Особливості організації оздоровлення та відпочинку дітей: закордонний досвід
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СумДПУ імені А. С. Макаренка
Метою статті є аналіз організації оздоровлення та відпочинку дітей за кордоном. Методи дослідження: аналіз і синтез науково-методичної літератури. У статті проаналізовано зарубіжний досвід організації дитячого оздоровлення та відпочинку. Досліджено особливості його організації в країнах далекого та близького зарубіжжя. Сучасні закордонні табори розглядаються як важлива складова системи безперервної освіти, де дитина може не лише покращити своє здоров’я, але й збагатити свої знання. Визначено можливості впровадження зарубіжного досвіду оздоровлення та відпочинку дітей у вітчизняну практику.
The aim of the article is to analyze organization of children’s recreation and rest abroad. Methods of research: analysis and synthesis of scientific-methodological literature. The article analyzes foreign experience of organization of children’s recreation and rest. The peculiarities of their organization in the foreign countries are studied. Recreation and health activities in the European and North American countries are quite diversed. Modern camps abroad are considered an important component of the system of continuous education, where the child cannot only strengthen his health, but also enrich his knowledge. The recreational orientation of children’s camps is harmoniously combined with the educational and upbringing activities, promotes strengthening not only of the physical condition of children, but also of their spiritual-ethic development, makes the work of suburban camps more systematic and holistic, increases its pedagogical potential. The pedagogical programs of American camps take into account all the modern needs of children. With the development of the camp movement abroad, there is a rethinking of the functions of the recreation camp for children. Expansion of the camp network emphasizes upbringing in the younger generation of ecological consciousness. Foreign practice shows that the content of recreation and rest is directed mainly at development of a child’s personality, namely: physical and creative abilities, cultural values, accompanied by a wide range of forms, methods and techniques. Thus, there are different types of camps, of various duration, different sources of financing, different forms of ownership and different pedagogical programs. Today, summer children’s camps are an important part of the system of continuous education, give the person the best opportunities in the field of recreation and rest. It is concluded that foreign experience is a vivid example of how it is possible to qualitatively reform the process of health improvement and recreation of children in our country. Its analysis, reflection and proper assessment will promote development of diverse approaches to solving the problems of summer recreation and rest of children in Ukraine. Therefore, the foreign experience of organizing children’s health and recreation needs further research in order to ensure realization of the children’s right to full and qualitative improvement.
The aim of the article is to analyze organization of children’s recreation and rest abroad. Methods of research: analysis and synthesis of scientific-methodological literature. The article analyzes foreign experience of organization of children’s recreation and rest. The peculiarities of their organization in the foreign countries are studied. Recreation and health activities in the European and North American countries are quite diversed. Modern camps abroad are considered an important component of the system of continuous education, where the child cannot only strengthen his health, but also enrich his knowledge. The recreational orientation of children’s camps is harmoniously combined with the educational and upbringing activities, promotes strengthening not only of the physical condition of children, but also of their spiritual-ethic development, makes the work of suburban camps more systematic and holistic, increases its pedagogical potential. The pedagogical programs of American camps take into account all the modern needs of children. With the development of the camp movement abroad, there is a rethinking of the functions of the recreation camp for children. Expansion of the camp network emphasizes upbringing in the younger generation of ecological consciousness. Foreign practice shows that the content of recreation and rest is directed mainly at development of a child’s personality, namely: physical and creative abilities, cultural values, accompanied by a wide range of forms, methods and techniques. Thus, there are different types of camps, of various duration, different sources of financing, different forms of ownership and different pedagogical programs. Today, summer children’s camps are an important part of the system of continuous education, give the person the best opportunities in the field of recreation and rest. It is concluded that foreign experience is a vivid example of how it is possible to qualitatively reform the process of health improvement and recreation of children in our country. Its analysis, reflection and proper assessment will promote development of diverse approaches to solving the problems of summer recreation and rest of children in Ukraine. Therefore, the foreign experience of organizing children’s health and recreation needs further research in order to ensure realization of the children’s right to full and qualitative improvement.
Ключові слова
оздоровлення та відпочинок дітей, табір, координація та взаємодія, туризм, система дитячого оздоровлення, виховання та освіти, рекреація, health improvement, rest, camp, coordination and interaction, tourism, child health improvement, upbringing and education, recreation
Бібліографічний опис
Докаленко, А. Особливості організації оздоровлення та відпочинку дітей: закордонний досвід [Текст] / А. Докаленко // Педагогічні науки: теорія, історія, інноваційні технології : науковий журнал / МОН України, Сумський держ. пед. ун-т ім. А. С. Макаренка ; [редкол.: А. А. Сбруєва, М. А. Бойченко, О. Є. Антонова та ін.]. – Суми : СумДПУ ім. А. С. Макаренка, 2019. – № 5 (89). – С. 35–46.