Побудова інтелектуальної системи оцінювання знань з урахуванням моделі студента з вищої математики
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Метою статті є побудова інтелектуальної системи тестування знань з урахуванням особливостей моделі студента та представлення розробленої WEB-програми підсумкового тестування й аналізу результатів навчання з вищої математики для студентів інженерних спеціальностей. Методика дослідження порушеної проблеми охоплює методи педагогічного дослідження, а також методи формалізованого представлення систем, методи, засновані на використанні знань і інтуїції фахівців, методи тестового контролю. Область застосування розробленої WEB-програми навчальні заклади. Подальша робота включає проведення експериментальної перевірки алгоритму адаптації ступеня складності завдання, аналіз її результатів і внесення необхідних змін у систему.
Information and communication technologies have a high pedagogical potential, allow significantly diversify the methods of organizing and implementing effective educational process, create intelligent learning system. Therefore, the purpose of article is building intelligent testing system taking into accout the model of the student and presentation of the program developed by WEB-final test and analyzing the results of the study of higher mathematics for engineering students. Research methodology of the problems raised are: pedagogical research methods and simulation, systems analysis, methods of formalized representation of the systems, methods, based on the use of knowledge and intuition of experts, test control methods (non-adaptive methods, partially adaptive, fully adaptive methods). In this work the following concepts are defined: intelligent learning, student model, classification of models of the student. WEB-developed program of testing and analysis of final results in higher mathematics is presented. In developing WEB-testing program summary and analysis of training was used partly adapted method and formed stereotyped of student model. Organization of control in this case is intended to: accelerate testing through the previous grading students; increase the objectivity of the inspection and assessment of knowledge; facilitate the work of teachers, freeing them from the routine checking of written work (he can devote more time to individual sessions with students). The program has two modes: «Teacher-administrator», «Student». In subsystem «Teacher» was made the formation of the student model, which contains a lot of information about the student. These data represent the set of input parameters for decision-making system of teaching and testing environment adaptation. The control system provides knowledge in subsystem «Student». In subsystem «Student» were used the algorithms of adaptation of difficulty levels for the system to the level of students’ knowledge. This program is designed for the use in schools during testing. It may be noted that intellectual knowledge assessment systems of student model are gaining popularity, due to their objectivity, availability and economic efficiency. Student modeling plays an important role in the adaptation of electronic systems testing. Further work includes an experimental verification algorithm of adaptation of the degree of difficulty of the task, analyzing the results and making the necessary changes to the system.
Information and communication technologies have a high pedagogical potential, allow significantly diversify the methods of organizing and implementing effective educational process, create intelligent learning system. Therefore, the purpose of article is building intelligent testing system taking into accout the model of the student and presentation of the program developed by WEB-final test and analyzing the results of the study of higher mathematics for engineering students. Research methodology of the problems raised are: pedagogical research methods and simulation, systems analysis, methods of formalized representation of the systems, methods, based on the use of knowledge and intuition of experts, test control methods (non-adaptive methods, partially adaptive, fully adaptive methods). In this work the following concepts are defined: intelligent learning, student model, classification of models of the student. WEB-developed program of testing and analysis of final results in higher mathematics is presented. In developing WEB-testing program summary and analysis of training was used partly adapted method and formed stereotyped of student model. Organization of control in this case is intended to: accelerate testing through the previous grading students; increase the objectivity of the inspection and assessment of knowledge; facilitate the work of teachers, freeing them from the routine checking of written work (he can devote more time to individual sessions with students). The program has two modes: «Teacher-administrator», «Student». In subsystem «Teacher» was made the formation of the student model, which contains a lot of information about the student. These data represent the set of input parameters for decision-making system of teaching and testing environment adaptation. The control system provides knowledge in subsystem «Student». In subsystem «Student» were used the algorithms of adaptation of difficulty levels for the system to the level of students’ knowledge. This program is designed for the use in schools during testing. It may be noted that intellectual knowledge assessment systems of student model are gaining popularity, due to their objectivity, availability and economic efficiency. Student modeling plays an important role in the adaptation of electronic systems testing. Further work includes an experimental verification algorithm of adaptation of the degree of difficulty of the task, analyzing the results and making the necessary changes to the system.
Ключові слова
інформаційно-комунікаційні технології, інтелектуальні системи, модель студента, бази даних, тестування, системи контролю знань, педагогічні технології, вища математика, методи тестового контролю, information and communication technology, intelligent systems, model of student, databases, testing, control of knowledge, pedagogical technologies, higher mathematics, methods of test control
Бібліографічний опис
Гулєша, О. М. Побудова інтелектуальної системи оцінювання знань з урахуванням моделі студента з вищої математики [Текст] / О. М. Гулєша // Педагогічні науки: теорія, історія, інноваційні технології : науковий журнал / МОН України, Сумський держ. пед. ун-т ім. А. С. Макаренка ; [редкол.: А. А. Сбруєва, О. Є. Антонова, Дж. Бішоп та ін.]. – Суми : СумДПУ ім. А. С. Макаренка, 2015. – № 7 (51). – С. 23–31.