Рекомендації В. І. Масальського щодо добору вправ із правопису (до проблеми витоків сучасних підходів до навчання орфографії)
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Мета статті – розглянути методичні рекомендації відомого вітчизняного вченого-філолога і педагога В. І. Масальського (1896–1979) щодо добору вправ із правопису на уроках української мови в середній школі. Методист радить раціоналізувати й урізноманітнити вправи з правопису, ретельно планувати систему тренувальних вправ. Учений вважає, що на добір прийому навчання правопису, правописної вправи впливають характер орфограми й етап заняття. У працях В. І. Масальського можна простежити витоки сучасних підходів до навчання учнів української мови, зокрема навчання орфографії.
The aim of the article is to review the methodological recommendations of the well-known national scientist-philologist and pedagogue V. I. Masalskyi (1896 – 1979) regarding the selection of spelling exercises at the lessons of Ukrainian language in secondary school. Research methods: analysis of scientific works, methodological recommendations, textbooks and manuals, learning of educational documents, curricula. O. Belyaev notes that the attitude of methodologists to spelling was changed through the decades. A transition to a new content of language teaching in school, when it was required to give due consideration to the grammar and spelling alongside with the development of speech, led to the resumption of classes on writing, in particular spelling, were changed totally. Tasks on spelling are an integral part of the entire course and all its sections: the word structure, word-formation, morphology, and even syntax. V. I. Masalskyi believes that the choice of reception of learning spelling and spelling exercises are influenced by the nature of orthogram and the stage of the lesson. The scientist notes that phonetic, morphological and historical principles of spelling reveal the correlation between sound and letters in speech, morphemes in pronunciation and writing, but we should not forget that there are orthograms established on logical basis. It is for learning orthograms that differ from the pronunciation and you need to know the grammar, spelling rules, and be able to apply them. It is important, when planning, to elaborate carefully the system of training exercises, and to consider the conditions of learning two languages. In the Ukrainian linguo-didactics the problem of applying different approaches at the initial stage of training of Ukrainian and Russian languages are reflected in the works of M. Vashkulenko,. I. Gudzyk, O. Khoroshkovska and others. The researches of N. Bondarenko, L. Warzats’ka, N. Holub, A. Goroshkina, V. Zagorodnovs, S. Karaman, A. Nikitina, S. Omelchuk, N. Ostapenko, N. Pentiljuk, I. Hom’yaka, G. Shelekhova, A. Yarmolyuk and others are devoted to the implementation of the approaches to teaching Ukrainian language in primary and secondary school. In the works of V. I. Masalskyi the origins of modern approaches to the process of studying Ukrainian language, and in particular teaching spelling, can be observed. V. I. Masalskyi’s recommendations are valuable.
The aim of the article is to review the methodological recommendations of the well-known national scientist-philologist and pedagogue V. I. Masalskyi (1896 – 1979) regarding the selection of spelling exercises at the lessons of Ukrainian language in secondary school. Research methods: analysis of scientific works, methodological recommendations, textbooks and manuals, learning of educational documents, curricula. O. Belyaev notes that the attitude of methodologists to spelling was changed through the decades. A transition to a new content of language teaching in school, when it was required to give due consideration to the grammar and spelling alongside with the development of speech, led to the resumption of classes on writing, in particular spelling, were changed totally. Tasks on spelling are an integral part of the entire course and all its sections: the word structure, word-formation, morphology, and even syntax. V. I. Masalskyi believes that the choice of reception of learning spelling and spelling exercises are influenced by the nature of orthogram and the stage of the lesson. The scientist notes that phonetic, morphological and historical principles of spelling reveal the correlation between sound and letters in speech, morphemes in pronunciation and writing, but we should not forget that there are orthograms established on logical basis. It is for learning orthograms that differ from the pronunciation and you need to know the grammar, spelling rules, and be able to apply them. It is important, when planning, to elaborate carefully the system of training exercises, and to consider the conditions of learning two languages. In the Ukrainian linguo-didactics the problem of applying different approaches at the initial stage of training of Ukrainian and Russian languages are reflected in the works of M. Vashkulenko,. I. Gudzyk, O. Khoroshkovska and others. The researches of N. Bondarenko, L. Warzats’ka, N. Holub, A. Goroshkina, V. Zagorodnovs, S. Karaman, A. Nikitina, S. Omelchuk, N. Ostapenko, N. Pentiljuk, I. Hom’yaka, G. Shelekhova, A. Yarmolyuk and others are devoted to the implementation of the approaches to teaching Ukrainian language in primary and secondary school. In the works of V. I. Masalskyi the origins of modern approaches to the process of studying Ukrainian language, and in particular teaching spelling, can be observed. V. I. Masalskyi’s recommendations are valuable.
Ключові слова
вправи з правопису на уроках української мови, орфограма, орфографічні правила, правописні навички, орфографічний словник, підходи до навчання української мови, навчання орфографії, exercises on spelling at the lessons of Ukrainian language, orthogram, rules of orthography, spelling skills, spelling vocabulary, approaches to teaching Ukrainian language, teaching spelling
Бібліографічний опис
Кушнірова, Л. В. Рекомендації В. І. Масальського щодо добору вправ із правопису (до проблеми витоків сучасних підходів до навчання орфографії) [Текст] / Л. В. Кушнірова // Педагогічні науки: теорія, історія, інноваційні технології : науковий журнал / МОН України, Сумський держ. пед. ун-т ім. А. С. Макаренка ; [редкол.: А. А. Сбруєва, О. Є. Антонова, Дж. Бішоп та ін.]. – Суми : СумДПУ ім. А. С. Макаренка, 2015. – № 9 (53). – С. 299–307.