Особливості організації освітнього середовища ЗВО авіаційного профілю
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СумДПУ імені А. С. Макаренка
У статті наголошується на необхідності організації освітнього середовища в льотних закладах освіти з урахуванням особливостей професійної діяльності фахівців авіаційної галузі. Говориться про те, що Міжнародна організація цивільної авіації (ІCАО) надає рекомендації щодо професійного підготовки льотного складу, а саме подано опис умінь і навичок, необхідних для реалізації професійних дій, що допомагають досягти професійної майстерності. Акцентується, що зважаючи на специфіку льотних ЗВО, Державна авіаційна служба України окреслює вимоги щодо підготовки льотного складу в Україні, у відповідності до цих вимог, льотні ЗВО мають специфічну структуру й організацію освітнього процесу. З’ясовано, що підвалиною якісної фахової підготовки майбутніх авіафахівців є ефективна організація освітнього середовища.
Article emphasizes necessity of organizing educational environment in aviation higher education institutions, taking into account peculiarities of aviation specialists’ professional activity. It is stated that International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) provides guidance on flight crew professional training, namely a description of skills and competencies required to undertake professional activities, which help achieve professional proficiency. In accordance with pilots’ certification rules, including obtaining a certificate, requirements for graduates of aviation higher education institutions are outlined. It is emphasized that in view of aviation higher education institutions specifics, State Aviation Authorities of Ukraine outline following requirements for flight crew training in Ukraine: civil aviation higher education institutions in Ukraine, which prepare candidates for flight crew certification (FTO) and/or recording of qualification information in the crew member’s certificate (TRTO), must have a certificate issued by State Aviation Authorities. In accordance with requirements, aviation higher education institutions have an organizational and structural department, the purpose of which is to educate disciplined, responsible, competent aviation specialists. Department structure provides for positions of officers (head of department, heads of courses, tutor) and sergeants (sergeant of the course, sergeant of the group, deputy sergeant of the group). Persons enrolled in aviation higher education institutions are granted cadet status. Each course has training groups and training squadrons. Other specific features include cadets’ accommodation in dormitories of closed type, eating in dining room, attending classes in uniform. The teacher who teaches cadets of aviation higher education institutions must also, in accordance with statute, observe the rules of wearing uniform, discipline and cooperate with organizational and structural department. It is clarified that cadets’ professional training for future professional activity in aviation higher education institutions is performed in various directions: acquisition of theoretical knowledge, formation of skills in the process of simulator training and real activity, etc. Training of future aviation specialists belongs to those components of aviation system that contain a number of dangerous factors, timely detection of which prevents aviation accidents and catastrophes and should become the essence of flight safety, so the basis of qualitative professional training of future aviation specialists is effective organization of educational environment.
Article emphasizes necessity of organizing educational environment in aviation higher education institutions, taking into account peculiarities of aviation specialists’ professional activity. It is stated that International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) provides guidance on flight crew professional training, namely a description of skills and competencies required to undertake professional activities, which help achieve professional proficiency. In accordance with pilots’ certification rules, including obtaining a certificate, requirements for graduates of aviation higher education institutions are outlined. It is emphasized that in view of aviation higher education institutions specifics, State Aviation Authorities of Ukraine outline following requirements for flight crew training in Ukraine: civil aviation higher education institutions in Ukraine, which prepare candidates for flight crew certification (FTO) and/or recording of qualification information in the crew member’s certificate (TRTO), must have a certificate issued by State Aviation Authorities. In accordance with requirements, aviation higher education institutions have an organizational and structural department, the purpose of which is to educate disciplined, responsible, competent aviation specialists. Department structure provides for positions of officers (head of department, heads of courses, tutor) and sergeants (sergeant of the course, sergeant of the group, deputy sergeant of the group). Persons enrolled in aviation higher education institutions are granted cadet status. Each course has training groups and training squadrons. Other specific features include cadets’ accommodation in dormitories of closed type, eating in dining room, attending classes in uniform. The teacher who teaches cadets of aviation higher education institutions must also, in accordance with statute, observe the rules of wearing uniform, discipline and cooperate with organizational and structural department. It is clarified that cadets’ professional training for future professional activity in aviation higher education institutions is performed in various directions: acquisition of theoretical knowledge, formation of skills in the process of simulator training and real activity, etc. Training of future aviation specialists belongs to those components of aviation system that contain a number of dangerous factors, timely detection of which prevents aviation accidents and catastrophes and should become the essence of flight safety, so the basis of qualitative professional training of future aviation specialists is effective organization of educational environment.
Ключові слова
авіаційний фахівець, льотний заклад вищої освіти, професійна підготовка, освітнє середовище, авіаційна галузь, ІCАО, свідоцтво пілота, специфіка закладу вищої освіти, aviation specialist, aviation higher education institutions, professional training, educational environment, aviation industry
Бібліографічний опис
Плачинда, Т. С. Особливості організації освітнього середовища ЗВО авіаційного профілю [Текст] / Т. С. Плачинда // Педагогічні науки: теорія, історія, інноваційні технології : науковий журнал / МОН України, Сумський держ. пед. ун-т ім. А. С. Макаренка ; [редкол.: А. А. Сбруєва, М. А. Бойченко, О. Є. Антонова та ін.]. – Суми : СумДПУ ім. А. С. Макаренка, 2019. – № 6 (90). – С. 120–129.