Соціалізація студентської молоді в позанавчальній діяльності як соціально-педагогічна проблема
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Стаття присвячена проблемі соціалізації сучасної студентської молоді в позанавчальній діяльності. Особлива увага звертається на аналіз формування у студентської молоді мобільності, динамічності та внутрішньої потреби співвіднесення особистих прагнень із інтересами суспільства. Розглянуто системні принципи соціалізації, форми й методи позанавчальної діяльності, в основу яких покладається добровільність, вибір напрямів, активність і самодіяльність студентів. Теоретично доведено, що в процесі позанавчальної діяльності у студентів формуються особистісні та професійні якості, розвивається соціальна активність, накопичується соціальний досвід.
The article is devoted to the modern problem of socialization of students in extracurricular activities. The genesis of scientific representations of scientists about socialization is traced. Orientation, objectives, nature of socialization process of students, their emergence as subjects of public relations, as the formation of specialists have a significant impact on the quality characteristics of the prospects for the development of our society are characterized. Transformation of society will be successful if it is supported by active, creative inclusion of the younger generation in the process of creating the material and spiritual wealth. Particular attention is paid to the problem of socialization of students that is affected by all the changes taking place in the political, spiritual development of the country and the social and economic position. It is noted that socialization is the process of identification, assimilation of values, norms, attitudes, patterns of behavior adopted in a definite society. Socialization of students has an important place among pedagogical problems, being one of the most acute, largely determines the prospects for the development of higher education. In today’s world, universities are of great importance for the development of society as a whole, as the center of national culture, education and socialization. In this article we are talking about young students, which have mobility, dynamism and an internal need to relate their own aspirations with the public interest. The principles, forms and methods of extra-curricular activities, based on voluntary activity and initiative of students are characterized. Particular attention is paid to extracurricular activities as a specific type of activity, carried out in the area of free time in order to ensure the formation of civil, common cultural, moral, ethical, aesthetic and creative qualities of the individual student. It was found out that personal and professional qualities are formed, social activity is developed, social experience is accumulated in the process of extra-curricular activities of the students.
The article is devoted to the modern problem of socialization of students in extracurricular activities. The genesis of scientific representations of scientists about socialization is traced. Orientation, objectives, nature of socialization process of students, their emergence as subjects of public relations, as the formation of specialists have a significant impact on the quality characteristics of the prospects for the development of our society are characterized. Transformation of society will be successful if it is supported by active, creative inclusion of the younger generation in the process of creating the material and spiritual wealth. Particular attention is paid to the problem of socialization of students that is affected by all the changes taking place in the political, spiritual development of the country and the social and economic position. It is noted that socialization is the process of identification, assimilation of values, norms, attitudes, patterns of behavior adopted in a definite society. Socialization of students has an important place among pedagogical problems, being one of the most acute, largely determines the prospects for the development of higher education. In today’s world, universities are of great importance for the development of society as a whole, as the center of national culture, education and socialization. In this article we are talking about young students, which have mobility, dynamism and an internal need to relate their own aspirations with the public interest. The principles, forms and methods of extra-curricular activities, based on voluntary activity and initiative of students are characterized. Particular attention is paid to extracurricular activities as a specific type of activity, carried out in the area of free time in order to ensure the formation of civil, common cultural, moral, ethical, aesthetic and creative qualities of the individual student. It was found out that personal and professional qualities are formed, social activity is developed, social experience is accumulated in the process of extra-curricular activities of the students.
Ключові слова
соціалізація, студентська молодь, студентський вік, особистість, адаптація, розвиток особистості, студентська група, позанавчальна діяльність, види позанавчальної діяльності, socialization, students, student age, student group, personality, adaptation, personal development, extracurricular activities, types of extracurricular activities
Бібліографічний опис
Алєксєєва, В. Соціалізація студентської молоді в позанавчальній діяльності як соціально-педагогічна проблема [Текст] / В. Алєксєєва // Педагогічні науки: теорія, історія, інноваційні технології : науковий журнал / МОН України, Сумський держ. пед. ун-т ім. А. С. Макаренка ; [редкол.: А. А. Сбруєва, О. Є. Антонова, Дж. Бішоп та ін.]. – Суми : СумДПУ ім. А. С. Макаренка, 2016. – № 5 (59). – С. 419–425.