Комплексна оцінка психофізіологічного стану підлітків як характеристика інформаційного неврозу
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СумДПУ імені А. С. Макаренка
У статті розглядається проблема комплексної оцінки психофізіологічного стану підлітків із різним інформаційним навантаженням як характеристики «інформаційного неврозу». Оцінка психофізіологічного стану здійснена на основі визначення «ціни» навчально-пізнавальної діяльності з використанням математичної моделі. У ході дослідження виявлено низький рівень адаптаційного потенціалу організму до розумових навантажень, зниження рівня функціонального стану організму, наявність невротичних розладів, зниження загального тонусу організму у 37,0 % учнів гімназії, які навчаються в умовах надмірних інформаційних навантажень та 17,0 % учнів із традиційною формою організації навчального процесу. Дуже високий рівень психофізіологічної «ціни» навчально-пізнавальної діяльності виявлений у 34,5 % гімназистів та 11 % школярів, що вказує на наявність гострих порушень або зривів адаптаційних механізмів організму, крім того, може свідчити про наявність «інформаційного неврозу», що потребує додаткових обстежень учнів та аналізу стану їх здоров'я.
The problem of a comprehensive evaluation of the psychophysiological state of youth with various information pressure as the characteristics of "informational neurosis" is dealt with in the article. Nowadays, informational neurosis of school-age children is of particular importance because teaching and learning process in modern institutions of secondary education is accompanied by intensification which itself is one of the reasons of the development of the pathology. On the basis of analysis of literary sources the causes of this phenomenon have been established among which the most common are the following: information overload in combination with limited time for its processing for central nervous system; high level of motivation with a high relevance of the information in combination with the first fact. Evaluation of the psychophysiological state on the basis of the identification of the "value" of learning using the mathematical model (the grade point average of achievement, weekly dynamics of mental working capacity, limit neurotic disturbances, level of neuroticism, heart rhythm variability, sensor-motor reactions) realized among 389 pupils aged from 14 to 15 years in general educational establishments of Sumy city: the main group (MG) included pupils of the gymnasium with the exceed of hygienic regulated amount of the weekly teaching load by 18,2 %, to the comparison group (CG) pupils from a secondary school with a traditional form of study belonged. In this study a low level of adaptive capacity of body to the mental workload, reduction of the functional condition of the human organism, existence of neurotic disorders were found, the overall tone of the organism of the pupils of the MG has decreased by 37,0 %, and the general tone of the organism of the pupils of the CG has fallen by 17, 0 % that in turn is the criteria for rehabilitation and remediation activities aimed at eliminating and prevention mental tiredness further in the future and reducing the risk of the development of "informational neurosis" taking into account individual characteristics of each pupil. Very high level of psychophysiological "value" of learning was found in 34,5 % of students of the gymnasium and 11 % of pupils of the CG that indicates presence of acute violations or disruption of adaptation mechanisms of the organism, in addition, it may indicate the existence of "informational neurosis", that requires additional student survey and analysis of their health status.
The problem of a comprehensive evaluation of the psychophysiological state of youth with various information pressure as the characteristics of "informational neurosis" is dealt with in the article. Nowadays, informational neurosis of school-age children is of particular importance because teaching and learning process in modern institutions of secondary education is accompanied by intensification which itself is one of the reasons of the development of the pathology. On the basis of analysis of literary sources the causes of this phenomenon have been established among which the most common are the following: information overload in combination with limited time for its processing for central nervous system; high level of motivation with a high relevance of the information in combination with the first fact. Evaluation of the psychophysiological state on the basis of the identification of the "value" of learning using the mathematical model (the grade point average of achievement, weekly dynamics of mental working capacity, limit neurotic disturbances, level of neuroticism, heart rhythm variability, sensor-motor reactions) realized among 389 pupils aged from 14 to 15 years in general educational establishments of Sumy city: the main group (MG) included pupils of the gymnasium with the exceed of hygienic regulated amount of the weekly teaching load by 18,2 %, to the comparison group (CG) pupils from a secondary school with a traditional form of study belonged. In this study a low level of adaptive capacity of body to the mental workload, reduction of the functional condition of the human organism, existence of neurotic disorders were found, the overall tone of the organism of the pupils of the MG has decreased by 37,0 %, and the general tone of the organism of the pupils of the CG has fallen by 17, 0 % that in turn is the criteria for rehabilitation and remediation activities aimed at eliminating and prevention mental tiredness further in the future and reducing the risk of the development of "informational neurosis" taking into account individual characteristics of each pupil. Very high level of psychophysiological "value" of learning was found in 34,5 % of students of the gymnasium and 11 % of pupils of the CG that indicates presence of acute violations or disruption of adaptation mechanisms of the organism, in addition, it may indicate the existence of "informational neurosis", that requires additional student survey and analysis of their health status.
Ключові слова
«інформаційний невроз», психофізіологічна «ціна», працездатність, варіабельність ритму серця, сенсомоторні реакції, "informational neurosis", psychophysiological "value", working capacity, heart rhythm variability, sensorimotor reactions
Бібліографічний опис
Заікіна, Г. Комплексна оцінка психофізіологічного стану підлітків як характеристика інформаційного неврозу [Текст] / Г. Заікіна // Педагогічні науки: теорія, історія, інноваційні технології : науковий журнал / Міністерство освіти і науки України, Сумський державний педагогічний університет імені А. С. Макаренка ; редкол.: А. А. Сбруєва, М. А. Бойченко, О. Є. Антонова [та ін.]. – Суми : Вид-во СумДПУ імені А. С. Макаренка, 2018 – № 3 (77). – С. 99–110.