-conceptual apparatus of the study, as proved by the analysis of student research papers, appears to be a difficult task for sophomoges and often has a formal character or is neglected at all. Thus, the study of course papers of the students of the Faculty of Physics and Mathematics of SumSPU during the five years showed that the elements of the analysis method of the categorial-conceptual apparatus are presented in 30 % of the research. Among them 5 % contain all stages of the analysis: the stage of search, study, production. Method of analysis of categorial-conceptual apparatus (method of categorial analysis) of students' pedagogical research is a method of studying the essence of the basic concepts of the research problem by analyzing, comparing the definitions (approaches to understanding the essence of the concept) existing in the scientific work, understanding the manifestations of the essential features of objects, phenomena or processes in real reality and further systematization, generalization and synthesis of the revealed essential features, qualities and properties, internal connections, objective content in the new theoretical model of definition. The presence in the name of the method of the word "analysis" defines the leading mental operation, but the method integrates a complex set of interconnected thinking operations to construct a definition as a theoretical model of the pedagogical category into a single process that can be divided into stages: the stage of the search (the collection of existing in fundamental and leading modern research definitions of the main categories of research, their grouping; the stage of studying (analysis, comparison, revealing of common and different definitions of different authors on selected aspects, clarification of defining categories in order to identify common and distinct, essential features of the concept, the study of the actual manifestation of phenomena and processes under consideration, in pedagogical reality, comparison and agreement with the theoretical model); production (construction on the basis of analysis, synthesis and presentation of the so-called "working" definition: author's, specified, borrowed (especially for fundamental categories with formed definitions) In accordance with the presented structure, the algorithm of mastering of the method of categorial analysis of the apparatus of pedagogical research for future teachers is proposed. Results of the study of the effectiveness of the implementation of the developed algorithm confirmed the growth of the quality of students' research papers in the specified direction by 16 %. The algorithm is based on the principles of a student-oriented approach. Conducting training sessions on the basis of the given algorithm is aimed at facilitating the process of determining by students of the categorial apparatus of research, provides a procedure for determining the basic concepts of research, creating by students of the author's pedagogical definition, and contributes to a deeper understanding of the research problem.
The article analyzes the essence, structure of the method of analysis of the categorial- conceptual apparatus for student pedagogical research, and gives a method for mastering it by the future teachers during conducting of scientific pedagogical search. Based on a retrospective analysis of her own pedagogical practice, the analysis of research products of students the results of the effectiveness of the developed algorithm are presented. The way of reflection of the essence of the method of analysis of the categorial-conceptual apparatus in the content of the training-consultations on conducting pedagogical research and realization of the basic provisions in the university pedagogical process is considered The construction of the categorical-conceptual apparatus of the study, as proved by the analysis of student research papers, appears to be a difficult task for sophomoges and often has a formal character or is neglected at all. Thus, the study of course papers of the students of the Faculty of Physics and Mathematics of SumSPU during the five years showed that the elements of the analysis method of the categorial-conceptual apparatus are presented in 30 % of the research. Among them 5 % contain all stages of the analysis: the stage of search, study, production. Method of analysis of categorial-conceptual apparatus (method of categorial analysis) of students' pedagogical research is a method of studying the essence of the basic concepts of the research problem by analyzing, comparing the definitions (approaches to understanding the essence of the concept) existing in the scientific work, understanding the manifestations of the essential features of objects, phenomena or processes in real reality and further systematization, generalization and synthesis of the revealed essential features, qualities and properties, internal connections, objective content in the new theoretical model of definition. The presence in the name of the method of the word "analysis" defines the leading mental operation, but the method integrates a complex set of interconnected thinking operations to construct a definition as a theoretical model of the pedagogical category into a single process that can be divided into stages: the stage of the search (the collection of existing in fundamental and leading modern research definitions of the main categories of research, their grouping; the stage of studying (analysis, comparison, revealing of common and different definitions of different authors on selected aspects, clarification of defining categories in order to identify common and distinct, essential features of the concept, the study of the actual manifestation of phenomena and processes under consideration, in pedagogical reality, comparison and agreement with the theoretical model); production (construction on the basis of analysis, synthesis and presentation of the so-called "working" definition: author's, specified, borrowed (especially for fundamental categories with formed definitions) In accordance with the presented structure, the algorithm of mastering of the method of categorial analysis of the apparatus of pedagogical research for future teachers is proposed. Results of the study of the effectiveness of the implementation of the developed algorithm confirmed the growth of the quality of students' research papers in the specified direction by 16 %. The algorithm is based on the principles of a student-oriented approach. Conducting training sessions on the basis of the given algorithm is aimed at facilitating the process of determining by students of the categorial apparatus of research, provides a procedure for determining the basic concepts of research, creating by students of the author's pedagogical definition, and contributes to a deeper understanding of the research problem.
Ключові слова
вища освіта, педагогічна професійна підготовка, дослідницька компетентність, якість студентського педагогічного дослідження, курсова робота з педагогіки, метод аналізу категоріально-понятійного апарату, тренінг- консультації, higher education, pedagogical professional training, research competence, quality of student pedagogical research, course work in pedagogy, method of analysis of categorical-conceptual apparatus, training-consultation
Бібліографічний опис
Коваленко, Н. Метод категоріального аналізу у студентському педагогічному дослідженні [Текст] / Н. Коваленко // Педагогічні науки: теорія, історія, інноваційні технології : науковий журнал / Міністерство освіти і науки України, Сумський державний педагогічний університет імені А. С. Макаренка ; редкол.: А. А. Сбруєва, М. А. Бойченко, О. Є. Антонова [та ін.]. – Суми : Вид-во СумДПУ імені А. С. Макаренка, 2017. – № 10 (74). – С. 197–209.