Дитячий фітнес як один з ефективних засобів покращення здоров’я та фізкультурної освіченості дітей дошкільного віку
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У зв’язку з тенденцією до погіршення здоров’я дітей, які відвідують дошкільні навчальні заклади, а також недостатнім рівнем їх фізкультурної освіченості, виникає потреба застосування сучасних фізкультурно-оздоровчих технологій. Мета роботи: теоретично обґрунтувати доцільність застосування засобів дитячого фітнесу для покращення здоров’я і фізкультурної освіченості дошкільників. На основі аналізу науково-методичної літератури представлено переваги дитячого фітнесу поряд із традиційними формами та засобами фізичного виховання.
In connection with the tendency to health deterioration of children who go to preschool educational establishments and also with an insufficient level of their physical training education there is a necessity of applying up-to-date physical and health-improving technologies. According to N. E. Pangelova (2014), today almost 80% of children have one or more illnesses and only 15-20% are born absolutely healthy, every third child has deviations in physical or psychological development. Alongside with these data, our research (2012–2014) shows that senior preschoolers have an insufficient level of physical education (a low level of knowledge in physical training and vitally important skills and abilities). The traditional approaches to physical and health-improving work with preschoolers do not often qualify to up-to-date requirements and should be changed to those that could solve tasks on health strengthening, rise of physical training qualification level, timely physical, intellectual and moral development of a child and also forming views on a healthy way of life. The purpose of the paper is to ground theoretically the necessity of using children’s fitness for improving health and physical training education of preschoolers. The advantage of fitness technologies is the fact that it can be widely applied not only in sports clubs, but also in preschool, school and additional education. Modern directions of children’s fitness exert positive influence on the work of basic organism systems, the development of motor skills, disease prevention and also give a possibility to associate with a healthy way of life. Health technologies of fitness in the system of preschool athletic education are sent not only to the increase of a level of physical preparedness of children but also on forming physical culture of a personality of a child, his ideas about the healthy way of life, increase interest in employments that are very actual for today. In the next researches it is planned to ground theoretically and experimentally lead to expediency of application of the facilities of child’s fitness during the implementation of athletic minutes and athletic pauses.
In connection with the tendency to health deterioration of children who go to preschool educational establishments and also with an insufficient level of their physical training education there is a necessity of applying up-to-date physical and health-improving technologies. According to N. E. Pangelova (2014), today almost 80% of children have one or more illnesses and only 15-20% are born absolutely healthy, every third child has deviations in physical or psychological development. Alongside with these data, our research (2012–2014) shows that senior preschoolers have an insufficient level of physical education (a low level of knowledge in physical training and vitally important skills and abilities). The traditional approaches to physical and health-improving work with preschoolers do not often qualify to up-to-date requirements and should be changed to those that could solve tasks on health strengthening, rise of physical training qualification level, timely physical, intellectual and moral development of a child and also forming views on a healthy way of life. The purpose of the paper is to ground theoretically the necessity of using children’s fitness for improving health and physical training education of preschoolers. The advantage of fitness technologies is the fact that it can be widely applied not only in sports clubs, but also in preschool, school and additional education. Modern directions of children’s fitness exert positive influence on the work of basic organism systems, the development of motor skills, disease prevention and also give a possibility to associate with a healthy way of life. Health technologies of fitness in the system of preschool athletic education are sent not only to the increase of a level of physical preparedness of children but also on forming physical culture of a personality of a child, his ideas about the healthy way of life, increase interest in employments that are very actual for today. In the next researches it is planned to ground theoretically and experimentally lead to expediency of application of the facilities of child’s fitness during the implementation of athletic minutes and athletic pauses.
Ключові слова
фізкультурно-оздоровчі технології, фізкультурна освіта, дитячий фітнес, діти дошкільного віку, physical training and health-improving technologies, physical training education, children’s fitness, preschool age children
Бібліографічний опис
Старченко, А. Ю. Дитячий фітнес як один з ефективних засобів покращення здоров’я та фізкультурної освіченості дітей дошкільного віку [Текст] / А. Ю. Старченко // Педагогічні науки: теорія, історія, інноваційні технології : науковий журнал / Міністерство освіти і науки України, Сумський державний університет імені А. С. Макаренка ; редкол.: А. А. Сбруєва, О. Є. Антонова, Дж. Бішоп та ін. – Суми : СумДПУ імені А. С. Макаренка, 2014. – № 2 (36). – С. 177–184.