Аналіз результатів експериментального дослідження формування професійно-творчих діалогових умінь cтудентів гуманітарних дисциплін у процесі евристичної діалогової взаємодії
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У статті проаналізовано результати впровадження в навальний процес дидактичної моделі формування професійно-творчих діалогових умінь. Виявлено позитивну динаміку раніше визначених нами професійно-творчих умінь – інтелектуальних, конструктивних, організаторсько-регулятивних та діалогічно-евристичних, якими студенти оволодівали під час евристичної діалогової взаємодії, що позитивно вплинули на якість створених майбутніми вчителями творчих освітніх продуктів. З’ясовано, що важливою дидактичною умовою в управлінні евристичною діяльністю студентів є організація суб’єкт-суб’єктної взаємодії за евристичної діалогової взаємодії до особистісно значимої діяльності, паритетних стосунків суб’єктів під час навчання, взаємовідносин на основі смислових особистісних позицій.
The article analyzes the results of introduction in educational process of didactic models of formation of professional-creative dialogue skills. It reveals positive dynamics of previously identified by us professional-creative skills – intellectual, structural, organizational-regulative and dialogical-heuristic, which students acquire during heuristic dialogue interaction that had a positive impact on the quality of created by future teachers the creative educational products. It is found out that an important didactic condition in the management of heuristic activity of students is the organization of subject-subject interaction in the heuristic dialogue interaction to a personal important activity, equal relations of the subjects during the study, relationships based on personal semantic positions. We were able to trace the effectiveness of the heuristic dialogue for the various components specified in the model. Thus, the level of absorption the material was determined by appraisal, disclosed when a student created a meaningful product through a series of questions about the basic concepts of the topic, learning (tests, assignments), fluency issues, whether it is clear for the students the practical application of knowledge in a particular pedagogical situation and prospects affected by the problem. Comparing the data of the ascertaining and control stages of the experiment, we analyzed the growth dynamics of individual groups of professional-creative skills of future teachers of humanitarian disciplines. First of all, in the article is given the specificity of the developed model (its purpose, content), we were interested in the dynamics of the dialogue-heuristic skills of the students. Remembering that all the skills are manifested in the activity, while specifying skills and primarily the skill to put the heuristic questions, we paid special attention during the experiment to this indicator. Therefore, an important step of the conducted research was to identify the quality of improvement of the interrogative skills in the creation of an educational product for humanitarian disciplines. In the experimental groups the students during the course of study showed high and sufficient levels in the process of creating a number of heuristic cognitive issues and purposefully mastered the essential methods of heuristic dialogue.
The article analyzes the results of introduction in educational process of didactic models of formation of professional-creative dialogue skills. It reveals positive dynamics of previously identified by us professional-creative skills – intellectual, structural, organizational-regulative and dialogical-heuristic, which students acquire during heuristic dialogue interaction that had a positive impact on the quality of created by future teachers the creative educational products. It is found out that an important didactic condition in the management of heuristic activity of students is the organization of subject-subject interaction in the heuristic dialogue interaction to a personal important activity, equal relations of the subjects during the study, relationships based on personal semantic positions. We were able to trace the effectiveness of the heuristic dialogue for the various components specified in the model. Thus, the level of absorption the material was determined by appraisal, disclosed when a student created a meaningful product through a series of questions about the basic concepts of the topic, learning (tests, assignments), fluency issues, whether it is clear for the students the practical application of knowledge in a particular pedagogical situation and prospects affected by the problem. Comparing the data of the ascertaining and control stages of the experiment, we analyzed the growth dynamics of individual groups of professional-creative skills of future teachers of humanitarian disciplines. First of all, in the article is given the specificity of the developed model (its purpose, content), we were interested in the dynamics of the dialogue-heuristic skills of the students. Remembering that all the skills are manifested in the activity, while specifying skills and primarily the skill to put the heuristic questions, we paid special attention during the experiment to this indicator. Therefore, an important step of the conducted research was to identify the quality of improvement of the interrogative skills in the creation of an educational product for humanitarian disciplines. In the experimental groups the students during the course of study showed high and sufficient levels in the process of creating a number of heuristic cognitive issues and purposefully mastered the essential methods of heuristic dialogue.
Ключові слова
професійно-творчі діалогові вміння, евристична діалогова взаємодія, творчий освітній продукт, діяльність студентів, особистісні позиції, інтелектуальні вміння, діалогічно-евристичні вміння, майбутні вчителі, якість створених продуктів, professional-creative dialogue skills, heuristic dialogue interaction, creative educational product, student activities, personal positions, intellectual skills, dialogue-heuristic skills, future teachers, quality of created products
Бібліографічний опис
Проценко, І. Аналіз результатів експериментального дослідження формування професійно-творчих діалогових умінь студентів гуманітарних дисциплін у процесі евристичної діалогової взаємодії [Текст] / І. Проценко // Педагогічні науки: теорія, історія, інноваційні технології : науковий журнал / МОН України, Сумський держ. пед. ун-т ім. А. С. Макаренка ; [редкол.: А. А. Сбруєва, О. Є. Антонова, Дж. Бішоп та ін.]. – Суми : СумДПУ ім. А. С. Макаренка, 2016. – № 4 (58). – С. 326–333.