Педагогічні аспекти розвитку мовлення слабочуючих учнів в процесі секційних занять фізичними вправами
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У статті розкрито педагогічні аспекти розвитку мовлення слабочуючих учнів старшого шкільного віку в процесі секційних занять фізичними вправами, які ґрунтуються на використанні мовленнєвих конструкцій з обов’язковим використанням української мови, побудованих з урахуванням їх послідовності. Увага акцентується на систематичному повідомленні мовленнєвого матеріалу, що сприяло збагаченню словника учнів лексикою та фразеологією, скороченню термінів засвоєння техніки фізичних вправ, дозволило покращити функціональний стан рухового аналізатора й активізувати пізнавальну діяльність слабочуючих.
In the article pedagogical aspects of the development of the speech of hard of hearing pupils of the senior school age in the course of s ectional exercises by physical exercises are revealed, based on the use of speech constructions with the obligatory use of the Ukrainian language, built taking into account their sequence. The process of speech development of hard of hearing pupils of the senior school age necessitates the use of special methods: the formation of colloquial speech of the hearing impaired as a means of communication in the process of exercising, the use of auditory perception, learning to read from the lips and pronunciatio n. The condition for conducting table tennis lessons, strength training, sports and applied swimming, running exercises is the formation of a coherent speech with the help of the description of the technique of exercises, techniques, methods of their appli cation in a specific case, determining the influence on the body of young men, communication about equipment, inventory and their а appointment, explanation of competition rules. The emphasis is on the systematic message of the speech material that contributes to the enrichment of the pupil’s vocabulary and phraseology, reducing time to master the technique of exercise, helps to impro ve the functional state of the motor analyzer and to stir up informative activity of hearing.
In the article pedagogical aspects of the development of the speech of hard of hearing pupils of the senior school age in the course of s ectional exercises by physical exercises are revealed, based on the use of speech constructions with the obligatory use of the Ukrainian language, built taking into account their sequence. The process of speech development of hard of hearing pupils of the senior school age necessitates the use of special methods: the formation of colloquial speech of the hearing impaired as a means of communication in the process of exercising, the use of auditory perception, learning to read from the lips and pronunciatio n. The condition for conducting table tennis lessons, strength training, sports and applied swimming, running exercises is the formation of a coherent speech with the help of the description of the technique of exercises, techniques, methods of their appli cation in a specific case, determining the influence on the body of young men, communication about equipment, inventory and their а appointment, explanation of competition rules. The emphasis is on the systematic message of the speech material that contributes to the enrichment of the pupil’s vocabulary and phraseology, reducing time to master the technique of exercise, helps to impro ve the functional state of the motor analyzer and to stir up informative activity of hearing.
Ключові слова
розвиток мовлення, слабочуючі учні, педагогічні аспекти, фізичні вправи, speech development, hard of hearing pupils, pedagogical aspects, physical exercise
Бібліографічний опис
Колишкін, О. В. Педагогічні аспекти розвитку мовлення слабочуючих учнів в процесі секційних занять фізичними вправами / О. В. Колишкін // Освіта осіб з особливими потребами: шляхи розбудови : зб. наук. праць / за ред. В. В. Засенка, А. А. Колупаєвої. – Київ : ТОВ „Наша друкарня”, 2017. – Вип. 13. – С. 123–130.