Роль сприймання художнього твору у процесі його реалізації
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СумДПУ імені А. С. Макаренка
Мета статті - визначити місце та роль сприймання художнього твору у процесі його реалізації в літературній освіті учнів загальноосвітніх навчальних закладів. У статті розглядається процес сприймання як необхідний етап у роботі над текстом художнього твору в літературній освіті учнів загальноосвітніх навчальних закладів. Проаналізовані чинники адекватного сприймання тексту художнього твору. Особлива увага приділена ролі процесу сприймання художнього твору під час його реалізації на уроці літератури. Застосування теоретичних та емпіричних методів наукового пошуку і глибоке опрацювання психолого-педагогічної, літературознавчої, методичної літератури з проблеми дослідження дозволило зробити низку переконливих висновків про пріоритетну роль сприймання тексту серед інших форм роботи під час вивчення художнього твору на уроках української літератури. Метод спостереження за процесом аналізу твору дав можливість виділити фактори адекватного сприймання тексту літературного твору.
There is an increased attention from literary critics, psychologists and teachers to the problem of perceiving fiction and its interpretation. The purpose of the article is to determine the place and role of perception in fiction during the process of its interpretation during literary education of students. The article outlines preconditions of full-fledged perception of fiction, among them - understanding of the aesthetic nature of the word, actual knowledge of the theory under analysis, possession of knowledge and skills to find the main components of content and philological abilities to understand fiction. School curricula in Ukrainian literature directly point to the leading goal of literary education - to create a sense of beauty through the artistic word, to develop the aesthetic tastes of the younger generation. The higher the overall culture of the reader, the more valuable and stable the perception of the art and the interest in its content will be. Teacher professionalism and methodological skillset provide a backbone of student readiness for further work with fiction and its interpretation. Pedagogical experience and creative vision of fiction interpretation design students' perception in such a way as to ensure the adequacy of understanding, with which the co-creation of students may occur. The teacher of Ukrainian literature can use various effective forms and methods of teaching: historical commentary, introductory speeches, the use of other types of art - painting, music, theater, cinema, etc. Reasonable and thoughtful use of these and other forms and methods of teaching during the first lesson of a large monographic topic contribute to students' development and readiness for further understanding of the fiction, creating collaborative atmosphere. In the process of this research, many theoretical methods were used. The study of psycho¬pedagogical, literary and methodological literature allowed to make a number of conclusions, in particular, about the priority role of perceiving the essay while studying the artistic work during the Ukrainian literature lessons. We see this as a practical value of research. Among many empirical methods, the observation method during the analysis process was used. It made it possible to distinguish factors of students' adequate perception of the composition. For further study, the problem of finding new methods of working with the students while training them for fiction interpretation still remains. With the implementation of "New Ukrainian School" concept, the use of modern technology during fiction interpretation remains a relevant question as well.
There is an increased attention from literary critics, psychologists and teachers to the problem of perceiving fiction and its interpretation. The purpose of the article is to determine the place and role of perception in fiction during the process of its interpretation during literary education of students. The article outlines preconditions of full-fledged perception of fiction, among them - understanding of the aesthetic nature of the word, actual knowledge of the theory under analysis, possession of knowledge and skills to find the main components of content and philological abilities to understand fiction. School curricula in Ukrainian literature directly point to the leading goal of literary education - to create a sense of beauty through the artistic word, to develop the aesthetic tastes of the younger generation. The higher the overall culture of the reader, the more valuable and stable the perception of the art and the interest in its content will be. Teacher professionalism and methodological skillset provide a backbone of student readiness for further work with fiction and its interpretation. Pedagogical experience and creative vision of fiction interpretation design students' perception in such a way as to ensure the adequacy of understanding, with which the co-creation of students may occur. The teacher of Ukrainian literature can use various effective forms and methods of teaching: historical commentary, introductory speeches, the use of other types of art - painting, music, theater, cinema, etc. Reasonable and thoughtful use of these and other forms and methods of teaching during the first lesson of a large monographic topic contribute to students' development and readiness for further understanding of the fiction, creating collaborative atmosphere. In the process of this research, many theoretical methods were used. The study of psycho¬pedagogical, literary and methodological literature allowed to make a number of conclusions, in particular, about the priority role of perceiving the essay while studying the artistic work during the Ukrainian literature lessons. We see this as a practical value of research. Among many empirical methods, the observation method during the analysis process was used. It made it possible to distinguish factors of students' adequate perception of the composition. For further study, the problem of finding new methods of working with the students while training them for fiction interpretation still remains. With the implementation of "New Ukrainian School" concept, the use of modern technology during fiction interpretation remains a relevant question as well.
Ключові слова
художній твір, сприймання, текст, урок української літератури, літературна освіта учнів, письменник, fiction, perception, text, lesson of Ukrainian literature, students' literary education, writer
Бібліографічний опис
Захарова, В. Роль сприймання художнього твору у процесі його реалізації [Текст] / В. Захарова // Педагогічні науки: теорія, історія, інноваційні технології : науковий журнал / Міністерство освіти і науки України, Сумський державний університет імені А. С. Макаренка ; редкол.: А. А. Сбруєва, М. А. Бойченко, О. Є. Антонова [та ін.]. – Суми : Вид-во СумДПУ імені А. С. Макаренка, 2017. – № 6 (70). – С. 177–187.