Потенційні чинники розвитку раціональної скрипкової техніки
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СумДПУ імені А. С.Макаренка
У статті розглядається низка чинників, що впливають на раціональне формування скрипкової техніки музиканта‐виконавця. У зв’язку з цим, мета статті полягає у спрямуванні становлення виконавської майстерності скрипалів на розвиток у них попередніх уявлень про зміст виконуваного твору, звук як конкретне явище передачі музичної думки, рухові комплекси, які доцільні для втілення виконавського задуму. Головним чинником раціональної скрипкової техніки є доцільна постановки скрипаля, що означає відмову від статичності та підчиненість її типових форм принципам руху. Важливого значення у статті надається комплексному розгляду ролі свідомості у процесі становлення виконавського мистецтва, що дозволяє трансформувати техніку скрипаля на вищий художньо‐інтерпретаційний рівень.
The article considers a number of factors affecting the rational formation of the violin technique of a musician‐performer. In this regard, the purpose of the article is to direct the development of violinists’ performance skills to the development of their preconceptions about the content of the piece being performed, sound as a specific phenomenon of musical thought transfer, movement complexes that are appropriate for the implementation of the performance plan. For the potential development of the violinist’s technique, the teacher needs to focus on the psychological process of the violinist’s adaptation to mastering artistic and technical tasks. One of the factors in the activation of the violinist’s activity is development of his independence and self‐ observation. The development of violin technique is based on the deep professional competence of the teacher, who must know more than a good performer. Important in the formation of violin performance is the method of perspective learning, i.e., teaching of a specialized subject at school and university by the same teachers, so that there are no disproportions in the methods used by school and university teachers. Modern violin technique puts forward appropriate requirements that the forms of production should be the result of mutual adaptation of the player and the instrument, and the typical forms should be individualized. The expediency of the forms of setting the instrument is determined by its naturalness. To harmonize this process, it is necessary to determine the following factors: objective technical requirements of modern violin art; objective mechanical‐acoustic requirements of the instrument itself; physical data and internal physiological processes of the human body, i.e. freedom, naturalness of playing techniques. The main factor of rational violin technique is the expedient posture of the violinist, which means the rejection of static and subordination of its typical forms to the principles of movement. Importance in the article is given to a comprehensive consideration of the role of consciousness in the process of formation of performing art, which allows to transform the violinist’stechnique to a higher artistic and interpretive level.
The article considers a number of factors affecting the rational formation of the violin technique of a musician‐performer. In this regard, the purpose of the article is to direct the development of violinists’ performance skills to the development of their preconceptions about the content of the piece being performed, sound as a specific phenomenon of musical thought transfer, movement complexes that are appropriate for the implementation of the performance plan. For the potential development of the violinist’s technique, the teacher needs to focus on the psychological process of the violinist’s adaptation to mastering artistic and technical tasks. One of the factors in the activation of the violinist’s activity is development of his independence and self‐ observation. The development of violin technique is based on the deep professional competence of the teacher, who must know more than a good performer. Important in the formation of violin performance is the method of perspective learning, i.e., teaching of a specialized subject at school and university by the same teachers, so that there are no disproportions in the methods used by school and university teachers. Modern violin technique puts forward appropriate requirements that the forms of production should be the result of mutual adaptation of the player and the instrument, and the typical forms should be individualized. The expediency of the forms of setting the instrument is determined by its naturalness. To harmonize this process, it is necessary to determine the following factors: objective technical requirements of modern violin art; objective mechanical‐acoustic requirements of the instrument itself; physical data and internal physiological processes of the human body, i.e. freedom, naturalness of playing techniques. The main factor of rational violin technique is the expedient posture of the violinist, which means the rejection of static and subordination of its typical forms to the principles of movement. Importance in the article is given to a comprehensive consideration of the role of consciousness in the process of formation of performing art, which allows to transform the violinist’stechnique to a higher artistic and interpretive level.
Ключові слова
раціональна скрипкова техніка, доцільні прийоми, індивідуалізація типових форм постановки, метод перспективного навчання скрипаля, художньо‐повноцінне виконавство, rational violin technique, expedient methods, individualization of typical forms of production, method of perspective training of a violinist, full‐fledged artistic performance
Бібліографічний опис
Андрейко О. Потенційні чинники розвитку раціональної скрипкової техніки [Текст] / О. Андрейко // Педагогічні науки: теорія, історія, інноваційні технології : науковий журнал / МОН України, Сумський державний педагогічний ун-т ім. А. С. Макаренка ; [редкол.: А. А. Сбруєва, М. А. Бойченко, О. А. Біда та ін.]. – Суми : СумДПУ ім. А. С. Макаренка, 2024. – № 3 (137). – С. 242–251. – DOI: 10.24139/2312‐5993/2024.03/242‐251