Теоретичні аспекти професійної підготовки соціальних працівників до реалізації соціально-реабілітаційного напряму
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СумДПУ імені А. С. Макаренка
У статті проаналізовано теоретичні аспекти професійної підготовки соціальних працівників до реалізації соціально-реабілітаційного напряму. Виокремленні важливі елементи підготовки фахівців соціономічної сфери за відповідним напрямом, а саме: завдання, функції, професійно-профільні знання, уміння й навички, індивідуальні професійно-особистісні якості особистості фахівця, правових та організаційних засад надання соціальних послуг, спрямованих на соціальну реабілітація осіб, які перебувають у складних життєвих обставинах.
The article is aimed at determining theoretical aspects of professional training of social workers for realization of social and rehabilitation direction. The research conducted has made it possible for the author of the article to state that the main task of a social worker is to help a person preserve himself and find his place in the society. This calls for the necessity of future social workers gaining a wide range of knowledge, practical skills and professional and personal qualities. In the article it is highlighted that the task and duties, demands to knowledge and skills of a social worker including social and rehabilitation direction with the people who need it, are given in the reference book for qualification characteristics of the professions. The author of the articles emphasizes that combining professional knowledge and skills with high moral culture of a social worker is an important and necessary condition of his qualification. The author is sure that this is the reason of the necessity to train social workers for realizing social and rehabilitation direction of education of their moral culture. The article reveals important individual and specific professional and personal qualities of a social worker. The attention is paid to the necessity to take into account the main legal and organizational foundations of proving social services aimed at social rehabilitation of people who are in difficult life circumstances. The author presents the basic principles of providing social services to people who need them, including social and rehabilitation services, and gives the list of international documents which lay the foundation of providing services of social rehabilitation for people in difficult life situations. The research proves that one of the most important components of the social rehabilitation theory is presented by the general and specific mechanisms which make the content of social rehabilitation in practice of social work with people who need it and determine strategic ways of implementing scientific results into social protection sphere. The author also gives the interpretation of the notion of social rehabilitation in broad and narrow meaning, outlines kinds of social and rehabilitation activity and defines the main directions of rehabilitation activity.
The article is aimed at determining theoretical aspects of professional training of social workers for realization of social and rehabilitation direction. The research conducted has made it possible for the author of the article to state that the main task of a social worker is to help a person preserve himself and find his place in the society. This calls for the necessity of future social workers gaining a wide range of knowledge, practical skills and professional and personal qualities. In the article it is highlighted that the task and duties, demands to knowledge and skills of a social worker including social and rehabilitation direction with the people who need it, are given in the reference book for qualification characteristics of the professions. The author of the articles emphasizes that combining professional knowledge and skills with high moral culture of a social worker is an important and necessary condition of his qualification. The author is sure that this is the reason of the necessity to train social workers for realizing social and rehabilitation direction of education of their moral culture. The article reveals important individual and specific professional and personal qualities of a social worker. The attention is paid to the necessity to take into account the main legal and organizational foundations of proving social services aimed at social rehabilitation of people who are in difficult life circumstances. The author presents the basic principles of providing social services to people who need them, including social and rehabilitation services, and gives the list of international documents which lay the foundation of providing services of social rehabilitation for people in difficult life situations. The research proves that one of the most important components of the social rehabilitation theory is presented by the general and specific mechanisms which make the content of social rehabilitation in practice of social work with people who need it and determine strategic ways of implementing scientific results into social protection sphere. The author also gives the interpretation of the notion of social rehabilitation in broad and narrow meaning, outlines kinds of social and rehabilitation activity and defines the main directions of rehabilitation activity.
Ключові слова
професійна підготовка, майбутній соціальний працівник, соціально-реабілітаційний напрям роботи, соціальна реабілітація, professional training (education), future social worker, social and rehabilitation direction, social rehabilitation
Бібліографічний опис
Зосименко, О. Теоретичні аспекти професійної підготовки соціальних працівників до реалізації соціально-реабілітаційного напряму [Текст] / О. Зосименко // Педагогічні науки: теорія, історія, інноваційні технології : науковий журнал / МОН України, Сумський держ. пед. ун-т ім. А. С. Макаренка ; [редкол.: А. А. Сбруєва, О. А. Біда, Ю. А. Бондаренко та ін.]. – Суми : СумДПУ ім. А. С. Макаренка, 2020. – № 2 (96). – С. 44–52. – DOI: 10.24139/2312-5993/2020.02/044-052.