Способи формування професійно-творчих умінь у процесі евристичного діалогу
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З’ясовано важливу роль діалогової взаємодії при створенні освітніх продуктів – основної мети евристичної навчальної діяльності. У дослідженні на базі дидактичної моделі, яка включала й процесуально-діяльнісний компонент, формування професійно-творчих умінь наведено фрагменти лекційних і практичних занять, які сприяють успішному освоєнню майбутніми фахівцями інноваційної освітньої технології – евристичної діалогової взаємодії з пріоритетами запитальної діяльності студентів, спрямованої на досягнення мети навчальної діяльності, – створення значимого для них творчого освітнього продукту.
The important role of dialogue co-operation is found out at creation of educational products – primary purpose of heuristic educational activity. In the research on the basis of didactics model that includes a procedural component, of forming professionally-creative abilities the fragments of lecture and practical employments are given. The successful mastering the future specialists of innovative educational technology is heuristic dialogue co-operation on priorities of interrogative activity of students. It helps to form organizational and regulatory abilities, in particular to carry out organization of participants’ activity to create (innovative) projects; to manage the behavior; to defend the position; communicative ability to cooperate on interactive basis in general (creative co-operating with other subjects of studies); to convince and inspire, attract to itself; to show mutual respect and understanding, mutual help; to be flexible in commonunication, to listen accessibly, distinctly and convincing to lay out an own look in a dialogue. The basic stages of heuristic-dialogue co-operation, on that students prepared and secured for practical employments, productive practice, research and practice conferences in higher educational establishments and schools are distinguished. After creation educational product on the basis of heuristic-dialogue co-operation (these products were recreated as writing works-reflections, essay, reports, scientific lectures, developments of heuristic conversation and others) the students presented them in the classroom. This independent work includes a few stages: 1. Motivational preparation of listeners. A main task consists in excitation, motive of future teachers to creative activity, to importance and active perception of this product. Students before an audience get a small logical comment and explanation in relation to a theme and problems that an author will lift in the performance, what he provides for in actuality, possibility of the use of product in the process of preparation to professional activity of humanities teachers. This monologue gives an opportunity to the speaker to approach an audience to perception of this work and active a heuristic dialogue co-operation. 2. Announcing the content of the product includes such moments as the author continues to deepen an audience to the select problem by facilities of expressiveness, availability, clarity and explanation by means of living word, permanent maintenance of teacher’s attention that carries out the role of basic expert. 3. Heuristic questions of the speaker and to the speaker. Every interactive group after presentation of creative product sets the row of heuristic questions to the author. 4. Performances of the reviewers (2–3 minutes) that are acquainted with a creative product beforehand. They express their opinion in relation to advantages and lacks of the created product, give to the speaker recommendations and advice for further perfection. A review on practical employment is examined by us as a verbal creative product that is estimated by a teacher at the end of study. 5. Estimation of creative product. On this stage every point will be taken into account for the conducted work. These estimations are proposed to the author of creative product by experts, opponents and delegates from every interactive sub-group. In the process of discussion all participants give their evaluation, taking into account the previous reviews. This estimation is not final, the possibility to perfect the creative product is given to a speaker.
The important role of dialogue co-operation is found out at creation of educational products – primary purpose of heuristic educational activity. In the research on the basis of didactics model that includes a procedural component, of forming professionally-creative abilities the fragments of lecture and practical employments are given. The successful mastering the future specialists of innovative educational technology is heuristic dialogue co-operation on priorities of interrogative activity of students. It helps to form organizational and regulatory abilities, in particular to carry out organization of participants’ activity to create (innovative) projects; to manage the behavior; to defend the position; communicative ability to cooperate on interactive basis in general (creative co-operating with other subjects of studies); to convince and inspire, attract to itself; to show mutual respect and understanding, mutual help; to be flexible in commonunication, to listen accessibly, distinctly and convincing to lay out an own look in a dialogue. The basic stages of heuristic-dialogue co-operation, on that students prepared and secured for practical employments, productive practice, research and practice conferences in higher educational establishments and schools are distinguished. After creation educational product on the basis of heuristic-dialogue co-operation (these products were recreated as writing works-reflections, essay, reports, scientific lectures, developments of heuristic conversation and others) the students presented them in the classroom. This independent work includes a few stages: 1. Motivational preparation of listeners. A main task consists in excitation, motive of future teachers to creative activity, to importance and active perception of this product. Students before an audience get a small logical comment and explanation in relation to a theme and problems that an author will lift in the performance, what he provides for in actuality, possibility of the use of product in the process of preparation to professional activity of humanities teachers. This monologue gives an opportunity to the speaker to approach an audience to perception of this work and active a heuristic dialogue co-operation. 2. Announcing the content of the product includes such moments as the author continues to deepen an audience to the select problem by facilities of expressiveness, availability, clarity and explanation by means of living word, permanent maintenance of teacher’s attention that carries out the role of basic expert. 3. Heuristic questions of the speaker and to the speaker. Every interactive group after presentation of creative product sets the row of heuristic questions to the author. 4. Performances of the reviewers (2–3 minutes) that are acquainted with a creative product beforehand. They express their opinion in relation to advantages and lacks of the created product, give to the speaker recommendations and advice for further perfection. A review on practical employment is examined by us as a verbal creative product that is estimated by a teacher at the end of study. 5. Estimation of creative product. On this stage every point will be taken into account for the conducted work. These estimations are proposed to the author of creative product by experts, opponents and delegates from every interactive sub-group. In the process of discussion all participants give their evaluation, taking into account the previous reviews. This estimation is not final, the possibility to perfect the creative product is given to a speaker.
Ключові слова
діалогова взаємодія, творчий продукт, евристичне навчання, запитальна діяльність, навчальний процесс, дидактична модель, майбутні фахівці, професійно-творчі вміння, dialogue cooperation, creative product, heuristic studies, interrogative activity, educational process, didactics model, future specialists, professionally-creative abilities
Бібліографічний опис
Проценко, І. І. Способи формування професійно-творчих умінь у процесі евристичного діалогу [Текст] / І. І. Проценко // Педагогічні науки: теорія, історія, інноваційні технології : науковий журнал / Міністерство освіти і науки України, Сумський державний університет імені А. С. Макаренка ; редкол.: А. А. Сбруєва, Дж. Бішоп, О. В. Єременко та ін. – Суми : СумДПУ імені А. С. Макаренка, 2013. – №8 (34). – С. 143–153.