Характеристика алгоритму планування фізкультурно-оздоровчої реабілітаційної програми для дітей із комплексними порушеннями психофізичного розвитку
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У статті охарактеризовано складові покрокового алгоритму планування комплексної фізкультурно-оздоровчої реабілітаційної програми для дітей із комплексними порушеннями психофізичного розвитку. Алгоритм може бути використаний у практичній роботі нещодавно створених в Україні навчально-реабілітаційних центрів. Автором описано поетапне застосування представленого алгоритму й надано визначення для кожного його етапу. Зосереджено увагу на можливих труднощах у процесі застосування пропонованого алгоритму та засобах їх подолання.
This article describes the components of incremental scheduling algorithm integrated sport and recreation rehabilitation program for children with complex psychophysical development. The algorithm can be used in the practical work of the newly created Ukrainian educational and rehabilitation centers. The author describes details of the phased implementation of the presented model and gives a definition for each of its components. The author pays special attention to the possible difficulties in the implementation of the proposed algorithm and the ways to overcome them. In practice, the implementation of the model planning exercise for children with severe mental and physical development will go through the following tasks: 1) determine the number of students; 2) determination of purpose for an individual student or group of students; 3) determine the benefits and opportunities tastes student or group of students; 4) identify opportunities for correcting existing defects mental and physical development, the availability of specialized equipment, adaptations, special teaching methods, medical indications for exercise and warnings, depending on the individual students; 5) a plan of exercise on the analysis of collected data; 6) evaluate the effectiveness and functionality of the composite employment plan during its implementation; 7) make changes in the plan of exercise after evaluation. Teacher in the conditions of a special institution cannot work with only one child, so a universal model of building plan of exercise for children with severe mental and physical disabilities are solving urgent practical problems of special education. Further research in the field of application of means of physical culture in working with children who have complex psycho-physical deficiencies can be directed at developing specific techniques and tasks for pupils in educational and rehabilitation centers, depending on the existing shortcomings of psychophysical development and the specific institutions.
This article describes the components of incremental scheduling algorithm integrated sport and recreation rehabilitation program for children with complex psychophysical development. The algorithm can be used in the practical work of the newly created Ukrainian educational and rehabilitation centers. The author describes details of the phased implementation of the presented model and gives a definition for each of its components. The author pays special attention to the possible difficulties in the implementation of the proposed algorithm and the ways to overcome them. In practice, the implementation of the model planning exercise for children with severe mental and physical development will go through the following tasks: 1) determine the number of students; 2) determination of purpose for an individual student or group of students; 3) determine the benefits and opportunities tastes student or group of students; 4) identify opportunities for correcting existing defects mental and physical development, the availability of specialized equipment, adaptations, special teaching methods, medical indications for exercise and warnings, depending on the individual students; 5) a plan of exercise on the analysis of collected data; 6) evaluate the effectiveness and functionality of the composite employment plan during its implementation; 7) make changes in the plan of exercise after evaluation. Teacher in the conditions of a special institution cannot work with only one child, so a universal model of building plan of exercise for children with severe mental and physical disabilities are solving urgent practical problems of special education. Further research in the field of application of means of physical culture in working with children who have complex psycho-physical deficiencies can be directed at developing specific techniques and tasks for pupils in educational and rehabilitation centers, depending on the existing shortcomings of psychophysical development and the specific institutions.
Ключові слова
фізичне виховання, алгоритм, діти з комплексними порушеннями психофізичного розвитку, навчально-реабілітаційний центр, physical education system, algorithm, children with complex psychophysical development, educational-rehabilitation center
Бібліографічний опис
Лещій, Н. Характеристика алгоритму планування фізкультурно-оздоровчої реабілітаційної програми для дітей із комплексними порушеннями психофізичного розвитку [Текст] / Н. Лещій // Педагогічні науки: теорія, історія, інноваційні технології : науковий журнал / МОН України, Сумський держ. пед. ун-т ім. А. С. Макаренка ; [редкол.: А. А. Сбруєва, О. Є. Антонова, Дж. Бішоп та ін.]. – Суми : СумДПУ ім. А. С. Макаренка, 2016. – № 7 (61). – С. 254–262.